All I Want

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 ~ time skip two days later ~

Kaminari's POV:

Kaminari and Jiro had been avoiding each other for the past few days and it was tearing them apart. It was late at night and Kaminari was just chilling in his room, until Jiro sent him a text.

'Can you come over to my dorm now'

'We need to talk'

We do need to talk, I need to apologize for how much I hurt her.

As Kaminari entered her dorm he noticed Jiro sitting on the end of her bed looking down at the floor, not looking up to look at him.

'So, I'm here, like you asked me to be.'

He says closing the door. Jiro didn't talk, she didn't know where to start.

'Jiro I just want to say that I'm sorry for lashing out at you, I shouldn't have done that. You matter too much to me, I hope we can still be friends.'

Kaminari stood there in silence just looking at Jiro, she didn't say a word.

'Are you going to talk or just give me the silent treatment?'

Kaminari was starting to get impatient. After another silent moment he spoke again.

'If you're not going to talk then why did you ask me to come over, what do you want?'

Again she didn't respond.

Kaminari turned to leave. He felt one of Jiro's earphone jacks wrap around his wrist.


She said.


Kaminari turned around to look back at Jiro. She was still looking at the floor.

'You ask me what I wanted.'

She answered.

'I want you.'

She looked up at him, crying.


Kaminari rushed over to her, hugging her tight. She begins to cry harder. He moves onto the bed pulling her into his lap. Jiro wraps her arms around him, burying her face into his chest.

'I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry that I made you feel like you weren't good enough, you are amazing I'm not good enough for you, I don't deserve you, I don't deserve anyone.'

She sobbed.

'Shh, it's ok, you don't need to apologize, I'm the one that needs to apologize to you. I should have not said what I said. If I hadn't of said that I would still be your boyfriend.'

Jiro looked up at him.

'You never stopped being my boyfriend.'

What? She still wants to be with me after what I said to her.


Kaminari asked.

'Of course.'

Jiro hugged him tight.

'Kaminari, you're amazing, and I don't deserve someone like you, but you chose me out of everyone in the world. And I am forever grateful for that.

Do it, now.

Jiro's POV:

'Ok? You're amazing, never forget that.'

Jiro continued. 

'And I am truly sorry for making you feel that way because I don't want to be without you. I hope you feel the same way-'

Kaminari kissed Jiro, cutting her off.

'I love you, Kyoka.'

He said smiling.

'I love you more, Denki.'

Jiro wrapped her arms around his neck making their lips touch again.

Please never let this feeling end.

Kaminari pulled away.

'I love you the most.'

He said, smiling again, pulling Jiro into a hug.

If I'm dreaming, I don't want to ever wake up.

Suddenly Kaminari started laughing.


Jiro looked at her boyfriend confused.

'So that's where he wandered off to.'

Kaminari motioned to pile of pillows behide Jiro


Jiro asked, turning around to see a little yellow butt sticking out from underneath her pillow.


She said turning back to Kaminari.

'I couldn't have my favorite Pikachu for a few days, so I had to settle for the second best.'

'I'm your favorite?'

'Of course.'

Jiro said cupping his face with her hands.

'You always will be no matter what.'

She kissed him again. He kissed back.

'I am never letting you go again, ok aux cord?'

He said pulling her in tight once again.


Jiro agreed happily.

Aux cord. He called me aux cord. Kaminari took my first kiss. I had my first kiss. Oh my god, I didn't even register what happened, all I cared about was that I got my Denki back. My Denki, I like that. He's mine and I'm his, I'm his aux cord and he is my Pikachu.

'You know you're not going back to your dorm tonight, right?'

Jiro said looking up at her boyfriend.

'Why would I, all I will ever want is here in my arms.'

Kaminari squeezed her tight.

'And I have no intent on leaving them.'

Jiro kissed him again, this time she made sure her lips stayed on his as long as they could.

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