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You cry for Blaise as Draco holds you tight, not allowing you to jump after him like you want to. "Let me go! Let me go, Draco!" you scream and try to get his hands off of you. "I won't let you. Blaise wouldn't want you to jump, I don't want you to jump and neither does Snape. If you don't want to stay for yourself, stay for them. And me" he begs you and you try to calm yourself down, realizing it's useless to fight against it. Potter reaches out and grabs Draco on his broom as Weasley does the same for you, pulling you up with ease.
The room lights up in flames, objects falling in your way. Just in time you get out and roll off to the floor. You touch your hurting head and there's a little blood, but you don't feel dizzy, so you just wipe it off like your tears. Slowly you push yourself up and look at Potter, Granger and Weasley.
"Thank you" you sniff and take Draco's hand to help yourself. "From both of us." Then you both turn and run away, searching for a place to catch your breath on your own.

You run and run, turning a corner only to see a big boulder fall down in front of you. Instinctively you scream but Draco pulls you back as it hits the ground, blasting into a million pieces.
Instead of moving forward, Draco makes you turn around and you run along a thin hallway, but before you can relax you recognize someone with red hair, dueling another Death Eater. It seemed like he was losing and you frantically look at Draco. "Come on! We have to help!" you say and run, Draco following you right behind. As you arrive the Death Eater flees before you can recognize them, leaving the disarmed man to be crushed by a big piece of concrete, about to fall down.
"Wingardium Leviosa!" you scream and jump forward, tumbling and landing on your stomach, but in just enough time to lift up the big concrete so he wouldn't get crushed. You groan and push as hard as the possible, the weight of the concrete almost impossible to lift at all. Draco quickly comes in to assist you, casting the same spell, and you finally get the concrete away just enough so that the young man can get up. He grabs his wand shakes the debris out of his hair at the same time as you push yourself up again, coughing up all the smoke that was in the air. "Thank you, so much- I- I have to find my brother. Tell me your name when we see each other again!" he shouts and runs off. "Do I have that much dirt on me?" you ask, patting down the smoke from you and Draco. "Fred Weasley neither recognizing you or me? That's weird."
"Adrenaline? Mixed with all the shock and the dirt on us" coughs Draco himself, but you see the hint of a smile behind his sad facade. It felt good to be good, that's for sure.

Somehow you found a deserted corner, up in a corridor you couldn't even recognize anymore from all the debris in it. As you look out the window, a hoard of dementors approaches, only to be blown away by a casted wall of protection from someone outside. Finally, the adrenaline of everything that happened died down, making room for sorrow. Looking down on your dirty, bloody and shaking hands your eyes burn up again. "Draco" you whisper. "He's gone. Actually gone. And I never was there for him. I was oblivious to his love, and when he confessed I rejected him because I didn't return his love. I didn't even show to this last year of school, because instead I became a Death Eater, the thing he hates most. I'm awful..." Draco's eyes were filled with tears too, and instead of saying anything he just pulled you in and hugging you, so you could hear his rhythmic heartbeat. Suddenly, it feels like your chest is burning up and you groan in pain, pushing Draco away.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" he asks, confused and concerned. Quickly you pull out the basically glowing necklace that Severus gave to you, and it almost pulls you away, straight into a wall. "Severus is in great danger" you say and brace yourself as you give one hand to Draco. "Trust me" you say. "I always will" he replies, and you take a deep breath, closing your hand around the hot metal and apparating.

Soon enough the metal is cold on your jacket, no sign of any burns on your hand. You find yourself outside of what seems like a boat's house on the school grounds. The silhouettes of Severus and Voldemort shined to the outside and you enter slowly.
"You've performed extraordinary magic with this wand, my Lord; in the last few hours alone" you hear Snape say, but Voldemort seems to disagree.
"No- I am extraordinary, but the wand resists me."
You widen your eyes and turn around to Draco frantically. "Draco, you've disarmed Dumbledore, right?" you whisper and he nods. "Go find Bellatrix, replace her memory to her disarming Dumbledore for you and bring her here. I have a plan" you say and send him off, before entering.
"Good evening, my Lord" you say and nod to Voldemort, who turns around to look at you. From your tilted head you catch Snape's eye, and mouth the words:
I am buying time.
"What brings you here?" Voldemort asks and you dare look up again.
"On my way through the castle I've made two discoveries, my Lord. In one, Harry Potter is making his way towards you. He is actively searching for you now" you say, hoping your voice doesn't show your fear. "The second thing is about your wand. When I had to sit out a little while with Draco, we talked about the night of Dumbledore's fall again. And I caught that- whilst of course you are the greatest wizard, my Lord- the want didn't seem to catch up on this. So, Draco and I remembered, that Bellatrix tried to ease the murder for Draco by disarming him by herself, therefore making her the owner of the wand." You study the dark wizards pale, sickly face as he wrings with himself, most likely unsure if he should believe you.
"Is this true, Severus? Was Dumbledore disarmed when you killed him?" he asks, the disbelief showing in his tone. "Yes, my Lord, he was."
"My Lord, Draco is bringing Bellatrix herself, since we figured you'd want her word" you say, hoping Draco would hurry up. "How... considerate... of you" Voldemort says and all of you turn around as Draco enters, Bellatrix in tow.
"My Lord, the young Malfoy says I've been taking here because of the night that Dumbledore fell. Is this true?" she says, her eyes as crazy as ever.
"Oh yes it is, Bellatrix. I'd like to know if you have disarmed Dumbledore that night?"
"What? No, no that's impossible! My Lord, I would never-"
"Liar!" he shouted against her screams, putting the wand against her to search for her memories. You eye Draco, but he mouths to say he did change the memory in her mind.
Bellatrix whimpered as she crawled into the edge of the wall, pressing herself against the glass.
"Bellatrix. Whilst you live, the elder wand cannot and will not ever truly be mine. You've been a good and faithful servant, Bellatrix... but only I can live forever" Voldemort says, slicing across her stomach with his wand. She gasps and her head falls back, blood slowly gurgling up from her mouth, "Nagini, kill."
So she did, throwing her jaw against the crying woman several times, blood staining the walls and glass as it teared apart her body.
Voldemort disappears with her shortly after, leaving you with her body.
Severus turns around to you, almost angry. "What the bloody hell were you thinking? This could've gone so wrong, Merlin! Have you lost your minds?" he says, switching between both you and Draco. "Blaise lost his life. I couldn't let him take yours, too" you answer and your voice thins out.
Severus lays his arms around you, taking you into a hug, which you return happily. Shortly after he opens up his arm, taking Draco in too, who only hesitates shortly. Soon you all went apart again, as a high pitched noise filled your heads and you put your hands on your ears to muffle it.

"You have fought valiantly but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity.
Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child, who tries to conceal you from me."

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