Who Are They?

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At school, the next day, Aries and Loke came to find me.

Aries came to hug me as she began to whimper and apologize for something she didn't do, like always.

"Gomen, Lucy!" Aries cried on me.

Loke gave a sad smile and I pulled Aries away.

"It's okay, Aries. I'm fine." I told her.

She looked concerned and Natsu suddenly grabbed my hand. I looked at him, confused. He was staring at someone down the hall. I turned to where his gaze was and I saw that new girl from a few weeks ago.

Shirayuki-san, I think.

"Lucy, you see that transfer student?" Natsu asked me, not turning his gaze from her.

I nodded and he told me, "Stay away from her. She smells like trouble."

I looked surprised at the way his voice sounded. It was so serious, so unlike the Natsu I know.

I saw Shirayuki-san walk towards me and the others and she smiled.

"What in the world are you talking about, Natsu?" I said and I let go off of his hand.

His stare finally turned to me and the air around us became tense.

"Did you two have bad sex or something?" Loke asked, making me blush insanely and Natsu started stuttering.

"Leo! You don't ask them those kinds of things!" Aries shouted, flicking him on the forehead.

Natsu started laughing, completely forgetting about Shirayuki-san.

Still, why is he seem so troubled about her?

I couldn't keep Juvia in the house without having her cry so, we actually went to school and Lyon was the first to see us.

"Gray, you and Juvia actually came." He chuckled and turned to Juvia.

"I heard what happened to your father, Juvs. I'm sorry." Lyon tried to comfort her but, the grip on my sleeve only tightened.

The three of us walked into the classroom and saw Meredy sitting in her wheelchair. I saw Juvia's eyes glow a bit, since she hadn't seen Meredy out in so long.

"JUVIA!!!!" Meredy shouted happily as she rolled over to Juvia and hugged her waist.

"Meredy?! You're out of the house!" Juvia went down to Meredy's eye level to speak.

It was the first time I saw her smile in days.

"Alright, get to your seats! You too, Miss Milkovich, Miss Heartfilia!" our teacher shouted at us.

"So, we have a new student transferring today and I want everyone to make him feel welcome!" The teacher smiled as he let the student in.

It was a guy, around my height with spikyish brown hair and red eyes.

"This is Alyn Shirayuki."

"Yo." The boy winked and the girls went wild, with the exception of Meredy and Juvia.

The boy looked over Juvia's way and gave her a wink but, she groaned and looked back at me. I smiled and she blushed. Alyn cringed and took the seat behind her.

That's right. No one touches my Juvia.

After class, Lyon, Meredy, Juvia and I were walking to the Starbucks outside.

"So, what do you think of that new guy, Juvia?" Meredy asked, catching the attention of both me and Lyon.

"He's too flashy for Juvia. Juvia only has eyes for Gray-sama." she smiled and Meredy laughed.

"He does seem flashy. I like Lyon better." and the two giggled and me and Lyon grinned like fools.

Besides, if that guy tries something funny, me and Lyon will probably put him in a body bag and bury it somewhere. Either way, he'll be dead if he touches our girls.

I woke up with the bed feeling cold. That meant that Jellal got up before me somehow.

WAIT!!! My nose is picking up a scent.... This is my favorite thing (well, other than my Jelly, family and friends)....


I raced out of the bed and into the kitchen and found said cake sitting on the counter. As I began to reach for it, I heard a little girl shout.

"Mama! Don't eat the cake yet!" Rosemary pouted.

I turned to see my daughter pouting at me reaching for the cake, while eating pancakes her father made.

"Good morning, Erza. You've got something on your lip." Jellal smirked and I blushed.

Why am I blushing? I'm his freaking wife!!! Oh wait, there's drool coming out of my mouth. I quickly wiped it away and sat at the table.

"Mama, Mama! Guess what?" Rosy asked me, now gaining sparkles in her eyes.

"What is it, Rosy?" I asked, now seeing my daughter's excitement amusing.

"I made a new friend yesterday." she said, biting into her pancake.

"You made a new friend? When did this happen?" Jellal asked, now interested as well.

"Her name is Kyoko and she's really nice and she has superpowers and-" Jellal cut her off at the superpowers.

"Superpowers?" he asked, cutting more pancake for Rosy.

"She can fly and turn people into dolls!" she shouted excitingly.

"Erza, I'm pretty sure Rosy's hit the stage when she gets imaginary friends..." Jellal sighed and I nodded in agreement.

No one can turn people into dolls or fly or anything like that. It's ridiculous. Also, it's kinda creepy...

Finally, class is over. God, I wish I could just sew the teacher's mouth shut, she never stops talking!

Wait, Dragneel is staring at me again and he's with the blonde bitch and some other losers that I don't give a fuck about. He knows I'm trouble. I'm not surprised that his incarnation would still have the dragon's ability to smell but, he doesn't know a thing. He knows nothing of the real plan that we have in mind.

Oh well, this goody-two-shoes act is only a cover for now, just to get inside info on Master E.N.D.'s current form.

Natsu Dragneel, Master E.N.D. will be revived. Just you wait and see. Little Miss Vermillion will break eventually and tell us where the book is but, until then, why not have a little fun?

I pulled out my phone from my bag and waited till the classroom was empty. I scrolled through my contacts till I found the ones in the "S" and I clicked on the one above my name.

As it dialed in, I smirked, "Hey, little bro. Do me a favor and go to the Heartfilia home tomorrow. Wait till the redhead is gone and then, go wild."

And I hung up.

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