Shukketsu Hāto (Bleeding Hearts)

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(A/N: OH MY MAVIS! I am so sorry fellow Fairy Tail members for delaying the chapter!!! And it's still so short. GAHBLUJFJSJCJDNKC- *breathes* Calm down before you take your anger on Natsu, Tex. Just breathe. Alright! So, here's the chapter!)

July 13th



"Gomen... I have to do this!"

"No! If you break your key, you'll disappear just like Aquarius did! Think about Lucy! Think about Arki and Lories! Damn it, think about me!"

"Gomen, Leo! I know but... Lucy-san has to save Natsu-san and I have to save you!"


I jumped from the bed, covered in sweat and panting hard.

"Leo?" I heard Aries say.

I look at her. She was rubbing her eyes, her poofy hair looking more messy than usual. One of the straps on her white tank top was beginning to fall off her shoulder.

"Sorry... Did I wake you up?" I asked.

"Isn't that supposed to be my line?" she giggles, calming me down from that nightmare.

"Yeah... I guess it is." I laid back down onto the mattress.

Aries, who certainly surprised me, began to hover over me.

"Aries?" I asked, knowing Aries for her shy nature.

"Leo... Is something bothering you?" she asks.

"No!" I shouted and she gave me an 'are-you-serious' look.

"Leo... Don't lie to me."

"I'm not. It was just a dream, Aries."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, really," I smirked as she fell onto my chest in exhaustion.

"I have to get up early to work tomorrow..." she sighed.

"You got that maid job in the end?" I asked and she blushed.

"I-I'm not a maid! The uniform just looks slightly like one, that's all." her cheeks glowed a bit in the dark.

"I should see you in it one of these days." and she shoved a pillow in my face.

Leo... I swear. He makes me blush just for the kicks of it. Although, I don't blame him. I've been so busy with assignments from school and my job and with what's going on with everyone... I haven't been able to spend some quality time with him.

Am I- Am I being a bad girlfriend? Does Leo hate me?

No, Aries! Leo loves you! He would never lie to me! I trust him!


I sighed, getting up early for work. I look over to see Leo, shirtless and his orange locks scattered over the sheets. I blush just from looking at him.

I love him too much. There must be some type of disease from loving someone too much. I hope that the disease is never cured.

I walk downstairs, checking the clock for it to be 5:38 a.m. I yawn again. Why did I ask for the morning shift again?

I suddenly feel arms around my waist. What is Leo doing awake?

"Leo?" I ask.

The hands suddenly grab my arms, pulling them behind me.

"Guess again, pinkette." I heard a boy laugh.

"W-Who are you?! LEO!" I tried to escape but, his grip around my arms are strong.

"I can see why that lion likes you. You have quite a figure, little lamb." he licks my neck and I shiver in fear.

"Alyn! Stop playing with her. We have a job to do and not much time to do it." Another boy shouts.

"Fuck off, Louis. Go play with your dolls." Alyn swears and the other boy, Louis, cringes and pulls him off me.

"Boys, boys!" A woman in red appears in front of me.

I tried to run upstairs to get Leo but, the two boys grabbed my arms again, pinning me to the floor.

"I'll hold her, you get the knife." The twins smirk and the woman smiles.

"LEO!" I tried to scream again.

"Trix will see blood tonight, lamb chop!" Trix laughs, grabbing one of the kitchen knives.

"Just take the blood and get over with it. My arms are tired from holding her." Louis complains, resulting in Alyn rolling his eyes, and Trix wields the weapon over his head.

"Say goodnight, ram."

Those were the last words I heard before the portrait of me and Leo were covered in red.

I woke up when I felt the sun hitting my eyes. I rolled over to the other side of the bed to find it cold.

That's right. Aries had to go to work. I sat up and pulled on a shirt. Maybe, I'll go see her later.

The phone rings. I grab the phone to find the caller ID to be Virgo.

"Hai, Virgo?" I answered.


"Hey, what's up?"

"I was wondering if Aries-san left the house yet."

I check the clock to be six thirty in the morning.

"Yeah, she should've left, why? Is something wrong?"

"Her shift started half an hour ago. We checked but, there's no traffic. There's no reason for her to be late."

"Wait... You're saying that Aries hasn't arrived at the cafe?"

"Hai, Loke-nii-sama."

"That doesn't sound like her."

"She isn't responding to her cell phone as well."

I had to think while walking down the stairs. Being late to anything? Aries would be the last person I'd think that'd do that.

"I don't know, sis. Aries wasn't here when I woke-" I suddenly felt my foot become wet.

"Loke-nii-sama? Did something happen?" Virgo asks and I frown.

"No. I just seemed to have stepped in something. Something... warm..." I slowed at the last part.

The puddle itself was dark in color. I put my finger in it to check the color.

It was red. The color of blood.

Oh, fuck no.

I slowly walked into the kitchen. And as soon as I did that, I dropped the phone.

Aries sat in the corner, a knife sticking out of her abdomen. The tips of her hair had been stained with the color red as well as her clothes.

The message is written above her head read:

The end is coming.

I was crying that morning.

Virgo called me. She told me that Aries hadn't shown up to work and that she wanted to know if she has called me. Just before I could answer, I got a call from Magnolia Hospital.

All I heard was Loke screaming in the background.

Now, I was sitting outside the emergency operation room, holding Natsu's hand as tightly as I could. Sting came too, holding the cats (cause he was cat sitting Frosch, Pantherlily, Charle, Happy and Lector today) in his arms.

Loke sat closest to the doors. I had never seen his golden eyes be so lifeless. It was like he was dead. It was the first I had ever seen him like this. He never looked like this before. Even Karen's death didn't phase him as much as now did.

Kami-sama... Mama... Otou-san... What did we do wrong? Why is everyone around me suffering so much? Why? God damn it, tell me why!

I have to stop them. I have to stop them from taking the third ingredient. I will stop them.

For my family's sake.

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