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Greyback grabs your arm and drags you out, calling for Lestrange. She comes back from the trim and grabs your jaw. "I knew it smelled sweet, take a look!" Fenrir shouts. Her stench hits you as she breathes onto your face, looking at you closely. "Such a pretty face. It'd be a waste to have her pulled apart, Fenrir." "Wait! I know her" Draco shouted getting in between Lestrange and you, but looking at Fenrir.
He growls and tries to grab you back, but Draco holds you tight as you press yourselves onto him, all the stress forming into tears and sobs. You've never been so scared before, completely paralyzed by the fear you couldn't move until Draco made you by taking your hand and pulling you.
"If that's your girlfriend, Draco, she's a real scaredy cat!" Lestrange laughs and pokes your side, squealing in joy as you jump out of fear.
"She helped me with the cabinet and we know each other for years. We can trust her" Draco says, his hand tight on yours and even though you knew he was also scared, he acted tough.
"If that's so, it doesn't mean anything to me" Lestrange cackles and throws her head back. "Keep here close with you or she might end up as Fenrir's dessert."
For a short second you make eye contact with your professor, who gulps and then leads the way out of the tower and into the school.
Lestrange jumps along the dishes of the great hall, blowing out all the candles and destroying the windows along the way. The tears streamed down your face silently at this point, only able to watch your second home being destroyed right in front of you.
Lastly you were brought down through the forest to Hagrid's hut, Lestrange already happily calling out for him.
"Snape! He trusted you" shouted Potter and came down running from the forest too. You turn around, face stained with salty, hot tears, watching the boy run up to you as you tried to ignore the fire behind you, burning up Hagrid's home. "Go on!" Snape shouted and Draco pulled you with him as you all continued running, leaving you wondering if you had ever imagined yourself siding with Death Eaters. The sky was grey and full of clouds, but the skull in the sky was destroyed by the light coming from your classmates and teachers still there, still in the school.
"Draco?" you say and stop running, pulling him to the side. "I don't think I can do this. I want to go back to the castle." "Of course you can, go now" he says and hugs you tight. "Can you come with me? I don't want to leave you" you say, voice breaking as Draco shakes his head. He wipes your tears, then presses his lips to your forward.
"Don't worry. I promise we'll meet again, my love" were his last words before you both run in different directions and your hands separate.

On your way you wipe your tears and find Snape, also running.
But you cry again as your emotions take over you, changing your direction to run to your teacher as a source of comfort.
"Please, professor, what is going to happen?" you ask and try to stop crying now, almost no tears were left to come out anyway. "I don't know, miss" he says, a sad tone in his voice.
"Am I allowed to hug you?" you ask, unsure if you'd ever return to your school after this. "You may" Snape answers and you run over to give him a hug, almost drowning in his thick drapes. "Thank you" you sniffle before removing yourself again. "I apologize for being unable to remove your memories. If you still want them removed, address Professor Mcgonagall. Now, quickly return to the castle, miss." You nod and do as your professor says, quickly running towards the castle and joining the group going back inside the castle.

As soon as you enter the Slytherin common room you see Blaise, sitting head in his arms on the floor. "Blaise?" you say and tap his arm, seeing him immediately look up and smile. "I had no idea what happened, are you insane? It's been almost a day" he says and gets up, giving you a tight hug. "I'm sorry, really. A lot happened. Will you be mad if I leave out details?"
"No, just tell me, before we have to leave."
So you did, and you told him nearly everything. You did leave out helping Draco rebuild the cabinet, or being there for Dumbledore's death. In the end, he didn't need to worry about that too. You were just glad he was safe.
"Is Pansy also okay?" you ask after you were done. "Yes, she's in your dorms" Blaise replies and you squeeze his arm before leaving to join Pansy, who immediately ran over to give you a hug as soon as you opened the door.
"Is Draco also okay?" she asks, cupping your face. But the dried tears on your face, alongside with the still teary eyes you had, told it all.
"He's gone" you whisper, slowly removing her hands from your face, as you try to smile but can't.
"Let's just pack our things. It's time to return home."

Wounds can be shared, you know? |Draco x Reader FFWhere stories live. Discover now