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Walking into the great hall you've never been so glad for no one to be staring at you. On your way to the table, only very few, always curious eyes followed you along, everyone else busy reading their letters from their parents, the daily prophet or chatting with their friends whilst eating their breakfast.
"Morning" you mumble and sit yourself down next to Blaise, immediately leaning onto his shoulder.
"Was this the first time you got drunk? Seems like your head's exploding" he grins and taps your head lightly before returning to his plate of oatmeal. Groaning, you just bury your head into his shirt. "Just tell me what happened please, I don't remember nothing."
"Duh, otherwise I wouldn't ask you right now, idiot" you sigh and force yourself up to grab a cup of orange juice. Your body felt so weak, no food could go into that stomach without immediately going back up.
Blaise laughed at that, but started to tell the story before you'd use your killer stare whenever he upset you.

"Yeah, well... After we got from the dance floor, you remember that right? Okay. So after that, I was on the toilet so I don't know what happened there, but you were against a wall just blankly staring when I got out. It had me worried for real, so I wanted to get to you out the party knowing you can't handle your alcohol. But Draco was faster than me and had you carried to a couch in no time, super panicked, then Pansy forced you to sleep. He's skipping class today because no one is leaving him alone about it, i don't know if they'll talk about it to you too.
Thats the long story put short" he explained and studied your face slowly dropping.
"Damn" was the only thing you got out. "Honestly, I expected far worse."
"You did?"
"Oh yeah."

The following days were... awkward to say the least. Draco never dared to even look at you, nor talk to you in the slightest. It's not like you've been super close friends, but it still hurt. And knowing yourself, you tried not to show it. Keeping up your studies, your grades really improved when you had nothing else to focus on, most of your time you spent with Pansy and with Blaise, whenever you weren't near professor Umbridge. Though, there was this one thing you couldn't figure out.
He kept disappearing at the same time, just like other students from every house but your own. You noticed when you sneaked out to steal food, go to the library or just wandered around out of boredom. A hint of a cape there, footsteps here, whispering out of corners. There was something going on, and tonight you decided to go for it.
You have to be careful when going out, as professor Umbridge had set up the Inquisitorial Squad to hunt down everyone breaking rules.
In it is Draco, Pansy, Bulstrode, Crab, Goyle, Filch and other students. Blaise and you decided to stay out of it. You because it would hinder your activity to find Harry's doing, Blaise because he didn't like Draco. Fair and simple.
But to prevent you getting caught, you had practiced a charm you'd found in the library. The Disillusionment charm made you into a perfect human chameleon, blending in with your surroundings.

Back to the situation, you're now in, trying to sneak up on this little trio of Hufflepuff's going somewhere, talking about what seems to be a group. You had practiced your footsteps to be almost completely silent, following fast and steady but without sound, hidden by the charm.
When they went around a corner and a door appeared out of nowhere, it clicked. "The room of requirement, of course!" you whispered in amazement and quickly slipped in behind the girls, unnoticed.
You basically spent that whole time just watching what they were doing, casting dueling spells, even patronuses. That was, until one of the Weasley twins fell back, crashing into you and making your charm disappear. "What the- Oh by Merlin" gasped the twin and stared you up and down. "Since when have you been here?" By that, everyone has turned around and stared at you. Blood rushes into your cheeks and you quickly got up cleaning you up. But before you could say anything, the room starts shaking.
"Is this your fault?" asks Potter going towards you, but you deny. "I swear by Merlin, I just wanted to know what you're doing. I didn't notice anyone following me nor did I make anyone do so" you defend yourself and put up your hands, in hopes they'd believe you.
Harry and another Gryffindor walked up to the wall, but when it started shaking again, they both ran backwards and the wall exploded, making you cover your face before actually seeing who had blown it up.
It was the Inquisitorial Squad, Umbridge up front with her wand up high. And Cho, her head down low as Draco held her by her shoulder.
In shock, your eyes meet and his winning smile fades the longer you look at each other.
"Get them" orders Umbridge with a successful grin spread along her face.
Draco let go of Cho and immediately approaches you, wand under your chin as he grabbed your hands. You didn't bother to protest and just let him, never breaking eye contact. "Stop looking at me like that or I might have to let you run. Just turn around" he quietly said to you and forced you around, grabbing you tightly and keeping his wand under your chin.
"You'll explain yourself in the common room."

That's what broke the cycle of silence. Him thinking you're teaming up with fucking Potter. A little smile creeps across your face at the irony of it as Draco forces you out of the room and Umbridge leads you to the great hall, where you had to suffer another round of detention, the words engraving into your hand. You didn't mind, it could maybe make Draco regret not talking to you, even if that sentence sounds shitty. Also, Snape could surely help you again.
Walking around you didn't care about Cho standing alone or the others, walking back to the common room as fast as possible to grab a roll of bandages and 'explain yourself' like Draco told you you'd have to. The bandages wrapped around your hand nicely, your wounds relieved by the light pressure. Sighing you sit down in front of Draco, as Blaise and Pansy walk to you too, choosing to stand at the side of the scene. It's the first time you and Draco openly talk since weeks.

Wounds can be shared, you know? |Draco x Reader FFWhere stories live. Discover now