18. Echoes of Twin souls (E)

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"I am a girl, you stupid fat pig," she hissed, removing her helmet.

"What in the goddamn hell are you doing here?" My, oh my, she finally ended up right below me.

"You are the one who isn't supposed to be here," I said, not complaining, by the way.

"Get off me now," she demanded.

"Oh no, not so soon," I replied.

"I'll get off when you let me take the flag. Deal?" I wondered why she was after my flag anyway. Her eyebrows wrinkled in suspicion, and she parted her beautiful, rosy lips to say something but kept quiet.

"That's mine," she grunted.

"Not when I'm here."

"Let's race instead of arguing," she smirked.

"I'll let go if you admit that you are a shameless coward," she inched closer to my face, her breath warm against my lips.

"Deal," I said, moving away from her. I stood up without offering her a hand, because I’m a bad gentleman. But I had to break my rule as she was slipping in the slime.

"Are you sure you want to race?" I asked, letting go of her waist.

"Shut up," she snapped, slapping my hand away. As I was getting into position, she asked, "Ready?" Just as I nodded, she kicked me in the stomach and ran out of the slimy room. The audacity of her.

"That's freaking cheating, damn it!" I screamed, running after her.

She was heading upstairs to get the flag, and I was just a few meters away from grabbing her hair and slamming her to the floor. She beat me to it and grabbed the flag.

"Loser," she beamed, shoving the flag in my face. Her victory smile, disheveled long hair, and little dance...

"I am actually the winner," I said, grabbing her neck, causing her to gasp. She eyed me intensely as I wondered if I was being too idiotic. No, man, it's never too late to admit that I like this woman I’m grasping.

I bent forward, my lips finally touching hers. She stiffened, going numb, but I continued to kiss her passionately. At last, she held my shoulder and pushed me away. As I stumbled downstairs, I realized I should have thought it through before kissing her.

Nina's POV - A Week Later

A week—just seven days—wasn’t enough time to move on from what happened at the paintball game. It ruined everything, from my date with Kyle to being labeled as the girl who kisses and dates multiple boys at the same time. It burns me to see those comments and hear them every single day. Kyle didn’t even want to be friends with me after he thought I ditched him at paintball. And to top it all off, Jungkook told people that we kissed. We didn’t kiss; he forced me! He’s too stubborn to admit it. Despite all this, I found myself at his house.

Elijah bought a 10,000-piece puzzle and wanted to complete it in a day, so Mona, Emily, Jungkook, Taehyung, and I were roped into helping him. My unhappy life is crumbling, and I wonder if there will be anything left for me to survive.

"You’re doing it all wrong," Jungkook whispers in my ear, sending chills down my body.

"You could’ve told me earlier," I mutter, picking out the wrong pieces I attached absentmindedly. "And move away from me," I glare at him, knowing his unknown intentions could one day end my life.

A few minutes later, we decided to take a break from the most boring yet silent puzzle session. I was stepping out of the washroom in Jungkook’s room when he stopped in my path.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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