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Tic, tac, tic, tac, tic tac.
You'd be so grateful if that damn clock would stop ticking. It didn't help that every time you tried to check the time, your eyes were met with the pink monstrosity of Umbridge's existence.
An hour left, half time. So you directed your eyes back onto your paper. The answers all came easily except for three. And it bothered you a lot, but you kept calm as you continued the ones you could do.
Suddenly Umbridge started moving and opened the door of the Great Hall, met with loud sounds. Then, colorful fireworks flew inside, blooming into big sparks of rainbow. They were followed by the Weasly twins, sending off more and more enchanted fireworks. As everyone else did too, you decided to get up and turned around only to see one of the fireworks chase Draco and leave an imprint of his face on the door, absolutely terrified. Your laughter filled the room, along with the sound of others laughing, running, calling for friends, the fireworks howling and Umbridge screaming around to keep everything in order. "By Merlin, we won't ever get this smell out of our uniforms" you laugh and shake off the dust from all the firework, even the magical ones were realistic enough to leave dust and the significant spell.
"Wait, look over there!" shouted Blaise and pointed to a big orange dragon chasing Umbridge out of the great hall, destroying all the rules inside of the glass as well.

Everyone followed the twins outside, laughing and cheering loudly as they lit more fireworks in the sky. Quickly the blue turned into greens, oranges, red, purple, pink and yellow color combinations, stating a big W in the sky. "You know, I don't like Gryffindors but they seem alright" you say to Blaise, who nods in agreement with a big smile on his face.
Out the corner of your eye you see Potter fall down and then get up again, followed by Granger and Weasley fleeing the scene. "I've had to use the restroom the whole exam" you called out to Blaise and tapped his shoulder, who tapped you back, then left, too.
Only you didn't know that someone caught you and also Potter leaving. Someone, who suspected you twice now. So, Draco followed you.
It didn't take long for him to follow you, and that is when he pulled you to the side in a hallway.
"What are you doing?" he asks and you struggle to get your arm out, but his grip is strong and firm.
"Don't start this rubbish again, I'm just trying to find out what Potter is doing, because he knows something about Voldemort!" you shout and look into the blonde's eyes. "I don't think that's the only reason" he replies and you laugh in disbelief.
"Yeah, because you so badly want to be right, you can't fucking handle that your behavior was unjustified and rude. Let me go, now." "No- I will take you to Umbridge. Right now" he says and pulls out his wand. "Pray that I can forgive you, Draco. You've been a real shit friend" you threaten through gritted teeth and let him pull you along.

The pink office of the headmistress just seems so weirdly off putting, with her in a manic state shouting at Harry who sits on a chair in front of her. Her screams make you nervous and panicked as well, and you think Draco notices as he shifts his harsh grasp on your wrist to pressing them against your back instead, removing his hand from your own fast pulse.

"You we're going to Dumbledore, weren't you?" asks Umbridge, leaning towards Potter. Your eyes quickly look away, and you watch who's in there with you.
You quickly recognize the Weasly sister and brother, Lovegood, Longbottom, Granger and Cho Chang, all held by other Slytherins.
"Liar!" screams Umbridge hysterically and her hand slapped onto Potters cheek with a loud smack. "You sent for me, headmistress?" asks professor Snape and enters the room. His gaze slowly falls upon you, confused, then he looks back. "Yes!" states Umbridge. "The time has come for answers, wether he wants to give them to me or not. Have you brought the Veritaserum?"
"I'm afraid you've used up all my stores interrogating students, the last of it on Miss Chang. Unless you wish to poison him- And I assure you I'd have the greatest sympathy if you did- I cannot help you."
Oh. Chang never betrayed that group, she just was forced to it by vitaserum. That's unfortunate, but not something you wouldn't have expected.

Snape called you name as he was about to walk out: "Meet me in the potions classroom after dinner today."  That's when Potter took the opportunity. "He's got Padfoot!"
Umbridge seemed to share your confusion, bombarding Harry and your professor with fast spoken questions, ending with: "What is he talking about, Snape?"

"No idea."
Then, the professor leaves. Umbridge turns around to Potter and lifts her wand, simultaneously Draco brought his own against your chin again.
"Maybe, the Cruciatus curse will loose your tongue" threatens Umbridge and your breath gets caught in your throat.  "No, thats illegal!" protests Granger immediately and you'd hope that would be the end with what you were about to do. "What Cornelius doesn't know, doesn't bother him" says Umbridge, seemingly crazy now. Her lips almost form the words of the unbreakable curse and you push Draco away from you running in front of Potter. The spell hits you instead and you fall to the floor. In just a millisecond, the pain is flooding through your body, distorting your senses. All the noise, rumbling, running and screaming seems like they're right at your ear, a high pitched screech following it. The pain rushes into your brain, overstimulating your nervous system and taking your sight, forcing you to close your eyes and you see white as the pain of a thousand needles punctures directly into your face, head, eyes, hands and body. You can't  move, your body cramped up so much you don't even know if you are screaming or how long it lasted until you blacked out.

Exhausted, you try and open your eyes but its way too bright and you close them again. A loud tinnitus inside your ear, you slowly move to press onto your head to try and relieve the pain, getting rid of the high pitched sound. Someone calls out your name softly, touching up your arm and forehead, as if to check if you had a fever. Wait, you recognize that voice- A second one joins, you think they're talking about your state but your mind is still slurring the words under the loud pitched noise in your ear. Instead of reacting, you try to figure out by the feeling where you are.
You seem to be on a couch, the leather feels like the one you know best, the ones from your common room. A pillow is under your head, puffed up for best comfort. Either a jacket or a blanket is on top of you, no, definitely a jacket, it has sleeves.
The tinnitus slowly gets less and your head also didn't hurt as much, so you open your eyes and look around. You see Blaise on a chair right in front of you, Pansy next to him. At first you wanted to ask where Draco was but you bite your tongue. "What happened?" you firstly ask and try to sit up, but gravity takes the best of you, so you sink back onto the smooth pillow. "Well, Draco said everything turned into chaos, people running, Umbridge apparently tripped and removed the spell from you, then Potter's gang lured her out somewhere and the others followed quickly after because they gave a few others candy that made them throw up" explains Blaise quickly, but you know he wants to say more from his worried look. "What's wrong, Blaise?" you ask, in hopes he'll be honest.
"I wish you'd tell this to the director. It's an unforgivable curse that's been used on you and it's serious. Also, I'd just like someone to watch your mental state." You sigh and nod slowly. "I think I'm physically fine, except for a light ringing and a headache... whose jacket is that by the way?" "Draco's, but come on, we'll get you to the nurse. And you'll need to talk to Snape still, if you feel ready" says Pansy and leans forward to palm your hand carefully. Then she takes it and you pull yourself up slowly, leaning onto her as you walk out. "Blaise, are you coming with us?" you ask and stretch out your hand, so he gets up and joins in on your hand too, using his arm on your waist to pull you up a little as you walk.

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