What Lucy Sees

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I never left Juvia by herself. She would cry all alone if I left her. I'm not gonna be some jackass and let her cry by herself.

"Gray-sama," she said, grabbing my hand.

Juvia flopped herself against me and she squeezed my hand.

"The police told Juvia that Jiemma escaped. Juvia is scared, Gray-sama." Juvia told me.

"I'm not gonna let that bastard touch you again, okay?" I assured her.

She nodded and remained on my chest.

Why does this always happen to us? Why is it that anyone that is near me and my siblings die?

Romeo... I can heal a lot of things but, not a broken heart.

Jellal isn't crying much like his sisters or trying to pull off the tough guy act like his brothers. We sat on the stair and laid his head on my chest. Soft, slow tears would fall dance his face.

"Mama, Papa's crying." Rosy would say.

She's never actually seen Jellal cry before. It was a strange concept for her.

"Papa is really upset by what happened to your Grandpa." I tried to explain to my daughter.

Rosy came up to Jellal and wiped away his tears.

"Papa has to be strong for Mama. Please don't cry, Papa!" Rosy would try to cheer up Jellal.

He softly smiled and pulled Rosy in a hug.

They had to bury Otou-san now. Police protection was around us for security reasons, since Jiemma had broken out of jail and would most likely target us.

We had him specifically designed to be buried next to Mama.

"The book of E.N.D. is now in my hands..."

What was that?

"Natsu? What's happening to you?"

"Gray-sama! Don't open it! You'll kill your nakama!"


"Father, Natsu is E.N.D. My best f*cking friend is Natsu. How do you expect to kill him? I can't..."


"Lucy?" I heard Natsu say my name.

I instantly woke from whatever I was in and looked at Natsu's worried expression.

"You were spacing out. Are you okay?" He asked, holding onto my hand.

I nodded and began walking with him to the burial grounds. I held his right hand while the left carried the umbrella between us.

Those voices I was hearing... Natsu's voice and Gray's and Juvia's and even mine... What is the book of E.N.D. anyway?

I looked back to the house and I noticed a figure at the top, someone with bright orange eyes.

I blinked my eyes again and the figure was gone just as fast as it came.

I chose to ignore it and focus more on Otou-san.

Still... What is the book of E.N.D.?

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