Playing Matchmaker

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~time skip two days later~

Kamianri's POV:

Thank god it is almost the end of the day, it's only day 3 out of the whole year and I've already had enough.

'Ok you all can start packing up to go back to the dorms, remember the homework Mic set you and have a good rest of your day, class dismissed.'

Mr Aziawa said, and as the class began to pack up he made another announcement.

'Also can Jiro and Kaminari stay behind please.'

I'm sorry, what?

The two looked at each other not sure what to do.

'Oooh~ someone's in trouble.'

Mine teased them as she got up from her desk.

'Their not in trouble.'

Aziawa said reassuring the two.

After the class had left Jiro and Kaminari stood in front of Aziawa who was standing behind the teacher's podium at the front of the classroom.


He began.

'How was your holiday?'

Is this really what he wanted us for?

'They were good.'

Jiro said.

'Yep, great, fun time.'

Kaminari added.

'Nothing interesting happened? Nothing worth noting?'

Aizawa said.

What does he want to know?


They both responded.

'Ok, great.'

Aizawa said, folding his arms and leaning on the board behind him.

'So how long has this been going on for?'

'Has what?'

Jiro asked nervously.

'You two.'

Aizawa responded knowing something was up.

'I have been a teacher for I don't want to say how many years, I can tell when a student likes another student and I can also tell when two students are dating.'

For some reason their bright red shocked faces wasn't enough confirmation for their teacher, so he edged them on.

'Honestly I'm surprised at how the rest of the class doesn't relentlessly tease you about like what normally happens.'

Kaminari and Jiro look at each other.

'They don't know, do they?'

Jiro's POV:

'No, they do not know.'

Jiro said looking down at the floor.

'When are you going to tell them?'

Aizawa was now curious.

'Weren't not, were gonna wait until they figure it out.'

Kaminari said.

'That's evil.'

Aizawa stood up from leaning on the board.

'But also extremely genius, because, no offence, but you guys can be extremely clueless sometimes.'

'Thank you?'

Jiro said not entirely sure if their teacher was being serious or not.


Mr Aziawa continued.

'Are you guys the first couple in the class?'

Why does he want to know?

'Yeah, I think we are'

Kaminari answered.

'Ok great, because  then both Midnight and Mic own me twenty bucks.'

Wait what?

'I'm sorry what?'

Kaminari asked his teacher shocked.

'Oh yeah, we had a bet going on who the first couple in your class would be, it started just after the USJ attack last year. I betted on you two because I since day one it's been obvious.'

Aizawa answered to his student.

'Also, I'll let you guys in on a little secret, seeing as I know yours, but every time I say I randomized the groups, they were not random, I chose who you went with, your welcome.'


'So you were playing matchmaker all year?'

Jiro asked, now even more shocked than her boyfriend.


Aizawa said smiling to himself.

'You know I can help you guys if you want, you know group you together for work and stuff like that, help suspicion start to arise.'

'Wait, you can do that?'

Kaminari asked him.

'Pikachu, he did it all last year, who's to say he can't and won't do it again.'

Jiro said, poking him with her earphone jack.

'She's got a point, and Jiro stop you'll make him fry his brain.'

Aizawa said grabbing his sleeping bag, getting ready to leave for the day.

'Yeah, Jiro listen to the teacher.'

Kaminari said as soon as she stopped.

'I'll give you something to listen to in a second.'

Jiro said sassily, almost flirting back at him.

'This is gonna be a fun year, well that was all I need to talk to you about. You might want to come up with something, because the others will ask what I need to talk to you guys about. Also I'm fine with you guys spending nights and stuff in each other's dorms, just don't do anything stupid or inappropriate. Have a good rest of your day, I will see you two tomorrow.'

And with that Aziawa walked out of the classroom leaving the two to register what just happened. 

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