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You arrive at Malfoy Manor and quickly walk towards the gate, opening it easily with a swing of your wand. The fast clacks of your boots announce your arrival as you walk in putting your wand away and tightening the belt of your black coat.
Draco, Narcissa and Lucius were all standing across of you in the living room, waiting for you to step in. Once you go around the corner you see Bellatrix, holding a young man with a deformed face, approximately you and Draco's age.
"I was told you have Harry Potter, but looking at this boy I am not quite sure if that is him" you say, switching your focus between Bellatrix and Draco's parents. "Well, what about you, Draco?" Bellatrix grins, her wand pushing against the poor boys cheek.
"I'm not sure either" Draco says, fidgeting with the buttons of his jacket. "Draco, look closely, son" Lucius whispers, putting his hands on Draco's shoulders. "If we are the ones to hand Potter over to the Dark Lord, everything would be forgiven. It all would be as it was, do you understand?"
"Now, we won't be forgetting who actually caught him, now, Mr. Malfoy?" another man asks, one of the Death Eaters that attacked your parents, Scabior. If looks could kill, then he wouldn't be breathing right now as you stare him down. Adverting your gaze, you catch glimpse of Granger as well as Weasly, in the hands of other Death Eaters alongside Greyback. Deciding not to let yourself be unfocused because of them any longer, you return your attention to the conversation and the boy in Bellatrix' hands. "Don't be shy, sweeties, come on over!" Bellatrix says, taking Draco's hand first and then yours to pull you down to the boy's height. You scan his face, finding Potter's mark almost immediately. Locking eyes with Draco, you make a pact in the blink of an eye.
"Now, if this isn't who we think it is and we call him, he'll kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure" Bellatrix says. "What's wrong with his face?" Draco asks and you nod.
"Yes, what is wrong with his face?"
"He came to us like that" Scabior answers Bellatrix, "Something he picked up in the forest, I reckon."
"Or he ran into a stinging Jinx. Was it you, dearie?" Bellatrix looks at Granger and then walks over to her. "Give me her wand, let's see what her last spell was. Ah! Got you."
Lucius walks over to the both of you and you instinctively grab Draco's hand as Bellatrix gasps and asks, shocked: "What is that? Where'd you get that from?"
"It was in her bag when we searched her, guess it's mine now" the Death Eater holding Weasley says. But Bellatrix wasn't having it. She pulls out her wand, choking all three of the Death Eaters that brought the trio here. She yells at them to get out after she grabs the sword of Gryffindor, the squad rolling across the floor coughing and choking.
"Cissy, put the boys in the cellar. I want to have a conversation with this one... girl-to-girl."

You try to keep your calm as you listen to the cries of Granger. It reminds you of your time of torture here, but you haven't told. Still, Draco's hand caressing yours was making it more bearable as she continued to torture not only Granger, but a goblin from Gringotts as well, searching for the culprit who let the sword of Gryffindor out of her safe.
That is, until suddenly, Potter and Weasley show up. You jump up and take out your wand, Draco shielding you without hesitation. Lucius gets blown back by Potter, who then alongside Weasley makes his way to you. Draco and you both do your best, flinging your spells against the others as you have to go backwards.
Narcissa runs over to Lucius, trying to see if he is alright, as you don't seem to struggle.
"Stop!" Bellatrix yells. Slowly, Draco and you turn around and make way, seeing Bellatrix holding a knife against Grangers throat. "Drop your wands. I said, drop them! Now, pick them up, Draco." He does as she says, quickly walking over to your side. But your focus is on Potter, who's now undoubtedly recognizable.
"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. It's Harry Potter. He's all bright and shiny and new again, just in time for the Dark Lord. Call him!" Bellatrix orders and Lucius steps forward, removing his sleeve to reveal the dark mark. Once again you take Draco's hand, both of them shaking.
Lucius is about to put his hands on the mark as you look up, finding a house elf on the chandelier. It drops and Bellatrix and Granger part ways, as screaming erupts. Draco and you separate, because Granger shoves you backwards as she uses you to run over faster, making you fall back and land in the broken glass. As you get up you pick out all the broken pieces from your cloak.
"Stupid elf! You could've killed me!" Bellatrix screams.
"Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure."
Narcissa tries to cast a spell, but with a snap Dobby takes her wand and holds it himself.
"How dare you take a witch's wand? How dare you defy your masters?"
"Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf. And Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends."
They take their hands and disapparate, just in time as Bellatrix throws her dagger and it still goes through.

You sigh and take Draco's hand, helping him up again and brushing off some of the dirt on his waist.
"Where is your wand?" you ask, confused as he wasn't holding any.
"Potter stole it. How do I get a new wand?" he asks, shaking his head.
"Here, you can take mine. Your father has his, we can protect ourselves. You need it more than I do" Narcissa says, holding out her wand. Draco thanks her and you go outside for a breather, taking a walk alongside the well tended bushes and lawn.
Not long after Draco joins you, intertwining his fingers with yours. "You're going back now, am I right? To Snape?"
"Yes, I'll be going home soon. Why?"
"Just so I don't miss saying goodbye" Draco whispers, trying to not let the sadness show as he gently takes your chin and pulls you in at your waist for a kiss. Before he can let go again you hug your arms around him, inhaling his familiar scent.

Severus wasn't back home yet as you enter through the door, and you didn't bother to take Pettigrew with you. You take off your coat and flatten your clothes before entering the bathroom to wash off your dirt and debris quickly. Then you go to the kitchen, taking out some herbs and two eggs. With a quick turn of your wand the fried egg makes itself and you add the seasoning. Sitting down on the counter you put your hand on your arms and listen to the sizzling of the oil and eggs in the pan. It was hard to process everything that had happened and you still notice yourself shaking a little.
Deep breath in, deep breath out.
After you've calmed down you grab a plate but notice you aren't as hungry anymore. So, you take half and cover the rest with a lid to stay warm as you eat the other half yourself. You decide to wash the dishes later, going to the living room instead to grab a book. Scanning the bookshelves you grab one about magical creatures and go on the couch, opening the chapter about Zouwus. Slowly you trace along the sketch of the creature, remembering Mao's excited squeals whenever you took her outside. Her happy jumps when you played with her toys, her grin when you hugged her or brushed her hair. You feel your bottom lip tremble and eyes burn up, as your first tired tear falls. You end up falling asleep with the book in your arms, right on the couch.

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