Operation Expose Kamijiro

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~time skip one month later~

Mina's POV:

Practicing for the show had gone great. Everyone was happy with how the song sounded, and didn't expect anything. To them the song was about being happy and wanting to dance, Jiro and Kaminari just went along with that narrative. The festival and show was tomorrow, so as one final meeting before the big day, Mina got everyone in the class in the common room to go over the plan.

'Ok so is everyone here.'

Mina asked.

'Everyone except Jiro and Kaminari.'

Iida responded. The two had gone out on a little date, however they told their classmates they both had family matters to attend to.

'Yeah, Kaminari said today is his dad's birthday, so he's out having dinner with his parents.'

Kirishima mentioned, adding to what Iida had said.

'Jiro said the same thing, except it wasn't her dad's birthday today. It's her Gran's birthday tomorrow, however they're having dinner to celebrate it tonight.'

Uraraka said, looking over at Mina.

'However, they both coincidentally left at the same time and said they would be back at the same time.'

Mina began to read off a speech she had prepared.

'We, the Kamijiro exposure squad, think there is something else going one. Something that those two are not telling us.'

'Yeah, no shit Sherlock.'

Shinso piped up.

'Excuse me, can I please get through my speech that I wrote at two am this morning?'

Mina asked, directing the question at Shinso.

'Two am? What were you doing up that at that ungodly hour?'

Iida firmly asked Mina, doing weird hand movements like always.

'One, she was up at writing the speech she is about to read out to us. Two, that is an amazing time to be awake, I'm just saying. And three, yeah you can go on with your speech.'

Shinso said, responding to both Mina and Iida.

'Thank you.'

Mina flicked her page to feel more important.

'We at the Kamijiro exposure squad for that last, I think around three or four months, have been taking notes and observing the suspicious behavior of Kaminari and Jiro together.'

Todoroki put his hand up.

'Questions at the end.'

Mina said, noticing his hand.

'Any way, here is the top ten list of things we at the K.J.E.S. noticed in order from the start of the year to now.'

Mine flipped over the page and on it read out:

Kamijiro sus activity:

The first night back they keep looking at each other across the table

Like the third day of school Aziawa talked to them after class and has since been pairing them up for literally everything.

Jiro casually called Kaminari Denki in front of Momo.

Kaminari goes to Jiro and only Jiro for help with his school work.

Jiro confessed she liked Kaminari the day after had Kaminari confessed he liked Jiro.

Kaminari's Pikachu plush went missing, coincidentally the same time Jiro was found with a Pikachu plush in her room.

Openly flirted with each other in front of the class.

Start calling each other by the first names in front of the class.

Kaminari has had Jiro help him with the guitar this time around instead of last year where he had Tokoyami help him.

Not too sure if this is involved in anything, but Jiro has been wearing a gold necklace. She does not wear gold jewelry, making us girls think that someone special has given it to her.

'Any questions?'

Mina said after she had finished reading off the list.


Todoroki said.

'I thought they were already dating, and I through that everyone knew that they were dating.'

The room fell silent.

Have they really been dating this enter time? All the evidence is there. I can't believe it.

'Those little shits.'

Bakugo sounds pissed.

'They've been dating this enter fucking time, haven't they?'

Sero asked Mina.

'I can't believe how blind we've been.'

Mina just stood there in shock.

'They probably think they are so freakin clever.'

'We've have been saying they've been growing close.'

Kirishima mentioned.

'But we didn't expect it to be this close.'

Mina added.

'The next question is that if they are dating, when did they start going out?'

Uraraka brought up.

'That's a good point, they could just be doing this just to mess with us.'

Momo added.

'Would they do that though?'

Tokoyami asked.

'It's Kaminari and Jiro, if they can do this, who knows what they can pull off.'

Kirishima said.

'Ok, so, game plan.'

Mina said getting the attention of the class.

'Tomorrow is the festival, what if we try and push those two together and see what happens?'

'Sounds good, I'm down with that.'

Sero said, the rest of the class agreed.

'Good, operation expose Kamijiro has officially begun.'

Mina smiled.

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