14. Pink popsicle

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Jungkook's Pov

"he started it" Nina grumbled...that pathetic loser.

"Is there something you'd like to say, Mr. Jeon?" Principal Lee raised a question with his hands inside his pants, "yes, I'd very much like to inform you that she is one horrible, ugly, pathetic...."

"Jungkook" my Principal grunted rubbing her temple.

"Excuse me? You are ugly, you are Pathetic, you are a muppet, Jeon Jungkook" Nina scoffed at my face.

I looked at them, in disbelief, when I said the same thing they stopped me from finishing my sentences and they let her say it. I darted at my Principal in utter mistrust while she eyes me and then at Nina. I peek back at Nina, there was a red mark around her mouth, her nose was bleeding, her neck had bruises, and her hair, let's not talk about that.

I kept quiet since I have done most of the ruining here. But still, not over last night, I won't be silent until she kisses me or even better I kiss her, don't care if it's by force or shit.

"That is strike one...if this occurs again, you know what happens" She threatened. Yep I do, I am very well aware of that.

After our talk, they let us go, Nina went straight to our tent while I was busy planning the next prank to pull on her. I heard she doesn't like bees and lizards, should I drown her in a bucket of bees? How will that be possible up here?

I was thinking my ass off while that guy from Dreamberry walked to my tent. He stood still before calling out for her, then a few seconds later he went inside. The fuck.

I got up and jogged to my tent, basically creeping inside like a stalker even though it was my tent that I set up. Alone. "My teachers got black currant shakes, would you like to come?" He asked her, she was combing her hair and stopped midway and her spirits brightened.

"wait seriously...oh my god let's go" she flashed. He grabbed her hand to walk out but I was standing in their way. She went poker-faced as soon as she saw me.

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