You Know I Didn't

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Kaminari's POV:

Jiro's face turned bright red as she stared back at Kaminari, not knowing what to do next, while he couldn't help but laugh at his girlfriend.

'Your face!'

Kaminari kept laughing as Jiro poke him with her earphone jacks.

'Hey, what was that for?'

'You know what that was for.'

Wait, did she hate the kiss?

'D-did you hate it?'

'You know I didn't.'

She said as she stood up.

'Anyway, it's getting kinda late and mum wants me back for dinner.'

'Yeah we should probably head back, it's been fun hanging out with just you though.'

Kaminari stood up as well and they began to walk off.

'Well, you better get used to it, because it's all I plan on doing.'

'What about planning on being a hero?'

'We can be heroes together.'

'We would be the greatest team.'

Kaminari says grabbing hold of Jiro's hand, she turns to look at him.

'Yeah, now that you can control your quirk.'

This is the best day of my goddamn life, my first date with my first official girlfriend. Nothing could make this day better.

Jiro's POV:

As the two walked back to Jiro's apartment building they couldn't help but laugh at how they were around each other last year.

'No but Kaminari you don't understand, you are the reason why I agreed to do the song for the school festival, I wasn't even paying attention to half the stuff you were saying to me, all I remember is me just freaking out because I realized in that moment that I liked you.'

'Wait really, me saying how many instruments you can play and how freaking amazing that is made you fall for me?'

'No no, that's when I realized I like you, I went back to my dorm later that night and realized that I've had this feeling all year and just keep pushing it down.'

Am I saying too much? He seems to be enjoying hearing me talk, but that could just be Kaminari being a dork like he always is.

'So what your saying is you liked me from the start but just kept denying it?'


'Classic Tsundere move.'

'I am not!'

'You'll realize it one day.'

'Anyway, thank you for today, it's been amazing, I guess next time I see you we will be back in dorms.'

Jiro said as they approached her apartment building.

'Yeah, it's been fun, see you in dorms.'

Jiro kissed him on the cheek and turned to head inside.

'Bye Pikachu.'

I love you. 

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