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You gasp and remove yourself from the Pensieve, brushing back your hair swiftly. Harry does the same, gasping for hair. "Are you... are you alright?" you ask, helping yourself be steady by holding onto a nearby table's edge.
Harry doesn't say a word as he sits down on the steps, clutching his heart.
"I'm going to the forest" he says, looking at you conflicted. "I understand" you say and even though you know has to be you can't help but let the tears fall yourself. "Not once have I got to be your friend or made efforts to be one, but I wish there was another way. Look out for another possibilities when you see them and I will assist you. Good luck, Harry."
"Thank you" he says and runs out the office, leaving you alone on the cold steps where you cry by yourself, hugging your legs. With one hand you rip off the bandage from your temple, with the other you push yourself up and wipe your tears.

As you arrive in the Great Hall you immediately meet Draco, who has been sitting alone in a corner for the whole time. He jogs over to you, asking you if you're okay but you only nod as you stop him from leading you down in the Great Hall. "I can't, Draco. I can't look at our fallen classmates and teachers right now. I can't" you gasp, leaning onto a wall. "Okay, I understand you. Let's take a short breath here and then go outside" he says, watching other students also exit the school. You nod and take his hand, looking around for Severus, who, just in that moment, comes down a hallway. He gestures you to follow him and all of you exit the school and stop almost right at the entrance.
On the bridge, there was a huge crowd of Death Eaters, Voldemort and Hagrid, carrying dead Harry.
"Harry Potter is dead" exclaims Voldemort so loud, everyone could hear. A girl, Ginny Weasley, starts screaming and wants to run forward, but Voldemort sends a spell to have her back off, calling for silence.
"Stupid girl" Voldemort says. "Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth, you put your faith in me.
Harry Potter is dead!"
He laughs with the Death Eaters on the other side, opening up his arms.
"And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us. Or die."

You look at Draco, then Severus.
Draco's parents start calling out for him and you, Voldemort confidently ordering Snape to join him, too.
It takes all the bravery in your heart to walk down the way, even when followed by Severus and Draco.
"Ah, well done, you three. Well done" Voldemort says, hugging Draco and you but only taking Severus' hand. You sort yourself in the front row, connecting to Lucius and Narcissa as well. Then you watch as Neville Longbottom limps forward, the sorting hat in hand. Your eyes switch between Harry's body and him, wondering if it was a plan.
"Well, I must say I'd hoped for better" laughs Voldemort with the other Death Eaters. "And might you be, young man?"
"Neville Longbottom."
The crowd's laughter roars up again.
"Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks."
"I'd like to say something."
"Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say."
"It doesn't matter that Harry's gone. People die everyday. Friends, family. Yeah. We lost Harry tonight. But he's still with us, in our hearts. So is Remus and Tonks, all of them. They didn't die in vain. But you will. 'Cause you're wrong. Harry's heart did beat for us. For all of us. This is not over!"
Neville takes the sword of Gryffindor out of the sorting heart, and you quickly turn to Lucius and Narcissa.

"Get out, now!" you half whisper, half shout. In the next second, Harry jumps out of Hagrid's arms and you turn around to the crowd of Death Eaters behind you. "Wrong choice, all of you" you say and smirk before they get blasted away by you, Draco's and Severus' spells. "Betrayal! Betrayal from our own!" they scream and Voldemort turns around on the court, furious. Harry tries to hit Nagini, but it blasts off, hitting other Death Eaters and you, who was running across the court. You fall and roll over, hitting your head again and reopening your wound, deeper this time. "Don't worry, keep fighting!" You scream at Draco as the Death Eaters advance forward. Stumbling you run inside, followed by Draco and Severus, who tries to protect the castle with another professor, but fails against all the Death Eaters and Voldemort himself.

In the Great Hall you're immediately followed by Fenrir Greyback, most likely searching for revenge. He runs after you and you slide down to the ground under one of the benches, sending it flying right as you're under it. Greyback destroys it with his raw strength, keeping on walking towards you. The adrenaline flows in your vines and you gain a sudden rush of confidence, laughing at him making his way towards you. "You're not one for spells, are you?" you grin and he cracks his neck. So, you wait until he leaps forward, sending your knee right into his groin and grabbing his shoulder to flip yourself over it. You turn in the air and land on one knee and a hand to support yourself. "Guess the training with my family payed off" you cough as you get up, watching Greyback lay on the ground. He gets up again, running towards you, and you duck again, making him run past you. "Stop this!" he growls and you shrug. "You're strong, but a bit too aggressive. No room for agility, you know?" you smile and duck again, as Greyback rushes at you again, scratching your side with his fingernails and you scream in pain. Only this time, there was a wall behind you he ran into. Slowly you walk up to him, looking him down: "You're kinda pathetic. Laying here, groaning and whining, so disgusting. It'd be nice if you could just shut up." You pretend to think, putting one finger on your chin. "Oh, I know!" you laugh and stomp your foot unto his skull until he passes out, leaving him in the corner. "That was for my mother" you scoff, searching for the second person that hurt them. Rolling up your sleeves you have never felt more powerful, ignoring everything around you as you lock your eyes on your target.

"Scabior!" you shout and see him turn around with a grin. It disappears the second you take out your wand and he does the same, your spells meeting in the middle. His power pushes you back and your boots slide on the ground. For a split second you let go and fall to the ground, the spell hitting another Death Eater behind you. Immediately you get up and the hatred in you has you use the one spell you reserved. "Sectumsempra!" you shout and watch Scabior fall to the ground, screaming in pain as he's cut apart, bleeding out. Even though he's dying he won't give up, grabbing your hair and pulling you down. You hit the ground. He drags you across his blood, mixing it with your own. Your wand falls out of your hand, just like his, so instead you elbow his face. Scabior screams and grabs you again, hitting your head against the ground, whilst you turn yourself and use all your strength to kick his side, pushing him away from you and crawling back to grab your wand. Instead of escaping, he grabs your leg again and you cry out as he turns it around whilst your didn't. Pulling you closer, you feel his wand in your side and he grabs your face close to his mouth. "I will kill you just like I killed your weak father" he hisses at you, about to send his last words in form of a death spell-
but Severus walks to your side. "You let go of my daughter at this instant!" he demands and disarms the Death Eater, pulling you up out of the pile of blood on the ground. "Daughter?" you ask confused. "You're welcome" Severus says instead of replying, cleaning some blood from your cheek.
Turning around you see Neville Longbottom, getting up from the ground slowly. Quickly you walk over to him, grabbing the sword of Gryffindor that was on the other side of the room, too. "Neville! You'll need this. The snake is outside" you say, handing the sword to him and helping him up. "Thanks" he says but you only push him towards the open gates. "Do what you need to do, I'll keep your back clear!" you shout, disarming and sending anyone that was trying to stop him flying. Once you hear Neville's steps fading you can run inside again, leaving other Death Eaters on the ground, mostly knocked out.

Soon after you find Draco, trying to take a breath in the corner of the hall. You make your way over to him, leaning your head on his shoulder.
"Draco?" you say, touching your head softly. "Yes? Are you alright?" he asks, grabbing your shoulders. You smile. "Dizzy."
Then everything goes black.

Wounds can be shared, you know? |Draco x Reader FFWhere stories live. Discover now