Pain & Tears

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A/N: So the beginning of this chapter is when they are all in the ministry and Hermione is next to Umbridge. Make sure you read the first paragraph!!!

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Hermione's POV:

My hands shook as I heard Umbridge addressing the people of the court. I looked up to see my friends standing in the corner. Despite my complaints of him getting in trouble, Draco came with us. Of course he was disguised just as we were, but I was still scared something would happen. I flinched every time her high pitched voice rang out. After Umbridge was done talking I heard Harry speak up.

"You're a liar Umbridge!" She looked shocked but now was my cue. "And one mustn't tell lies."

I reached up and snatched the necklace off of her neck as Harry yelled stupefy. After that I began to sprint. We took the woman Umbridge was questioning with us trying to keep her safe. Of course she thought Ron was her husband because he looked like him. We started running as soon as the elevator stopped. The polyjuice potion was beginning to wear off and Harry was recognized immediately.

"Shit." I turned to see platinum blonde hair beginning to show.

"We need to get you out of here!" I grabbed Draco's hand and started running faster. Someone was chasing us, but we were almost there. We just had to reach the apparation point and we'd be fine. As soon as we jumped in the man who had been chasing us followed. I wasn't sure what was happening, but I knew the man had ahold of us. In the middle of the apparation I changed destinations. This was extremely dangerous but it could save us.

"AGGH!" When we landed Draco let out a agonizing cry.

I looked over to see Draco laying on the ground, blood seeping from his left shoulder.

"Hermione what the hell happened?!" Harry screamed freaking out.

"Harry get the dittany out of my bag! Please hurry," I screamed as I started to take off Draco's shirt. I started to sob as his blood started to get all over my hands. "Draco I'm so...I'm so sorry!"

"Why aren't we back at Grimmauld Place?" Ron looked at me with confusion in his eyes.

"I-I...he was going to get us...I had to take us somewhere else, but Draco got splinched!" I cried. Harry ran to me with the potion and I began to put a few drops on Draco's arm. With each drop he cried out in pain. "It's's ok....just a bit more Draco." I looked down at his arm and caught a glimpse of his dark mark. I wondered if he was really forced to take it. After a minute the bleeding stopped and the wound began to heal. Slowly. "Ron get going on the tent. Harry put protective enchantments around us. I'll take care of Draco." I looked only at Draco. Why was I so worried about him?


"Shush. You need to rest. We can talk later."

Draco's POV:

I looked up at Hermione. She had tears falling down her cheeks and sadness in her eyes. I tried to reach up to wipe away the tears but my left arm wouldn't move. I raised my right hand up to her face. She flinched, but let me move my hand closer. I wiped a tear away from her cheek and she leaned into my touch. "Don't cry 'Mione."

She smiled at the nickname. "You need to be still. Your arm will heal quicker if you don't move so much." She went to her bag and returned with a piece of cloth. "This might hurt but I need you to sit up."

I simply obeyed as she tied to cloth around my neck and put my arm into the bottom of it. With each movement I winced at the pain. All she could say was "I'm sorry".

"Hermione, the tent is ready." I looked up to see Ron. He looked at me with death in his eyes.

"Ron will you help Draco into the tent? I'm going to help Harry with the enchantments."

"Yeah," Ron answered with venom in his voice. Once Hermione was out of view he grabbed me by my left arm, the one that had just been splinched, and pulled me off the ground. I bit my tongue as the pain grew insufferable. "I don't know what you're doing to her mind, but you need to quit it. She's mine and only mine."

"Last I heard you laughed in her face when she admitted her feelings for you."

"I was naive. She's mine Malfoy. So back the fuck off."

"You don't own her Weasel."

"And you do?"

"No one owns her. She's her own person and if she wants to move on to a real man let her."

I pulled my arm out of his grip and walked towards the tent. 'Who does he think he is?! She is most definitely not his. She's mine and only mine. I will not let him touch her! Woah...did I just say that?' I shook my head of the possessive thoughts.

"Ugh why can't I stop falling for you 'Mione?" I rubbed my face with my right hand, seeing as my left was immobile. After Weasleys death grip, my arm had bled a little bit more and the pain was a constant bother. I looked to my left to see Hermione's bag. 'I should write to my parents.' I grabbed the bag and looked for parchment and a quil with ink. After getting annoyed with the thing I simply used the Accio spell to retrieve what I needed.

"What are you doing?" I turned to see Hermione walking into the tent.

"I figured I should come up with some excuse for me not being at home. I'm going to write Zabini first." Hermione gave me a weary look, "He's on our side, don't worry. I'll tell him to cover for me if my parents ask about me. Then I'll write to my parents and tell them I'm staying with Blaise for a while to take a breather. That way I can stay here and heal then go back if need be."

"That's...actually not a bad idea Draco."

"Always the tone of surprise," I smiled at her as she began to blush. A/N: see what I did there?

"Hey...I have a question."

"Ok. What is it?"

"Do well I-I was kind of wondering...if" I chuckled at her nervousness. She is quite cute when she nervous.

"Hermione," I got up and walked over to her grabbing her hand with my right one, "what is it?"

"I was w-wondering if y-you remembered that d-day."

"What day?"

"Our day together..." Her blush became a deeper pink.

"Of course I do Hermione. How could I forget?" I pondered what to do next.

"I thought it would be best not to mention it to Harry....or Ron. Especially Ron. I think it best if we just forget that anything ever happened."

"I don't want to forget. Hermione can we please talk abou-" I was cut off by Harry calling for Hermione.

"Oh...I'll be right back...I'm sorry."

"No, it's ok. I'll wait in here." I sighed. I almost got it out. Dammit Potter. I don't know if I could ever tell her how I truly felt. I walked back over to my letters and finished them while I waited.

Hermione's POV:

I walked out of the tent trying to think of anything else. Anything other than him. Thinking of that day we shared made my cheeks grow red. Why did I even bring it up?

"Hermione why is your face red?" I turned to see Ron glaring at my cheeks.

"Oh...I'm just cold Ronald."

"Yeah right."

A/N: aghhhh I have literally written half of a chapter then deleted it because I feel like it doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

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