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Greyback himself left you alone, so you have to walk in yourself. Step by step you make your way towards the room where Voldemort was already seated. He immediately looks at you as you sit down at the only free seat. Your heart pounds against your chest and you try not to show your fear as you see not only your Professor but also Draco on the sides of the table. Neither of them took their eyes off of you, but you stared straight ahead at Voldemort. "My, Bellatrix informed me of your stay here. I was very much excited to meet you." "Thank you, Lord" you say, placing your hands in your lap. "I was curious... how did you come to stay here? You aren't a Death Eater."
"Do you want the truth from me?"
"Only the truth."
"Well, Lord, I am not here by choice. Though I care about a few people at this table, I didn't choose to stay here. I don't know why but a few Death Eaters raided my house and brought me here."
"I allowed them do so, if they thought you might know something about that boy, Potter" Voldemort says, an ugly grin stretching on his face.
"I am not befriended nor do I know anything about Harry Potter. My alliances lie in the house of Slytherin alone."
"So? Who is it, that you're friendly with?"
"Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy and professor Snape, Lord."
"Interesting, it is almost identical to our boy Draco's circle. You are good friends, aren't you?"
"Yes, we are."
"Everyone! Applaud to the bravery of this young woman, who left her home and friends to join us" Voldemort waits a few seconds before he continues, "So. Would you like to join us, the Death Eaters?"
Voldemort makes his way around the table slowly, feeling up your chair's back and waiting on your answer. In search for help you look at Snape, who doesn't seem to feel anything in that moment. You look down at your thin hands and your weak body.
"I will follow you, my Lord" you gulp and shudder as Voldemort laughs, running his cold hand down your shoulder. "I knew you would. You're a smart, pure-blooded, little girl. Take my hand, and receive the mark. The first Death Eater in your family, the first to receive the mark. Everyone, applause!" Voldemort puts your wand against the bare skin of your left arm, using the spell to imprint his mark on you. It felt like hot lava gushing along the lines of the imprint, burning into your skin in a thick black line.
You thank him and lower your head, before rolling your sleeve back down and sitting down.
It didn't take long for Voldemort to leave again, attending his business. You did your best to not cry as the other Death Eaters happily laughed with you, even Lestrange who had tortured you for weeks before. In a quick swift move you signal for your professor to follow you out and excuse yourself to take a breath of fresh air, leaving the others to celebrate on their own that another one had joined their ring.

Never so quickly you run over to your teacher, stopping for only a short second to hesitate snd study his face. Then you hug him tightly again, him putting his arms around you this time, too. It was something you never knew you needed as you calm yourself down. "They killed my parents, professor. Now I'm one of them? I can't do this" you try to explain, stumbling over your words.
Instead of trying to play it down, Snape put one hand on your arm.
"You're a very smart and strong girl. You got this, I know it. Being a Death Eater does not immediately make you bad, if you still think of Draco and me as good. I'll have to leave anyway, so get back inside quickly. There's more important people to meet than your teacher. Go on!"
"Wait, please! Do you think there is a way my parents have survived?" you ask hopefully, but your professors face sunk. "You're my best student and seeing all the things you've gone through make me sympathize. If you need support, don't hesitate to contact me and I can help you provide for yourself" Snape says and pulls out a little wrist chain with a flower hanging from it. He takes out his wand and enchants it, the chain glowing shortly. Then he gives it to you, with a faint hint of a smile. "If you are in trouble, the chain will tell you where I am. Stay safe." "Thank you so much" you say and wave Snape goodbye as he left, holding the chain tight. Immediately you put it on, the flower glistening in the dim light the building spent the outside.
Footsteps behind you make you look back and you can't help but tear up when you see Draco standing only a few meters away from you. Without hesitation the both of you run to each other, embracing in a tight hug. Draco sobs as he puts his arms around your shoulders, petting your hair too. You let the tears fall as you tightly hug him, smelling his scent again since a long time. "How long have you been here?" he asks, his face full of guilt. "I don't know, I think roughly a week or two?" "I'm so sorry, I- I just didn't know you were right there" Draco says and you can see his lips tremble as the tears fall down his cheek. Putting your hands up to cup his face you kiss him softly, only pulling back to say: "It is not and won't ever be your fault that they brought me here. I don't think Lestrange is happy that I am one of you now." "Don't worry. This time I won't let you go again, let's not leave each other's side. Ever."
"Yes. We'll stay together from now on."

Wounds can be shared, you know? |Draco x Reader FFWhere stories live. Discover now