The Fire Within

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(OK!! A/N!! *coughs* Anyway, AT this part, I've decided to add a few more villains since I just realized that we don't have the full reincarnated Tartaros team... So, keep an eye out for those evil demons!!! Enjoy the chapter!)

July 12th

Sunlight was hitting my face that next morning, my eyes opening to see Natsu's bare chest.

"Mornin' Lucy." Natsu smiled, kissing my forehead and making me blush.

So... Last night really happened? Oh dear... Natsu's staring at me weird.

"Your face is red." he giggled and I planted a pillow on his face.

"Shut up!" My face grew darker with every word.

I sighed, walking to the hospital. Wendy asked me to bring some stuff from the house for everyone. I almost got mauled when I came to Kagura-san's, asking for some of Rogue-san's clothes...

As I entered the hospital, I bumped into one of the nurses and dropped the bag of clothes, having it slip everywhere.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" The nurse began to pick up the clothes with me.

She was new. I knew that. After going to the hospital every other day for two years, you think that you would know everyone there. She was kinda pretty, looks to be a year or two younger than me and Wendy. She had long lime-green hair and sharp looking eyes, yellow in color.

"Here you go, sir." she handed me the clothes for the bag.

"Thanks, um... What your name?" I asked and the girl smiled.

"My name is Chinori. Chinori Shirayuki." the girl held out her hand and I shook it.

I suddenly let go when her hand shocked me and she began to spaz, which reminded me of Juvia-nee.

"I'm sorry, sir! It must be a slight electrocution from working with the defibrillators all day!" she continued to spaz.

"Really, it's no problem, Miss Shirayuki! There's no need to be so formal with me either. My name's Romeo, Romeo Heartfilia." I smiled, making the girl slightly blush.

"Oh... I will see you around then, Romeo-kun!" the girl skipped away, revealing a particularly angry Wendy.

"Wendy, what's with the face?" I ask her as she and I walked to the room with the coma patients.

"You think I was flirting with the new nurse?" I asked her when she didn't respond and her cheeks puffed out in anger.

"You're too cute, Wendy." I kissed her cheek and she still pouted but, her anger seemed to subside a bit.

"Chinori was hired last week, along with a bunch of others. They all claim to be siblings." Wendy was changing out Juvia-san's sheets.

"Shirayuki... I swear, I've heard that name before." Wendy paused and looked at me.

"Shirayuki is the name of that girl.... Who told Natsu-nii that Lucy-san was a death magnet." Wendy froze for a second.

"And?" I asked.

"Then... your father died the next day and all this madness began to happen." I had to think now.

"And they started to fall faster when we found that book in the school's archives!" I shouted and the door to Juvia-nee's suddenly closed.

"You got us figured out, Romeo-kun. But, you forgot one thing." Chinori's voice echoed through the room.

"Chinori-sama, you're teasing them!" a girl with wavy black hair and orange eyes appeared next to Chinori, giggling.

"Sayaka, close the windows for me." Chinori's eyes seemed to glow.

The other girl smiled and the window curtains shut.

"I know you guys are there too. Come on out."

I heard Wendy shriek behind me and I turn to see a burly man with spiky blue hair and dark eyes holding her up by the neck.

"WENDY!" I shouted.

"Little Wendy Marvell. You want to pick off where we left off in Earthland?" the man laughed, shaking her as if she were a rag doll.

"Reiki, stop that. You aren't allowed to kill her yet. Master's orders." a fat man with spiky yellow-green hair and magenta colored eyes told the burly man.

"Fern's right." Sayaka giggled.

"No one said I couldn't squeeze some air out of her." the burly man continued to choke Wendy.

"STOP IT!" I shouted, beginning to charge at the burly man.

"Now, we can't have that. Can we, Romeo-kun?" Chinori appeared in front of me and my body went numb.

"ROMEO!" I heard Wendy screaming.

"That's number nine."

~3rd Person~
"ROMEO!" Wendy continued to scream his name under Reiki's grip.

"Now that we've got we've got what we came for... Why don't we have some fun, Wendy-chan?" Chinori's smile turned sinister.

Just as she was about to attack, she was knocked back by a mysterious force.

"That power..." Chinori knew who this person was.

"Master Zeref!" Sayaka shivered and hid behind Chinori.

Zeref turned his red eyes to Reiki before saying, "Release the girl."

"But, Master-!" Reiki silenced himself once he felt Zeref's power increase.

Reiki dropped Wendy and Zeref told the group, " Scram."

Chinori and her siblings fled and Wendy coughed for air.

"W-Who- What were they?! Why are they calling you Master, Dr. Vermillion?!" Wendy was slightly afraid of his answer.

"They might be my creations but, they took something precious from me and they also plan to take my son as well." Zeref answered.

"I don't understand, sir." Wendy went to Romeo and began to cry a bit.

"Maybe, this will help." Zeref poked her forehead.

The memories flashed one by one in her head. Everything. She remembered the dragons, the battles, the guild, her family... Everything. She could finally understand why.

"Zeref Vermillion is not your name, is it?" Wendy asked.

"No, it isn't." Zeref turned, showing soft ruby eyes.

"It's Zeref Dragneel."

(A/N: Ok! I finally added in the rest of the reincarnated Tartaros, which took forever... But, I'm glad I made Chinori (AKA Kyoka) a yandere in the end. That was a good idea, given her curse is mainly involved in torturing. So, the bad guys are getting closer to their goals but, what's this? Zeref is on the side of the good guys or does he have some other ulterior motive for saving Wendy and restoring her memories?

Villains Key:
Kyoka- Chinori (Sensation Curse)
Lamy- Sayaka (Sliding Curse)
Jackal- Sara (Bomb Curse)
Keyes- Louis (Necromancer)
Seilah- Kyoko (Macro)
Tempester- Alyn (Calamity Curse)
Ezel- Reiki (Tenga Goken)
Franmalth- Fern (Absorption Curse)

For future introductions: 
Mard Geer Tartaros- Burakkuson (Thorn Curse/Memento Mori)
Torafuzar- Storm (Tenchi Kaimei)

Autumn- Fuyu (Larceny Curse)
Winter- Aki (Manipulation Curse)
Spring- Haru (Flower Curse)
Summer- Trix (Blood Curse)

So, that's it for this chapter! Next chapter will be up soon!)

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