Kinda Funny

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Jiro's POV:

'Ok class good job today and stuff.'

It was the end of the day and 1A had just finished hero training, Aziawa could see that some people had started gaining suspicion around Kaminari and Jiro. Normally he doesn't care about couples in his class but this was different.

'Um, Jiro and Kaminari could you two take that equipment back to the workshop, support place thing. I'm too tired to do this, ok class dismissed.'

Everyone turned to leave while Kaminari and Jiro did what Aziawa asked, he had recently been pairing them up for almost everything.

'You feeling any better?'

Kaminari asked her when it was just them.

'Kind of, I'm still a little shaken.'

Jiro explained.

I can't get that dream out of my head, it felt so real. It's just been playing on loop all day.

'Hey, umm, so i didn't want to tell you this last night but your dream, well it was probably more of a nightmare, was accurate.'

Kaminari looked down at the box of equipment he was holding.

'Wait, really?'

'Yeah, the reason why I do those silly little movements and noises is so people know i'm ok, and people know not to worry about me. Without it people would have no idea if i'm ok or not.'

'So, your not acting dumb, your acting kinda smart. Showing people that you are ok even if you can't out right say it to them.'

'Yep, and it also makes people laugh.'

'It is kinda funny.'

'Kinda funny? Everyone else giggles a little bit while you're there almost dying of laughter. And blushing, might I add.'

Kaminari smirked at Jiro.

'Shut up.'

Jiro poked him with one of her earphone jacks.

'I don't normally remember very much when I'm in that state, but I just mainly remember you.'

'Wait, we thought you didn't remember anything when you were like that.'

'Nope, I remember a lot more than you would think, it's just a little foggy.'

'I wonder why I never asked you that question before?'

'Normally people are just throwing insults at me, and don't have time to ask me questions.'

'Yeah, sorry about that.'

'It's fine you have an exception.'


'You're a tsundere.'

Kaminari smiled at Jiro. She just sighed.

'I've given up fighting about it at this point.'

'So what you're saying is that you agree with me.'

Before Jiro could respond they were met by Hatsume.

'Hey guys, how was the new equipment, did it work well?'

Hatsume asked them.

'They were great.'

Kaminari said.

'Perfect, I can take them back from here. I was sent to come find you guys and I did.'

Hatsume said taking the boxes off of Jiro and Kaminari.

'Yes, you certainly did.'

Jiro said.

'Anyway i'm going back to continue working on my babies. Have a fun rest of your day.'

Hatsume said as she walked off.

'You too.'

They both called out.

Kaminari's POV:

'Hey, I was wondering if the class doesn't figure it out. When do we tell them?'

Kaminari asked after Hatsume was out of sight.

'I want to say graduation, but feel like that is too far.'

Jiro said.

'Congratulations you have graduated from UA's hero course and as a side note two of your classmates have been dating for two years, you guys are blinder than bats.'

Kaminari laughed.

'Yeah, on the last day of school we just go, oh yeah, guys by the way, we've been dating the past two years, just thought we would let you know.'

Jiro added, laughing as well.

'Just thought that maybe you would like to know, that's all, no big deal.'

Kaminari said.

I love talking with Jiro. I feel like I can say whatever and she wants to judge me or tell me my opinion is wrong. I feel almost free when I talk with her. And I think she feels that same way. I think she likes it when I hug her, she seems to calm down easily when I do, that's what worked so well last night.

'I love you.'

Kaminari said after a moment of silence.

'I love your smile, I love your eyes, I love your hair, I love your hugs, I love your kisses, I love the way you talk. I love everything about you, Beautiful.'

Kaminari continued.

'I love you too, Pikachu.'

Jiro smiled.

'You make me laugh a lot, and that is not easy to do.'

'So, you find me kinda funny?'

Kiminari smirked at her.

'I find it funny.'

Jiro said turning to look at the ground, they were almost back at the dorms.

'If you had told me on my first day at UA that by the same time next year I would be dating one of the boys in the class, I would have thought you lost your mind. But now I could imagine my life without it.'

She turned back up to see Kaminari smiling to himself.

'If you had told me that I would get a girlfriend, I would have asked you if you were speaking to the right person. It's been three months and i still wake up and sometimes forgot I have a girlfriend. I never thought someone would like me.'

Kaminari explained.

'Well I love you more then you will ever know, and you are kinda funny.'

Jiro smiled.

'Only kinda?'

Kaminari said as they walked up the stairs to the dorm building.


Jiro said opening the door to the dorms.

I love that girl.

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