Really This Blind?

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Jiro's POV:

Later that night, Kaminari sat in Jiro's room as she started writing out the new song for the class to perform.

'You got any ideas?'

He said while swinging on her desk chair, Jiro was sitting on the floor with a folder in front of her.

'What's the folder for? Can I see it?''

'Are you going to let me answer the first question?'

Jiro looked up at him. Kaminari stopped swinging on the chair.

He really can't keep still, can he.

'I have a few ideas.'

Jiro looked back down at the folder.

'I want to try and include at least a few lines to do with you, but not directly call you out, if you get what I mean?'

'So like you want some line about love or keeping a secret from others.'

Kaminari moved down to sit on the floor opposite her.

'And the folder?'

'It's all songs and snippets of songs I've written over the past few years. Some of them are better than others.'

Jiro looked up at him.

'Any about me?'

Kaminari asked eagerly.


Jiro smiled and turned back to flip through the folder.

'Can I hear them?'

He asked.

'May some other time.'

Jiro anxiously said.

'That's ok, when even you want to show them to me you can. No need to worry.'

Kaminari crawled over to sit next to Jiro, he put an arm around her and just watched as she flipped through the pages.

He really does care, doesn't he. Oh my god, some of these songs are so old, I've forgotten about so many of them.

Jiro stopped at a page.

This could work.

Kaminari's POV:

Kaminari's attention had shifted from the folder Jiro was flipping through, to just Jiro.

She's so pretty and talented, I love her. I love times like this when it's just us, it feeling like the rest of the world doesn't matter. She means the world to me and nothing can change that. I wonder how much longer we are going to have to keep this secret, people have surly got to have started noticing by now. Are people really this blind, I mean Iida literally wears glass-

Denki was stopped when he felt a kiss on his lips.

'I've been saying your name for the past like thirty seconds, idiot.'

Jiro seamed a little angry.


'Sorry, I just got lost in a train of thought, find a song?'

He asked.


Jiro lent back up against Kaminari.

'It's a bit cheesy, but then again I did write it in middle school with a few friends, so what can you do. But I have the sheet music I made for it, it's just the guitar and drums. I can make some sheets for bass and keys. I'll also need to record a demo for Mina to use with the dance team, but what do you think?'

She handed him the sheet of paper with all the lyrics written down on it.

'Can't stop the feeling by Kyoka and a bunch of other names.'

Kaminari read the page she had given him.

'Is the feeling love?'

Kaminari asked her after he finished reading it.

'That was the idea behind the song when we wrote it. But really the feeling can be what ever you want it to be happiness, freedom, a positive thing.'

Jiro said.

'Perfect, welp I need to get back to my dorm and finish that homework.'

Kaminari kissed Jiro before turning around to leave.

'I love you.'

Kaminari went to grab where he had left his hoodie on the end of Jiro's bed, but it wasn't there.

'Aux cord?'


Jiro looked up at Kaminari.

'Where's my hoodie?'

'I don't know what you're talking about.'

Jiro smiled.

'Where did you put it?'

'I didn't put it anywhere.'


Kaminari sighed.

'You'll look cute in it anyway.'

Jiro blushed at Kaminari's comment. He kissed her again before standing up. 

'Also I'm surprised it's taken you five months to take something of mine, I thought you would have done it sooner.'

'I did, but you just didn't realize.'

She has? And here I was thinking about how blind everyone else is, when I don't even realise when my own girlfriend has my own hoodie. Am i really this blind? Hold on.


Kaminari suddenly realized what Jiro was talking about.

'That's my black black hoodie your currently wearing, isn't it?'


Jiro said smiling.

'I thought I left that at my parents house.'

'Nope you left it in my room, and I took it. It's mine now, you are never getting it back. Either of them back.'

'I know.'

'I love you.'

Jiro got up to hug her boyfriend goodbye.

'I love you too, but does this mean you have to steal something of mine?'

'Well one, it's not really stealing if you know it's going to happen.'

Kaminari looked at Jiro.

'And two I already stole something of your.' 

'Wait, you did? What did you take?'

Jiro said in a rush trying to think of if she had misplaced something.

'Your heart.'

Kaminari Kissed her on the forehead, then left her dorm. Leaving Jiro to process what just happened.

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