Fantastic News

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~time skip the next morning~

Kamianri's POV:

The class sat down in the same seat placement as last year and eagerly waited to see who their new teacher for this year was going to be. Until the door opened...


'Great to see you all again.'

He walked in holding his sleeping bag and looking as tired and done with life as ever.

'What are you doing here?'

Mina asked their first year teacher.

'Well Principal Nezu thought it would be more educational if the teacher stayed with their class as they moved through their schooling.'

'That is fantastic news Mr Aizawa, we all can not wait to see what you bring to our studies this year.'

Iida said whilst doing his weird hand movements.

'Can he bring sleeping bags for the rest of this year?'

Jiro said making the class laugh.

'Funny you should mention last year, because the enter staff at UA and l know the real reason for why he has done this, it's because he just wants to see me with you guys again, I don't know why, but I hope you're not too mad about it.'

'We would never be mad about it. We all enjoyed having you last year.'

Midoriya happily told their teacher.

'Yeah, even when threatened to expel all of us, fun times.'

Bakugo added sarcastically.

Jiro's POV:

As they went through the day Jiro and Kaminari began their plan, starting it off simple, however she kept noticing something or more someone looking at them.

Why does Mr Aziawa keep looking over at Kaminari and me. Does he know? He can't, he sleeps for like half the lesson and misses more information than Kaminari and he's the teacher. I wonder if Kaminari noticed as well, he might not have because he isn't the most aware of his surroundings but still-

'Hey Jiro?'

Her thoughts were cut off by Kaminari asking her a question.

'Um, yeah, w-what's up?'

'The mean is the average of all the numbers, correct?'

'Yeah- yes- yep- yes- yeah- yep- yeah it is.'

I'm sorry, did I just stutter in front of Kaminari?

'Ok, thanks.'

Kaminari turned back to his work.

'I don't think you said yep enough times there Jiro.'

Sero sarcastically said.

Jiro turned around in her chair to face Sero.

'Cut me some slack, it's the first day back at school.'

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