17. oh my GIRL

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Surprisingly, the last two days in camp drove so fast, I had been gladdened. I couldn't wait to get off this damn mountain. Our camping was cut short because of Luke. The night I pummeled the fuck out of him, his parents arrived in a fucking helicopter to see their son.

His friends figured out what had taken place but they pretended smart and kept their shit to themselves. They knew I was the one who made Luke's face hardly recognizable.

And on the other hand, Nina was making sure I was not in the middle of Luke's drama. She also daubs my knuckles to conceal the harm. Even after informing her that I wasn't even the least bit terrified of being caught and telling them I knocked the living hell out of him, she didn't listen and just did whatever she wanted.

But our principles figured it out way before due to the strangest things Nina and I were doing. And all I did was sigh.

I was on the bus, on our way back to our town. This is the only moment I was happy compared to the rest of my week in that hideous camp.

"Move the hell away, close your stupid long legs" I watched as Nina hissed at me. I told her to give the window seat which she pretended like I never said. So in return, I sat comfortably, taking as much seat as I could take while squeezing Nina.

She was jammed between me and the window side of the bus. "Jungkook..." Her warning call wasn't sufficient to make me move.

"FINE" she gritted, her teeth are gonna crack by the way she grits.

"Take my seat" She stood up scowling at me until I slid to the window seat.

"Did I mention that I hate you?!" She sat on my seat, her arms folded and looking at the back of Elijah's head.

"Twenty-two times" I reminded her.

"If you just let me take the window seat, you wouldn't have to be this grumpy" I mocked enjoying the view from my window seat. I stuck my AirPods back to my ears, listening to Swalla by Jason Darula when I sensed that Nina was saying something to me.


"Be careful, call me when you reach home" Principal Kim waved us goodbye and the bus passed by us. Elijah, Emily, Nina and I, walked home from there. It was a five minutes walk from the main road.

When the next morning arrives quickly, I plan on how to torment the darling next to my house. I watched her through the peek hole as she brings a big steaming bowl of who knows what.

Elijah and she had been doing something in her house and now it's finally the time to get their attention. When Elijah raised his hand to open the door, I did that myself. I stood there grinning like an evil clown.

"Ramen and Kim bap I see," I notice the tray ultimately. It smells impressive, it's gonna hurt me to see it get ruined.

"We are gonna make a mukbang video" Elijah grins which made Nina shake her head in objection.

"Don't tell him everything we do," she hissed. Well, why is she mad already, I haven't even started with my mischievous actions.

"Don't worry, I won't annoy you, please enjoy your ramen...with this rat..." I threw the rat on her, the rat I had been holding with my bare hands. The things I do for her. At least the rat was a pet and not from a sewage gutter. I'd not go that far for her.

Nina threw the tray over her, she groaned from the burning sensation. Her blue pyjamas were drenched.

"Amazing" I Clapped.

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