Explain What Happened

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Kaminari's POV:

The school festival had finished for another year, Class A had all gathered in the common room to celebrate and wind down from the day's festivities. Jiro had quickly gone up to her room to put something away and whilst she was up there everyone sat down leaving the only available seat next to Kaminari.

I love how the only seat left available for Jiro is right next to me, like come on guys if your trying to push us together to see what we do, don't make this obvious.

As Jiro came down the stairs everyone started clapping for her.

'Thank you?'

Jiro was confused at what the class was clapping about.

'No thank you Jiro, without you we won't have been able to do what we did today.'

Momo happily thanked her friends.

'It's nothing, really.'

Jiro said as she took the seat next to Kaminari without even giving it a second thought.

Like really, there are people literally sitting on the floor when there was space on the couch.

'I wasn't able to go last year so it was really cool to see the hype people had around it.'

Shinso mentioned.

'Wait you didn't go last year?'

Kirishima asked.

'Nope, some people could hear the song from outside the gym but I was too far away to hear it.'

Shinso replied.

'I've still got the recording I gave to Mina to use to practice with the dancers, speaking of which Mina do you still have the demo song?'

Jiro turned to look at Mina who was sitting on one of the little ottomans staring at the ground.


Uraraka repeated her name, putting her hand on Mina's shoulder to get her attention.

'You all good?'

'Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking.'

Mina looked over to where Kaminari and Jiro were sitting. She knew if she was going to tell everyone what she saw it was going to be now or never.

Jiro's POV:

'Ok, anyway this year's song was really cool though Jiro, it really got people dancing.'

Uraraka turned back to face Jiro.

'Indeed, it seemed that people were quite enjoying themselves.'

Iida added.

'Yeah, they couldn't stop the feeling of dancing.'

Kirishima said.

'Or happiness.'

Tsu added.

'Or freedom.'

Sero added as well.

'Or love.'

Mina mumbled.

'Did you say something Mina?'

Uraraka turned back to look at her.


Mina looked up and noticed everyone looking at her.

Why is she smirking? Wait a second, is she about to do what I think she is?

'Kaminari and Jiro.'

Mina said taking her change, it was now or never.


The two said in unison.

'Do you two want to explain what happened backstage, you know, when you thought that you two were the only ones back there?'

Mina smirked.

'We were putting away the instruments from the show.'

Kaminari looked to Jiro.

'No, no. You did something else as well.'

Mina said, slightly leaning back on the ottoman.

Something else? Wait, she mean the other thing we did.

'Oh wait, you mean this.'

Jiro said, then turning to kiss Kaminari in front of the whole class.

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