Little Lighting Bolt

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~ time skip two months later~

Kaminari's POV:

Three Months. It's been three months since Jiro agreed to be my girlfriend. We've been dating for three months, and the class still has no idea. Hope she likes the gift I got her, I know it's gold and I've only ever seen her wearing silver jewelry, so I hope she's not mad.

As Kaminari sat in his room getting his things together so Jiro could help him with the  homework, he grabbed a little brown box he had hidden in his bedside drawer, putting it in his pocket. He walked across the hall to Jiro's room. I was kind of nervous to see her reaction to the gift.


Jiro said happily as she saw Kaminari entering her room, closing the door behind him.

'I brought the things you told me to bring, so you could help me with the homework.'

Kaminari told her.

As well as a gift for you, but you don't know that yet, because I haven't told you about it or given it to you.


Jiro kissed him before walking over and sitting down at her desk. Kaminari followed.

'Ok so before I help you with that, I just want to say.'

Jiro began. Kaminari looked worried, as if he had done something wrong and was getting court.

'Oh, it's nothing bad, you don't need to worry.'

She noticed her boyfriend's expression.

'But, I think people are starting to catch on that something is going on between us, because the  girls have been asking me questions, like crazy about me and you. But early today Bakugo, ask me about you.'


Kaminari asked her. He knew Bakugo was the one that made him confess that he liked Jiro, but he thought Bakugo would just leave it at that.


Jiro reposed.

'What did he say?'

Kaminari asked, as he sat down in the chair next to hers.

'You've been spending a lot of time with spark-plug this year, what do you think of him?'

Jiro said.

'And what did you say?'

Kaminari asked.

'I said that I thought you were cool and that you can be funny, at times.'

'Why did you add the at times part?'

'Because why not.'

Jiro kissed him again before turning to grab her textbook.

Jiro's POV:

After helping Kaminari with the homework, Jiro sat on her bed checking her phone while he packed up his things.

'Hey Kyoka?'

He said sitting on the bed next to her.


Jiro put her phone down and turned to face him.

'N-not that I've been counting or anything but.'

He started.

What is he going on about?

'Today, kind of marks, three months of us dating.'

Kaminari smiled at her.

'Wait, really?'

Jiro asked him.


He said, smiling wider. Jiro leaned over and kissed him.

'Best three months ever.'

She said hugging him.

'I actually got you something.'

Kaminari told her.

'Wait, really?'

Jiro let go of her boyfriend and moved back. Kaminari reached into his pocket and pulled out the little brown box he had put in there before he left his dorms. He handed it to Jiro.

'You didn't have you get me anything.'

She said he did that.

'Of course I do, you're my girlfriend and I love you.'

Kaminari smiled.

'I love you too.'

Jiro opened the box to see a gold necklace with a little lightning bolt charm handing it off.

'I know you normally wear silver jewelry but they only had it in gold-'

Jiro threw herself onto Kaminari, knocking him backwards onto her bed.

'It's perfect, just like you.'

She kissed him. He kissed back.

'And besides, lighting bolts are normally yellow and gold is just a shiny yellow.'

Jiro told him.


Kaminari said

'And you're yellow.'

Jiro added.

'And you're purple.'

Kaminari smirked at her.

'And you're an idiot.'

'Your idiot.'

'My idiot, and I love my idiot.'

They kissed again. 

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