02 Teddy Bear Club

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"Sorry not sorry for being late" Oh this dude seems familiar

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"Sorry not sorry for being late" Oh this dude seems familiar.

"Hello, beauties....you!" The bunny guy hissed.

The way his nose is bandaged comes off like my bag cracked his nose. I never meant to do that. "You backstabber care to tell how you know each other" Mona growled in my ear at the same time swatting my shoulder.

"Since everyone's here, let's get started with our campus tour" Emily beamed walking out, more like running out. "Please.." Mona smiled leading the boys out. I stood still until they were out but therefore he marched towards me "You are so screwed girl" Bunny man seethed at my face before walking away. Oh is it? Is it time to phone my Daddy? Oh no, he is gonna beat me to death.

I come from an extraordinarily reputed family where the girls are instructed to not look up to boys, girls are still married in arranged marriages, and we are still not permitted to go out with boys, which I am okay with but sometimes it feels like I am a burden to my daddy.

It feels like being a freeloader and I am supposed to listen to Daddy before marriage and I am then asked to obey my father-in-law after marriage, this isn't the 1800s this 21st century.

Well, since I am raised this way, I don't hesitate to go against Daddy cause if I do, I'll be abandoned within a few seconds. I planned to educate myself as long as I can and become so independent that even my father can't annihilate my life with some prick he found in his business.

"Nina...come on" the girls yelled from outside. I pursued them outside and Mona exhibited them around. "This is the playground where our drills are being practised"

"Oh, why don't I see any pretty ladies here" Ben teased. "Cause our girls don't cheer for you assholes" Emily laughed sarcastically. "Moving on...this is the football court, and track" not to speak of our school has the biggest sports area of any school in this town which means our tournaments will happen here.

After showing them the swimming area, library, laboratory and cafeteria we walked back to room 11. The boys were waiting for Sierra who was in charge of snacks. I was loitering outside the classroom when all of a sudden I was slammed onto the wall.

"Holy mother of...what!" I barked at bunny bitch. "You broke my fucking nose and you dared to run away?" He asked. "Look, I am sorry about that, I didn't mean to do that really" If he hadn't pulled me to his lap and forced me to sit there I'd not have done that in the first place.

"I don't care about your apologies"

"Then what the heck do you want me to do, it was you who pulled me and in return, I smashed your nose..." I grunted.

He waited for a while before "I am gonna torture you until I get satisfied" I unexpectedly snickered.

"And what makes you think I'll be getting tortured by you," I asked politely ignoring the way he is breathing on my face.

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