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Hermiones POV:

After arriving back to the manor, Narcissa smiles and shoots fireworks to the ceiling. I laugh as she does a happy dance.

"Well as my first night as a free woman," she emphasizes the free, "I will be going out with Molly and Arthur!"

"Mum are you sure? You just got out of a trial." Draco laughs.

"I know I did, but Molly asked me to go out with them, and I want to. We will be going to muggle London! I'm just so excited!" She beams.

"You'll love it Cissy," I say to the woman.

"Yes I do believe I will! Don't wait up for me dears! And please use contraceptive spells!" She yells heading to the floo.

"Mother!" Draco yells after her. I blush and put my face in my hands.

"You're mother is something else." I laugh as Draco leads me up the stairs to his bedroom.

"Yes, but I'm glad she's back to her old self." Once we reach his room, Draco slams the door and pushes me against it. "And I'm glad, we are finally alone." His lips find mine in a crushing kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. He lips leave mine and I smile.

"We've technically been alone in this room before," I say smiling at him.

"Yes my love, we have. However, my mother has always been right down the hall. Now I get to make you scream." My eyes widen at his words. He grabs me by the throat and pulls me back to his lips. His movements are fast paced. He grabs my thighs moving his lips down my neck. I jump wrapping my legs around his waist. He moves to his bed sucking on my skin.

"Draco..." I moan out as he sits down. My hands make quick work of the buttons on his shirt. He stops his assault on my neck to rid me of my dress. When he notices what I'm wearing under it, he growls in approval. "I thought maybe I could surprise you."

"As much as I love you in slytherin green, I'd much prefer you naked." He picks me back up laying me down on his bed. I grab his face bringing his lips to mine. While we kiss, his hands snake down my body to my thighs. His left hand moves up my inner thigh reaching toward my panties. Without warning, he moves them to the side and pushes one of his fingers into me. I gasp and he go back to my neck. He adds another digit as he sucks on my pulse point.

"Draco please."

"Please what love?" He whispers in my ear. I just moan when his right hand reaches up pulling one of the cups of my bra down. He attaches his mouth to my nipple, rubbing my clit with his thumb.

"Fuck..." I writhe under his touch. His lips make their way back to my ear.

"Do you want me to fuck you Mia? Do you want me to make you scream my name as I pound into you?" I shiver at his words. I can't contain the moans anymore. My body aches for more. I nod scratching at his back. "Words love."

"Ohhh, ugh yes Draco..."

"Yes what?" Stupid tease.

"Please fuck me!" I groan as I near closer to my climax.

"I will, but first, I want you to come for me." He says against my ear. He moves to pull my underwear off and I have no time to prepare as his mouth attacks me. He sucks on my clit causing me to moan louder. His fingers continue to move in and out as he works his magic with his mouth.

"Oh fuck, Draco...." I'm close, and he knows it. I grab onto the sheets below me. I arch my back as I come on his face. He licks every inch of me before he stands from the bed to remove his pants. As soon as he's rid of them, he climbs back on top of me. He reaches behind me and undoes my bra, throwing it somewhere in his room. He kisses me softly grabbing my hand. In the next second, he pushes into my entrance causing me to moan in pleasure.

"Fuck you're so tight," he says laying his forehead on mine. His pace is slow at first, but then he builds up speed. Soon, he's fucking me hard and fast.

"Draco!" I moan loudly as his hand moves to my clit. With his hand making circles and his large member inside me, I can barely contain it. At this point I can't even form a coherent word.

"That's it Mia, come for me." He says leaning down to kiss my neck. "I want to fill you up." He says causing me to shiver. I can't take it anymore and I come undone under his touch. "Fuck." He groans grabbing onto the headboard. His thrusts become sloppy as he orgasms. I pant as he falls to my side. He wraps his arms around me pulling me close to his chest.

"I love you," I say as I regain control of my breathing.

"I love you too." He whispers as he kisses my shoulder. "So since my mother is gone...." I turn my head to him with wide eyes.


"How about I draw you a bath?" He asks with a mischievous grin.

"Round two?" I smile at him.

"Fuck yes." He leaps from the bed picking me up and carrying me to his bathroom.

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