Birthday Present

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Lucy walked downstairs, rubbing her eyes and yawning softly.

"So, how's my favorite girl?" I asked and she sat at the bar table while I was preparing breakfast.

"Natsu... Did you have a weird dream last night?" she asked as she began to wake up a bit more.

"I had a dream with you in it, if that's what you mean." I smiled when she pulled on a grumpy face.

"Anyway!" I pulled up the waffles for her and kissed her cheek.

"Happy birthday, Lucy!" I smiled and she began to blush so adorably.

"Today's my birthday?" Lucy asks and I laugh.

"Of course it is, weirdo!" I pat her head and she eats the waffles.

"Natsu, are you sure that you're not getting me lost again?" Lucy asks as I frantically look at the map and back at the road.

"Yes, I know where I'm going." I say and she has on her 'oh really?' face.

"Last time we went on a trip, we were supposed to go to your family's lake house in Hargeon. Instead, we ended up in Clover Town and it took three days to get back!" Lucy shouted and I felt stupid.

"Would you quit yelling at me?! You've been like this since we left the house! Is there something I should know about?" I ask and Lucy turns to the window.

"Geez, Luce... If something's wrong, you've gotta tell me. You know you can tell me anything. I swear, I won't laugh." I say and I heard her chuckle.

"You laugh anyway." she smiled and I laugh.

"I suppose you're right as always. Hey, we're here!" I shout as I park the car.

Lucy turns to the front as I escort her from the car. She looks confused at the sight.

"You dragged me out of the house at nine in the morning to go to the woods?" she asks and I pull on a smile.

"Oh, we're not at the actual thing yet. Now, for this, you have to trust me." I say and she looks at me strangely.

"You sound like you're gonna kidnap me..." she chuckles.

"You could say that. Close your eyes." I told her and she did.

"Where are you taking me?" she giggles as I led her though the trees.

"Somewhere special," I said.

"Okay, open your eyes."

Lucy slowly opened her eyes to see a golden field. Standing in front were the others, waving to us to come join them.

"I know I already said it but, happy birthday, Lucy." I smiled and she began to cry.

"A-A-Arigato!!!" she weeped and I nervously laughed.

(A/N: Such a small chapter but, I'm not done yet!!! Look below...)

"Achoo!" Lyon sneezed.

"Lyon, cover your mouth when you're sick. I just got better!" I shouted at him as I placed another wet towel on his forehead.

"It's all Gray's fault..." he murmured and I sighed.

"Yes, it's all Gray's fault that you caught a cold when you left the house at six in the morning..." I said sarcastically.

"And I wanted to kick his butt at Lucy's party too..." he said and I smiled.

"Well, you can do that when you're better." I popped the thermometer in Lyon's mouth and took it out.

"To think, someone that can stand half-naked in the winter while it's snowing has a fever this high in spring." I chuckled and he frowned.

"It's not my fault that I have a stripping problem..." he murmured again and I began to laugh.

"Both you and Gray have issues." I began to walk to the kitchen and he suddenly fell asleep.

I walked back to him and when I felt the room temperature drop.

"That's it, Lyon-kun. It's beddy-bye time." a little girl's voice said.

I looked to see a little girl stroking Lyon's hair and she turned to me. I instantly recognized her.

"Rosemary?! What are you doing here?!" I shouted and she frowned.

"I'm tired of being called Titania's daughter," she said as her brown eyes turned a blood red.

"What the-" I backed up into another person with white hair like Lyon's but, he looked like that creep, Alyn, from class.

"It looks like you're going to be number four, Meredy-chan." He smiled before the little girl plunged her hand into my chest.

"And I didn't want to get my hands dirty either." she frowned as she pulled out her hand and my body went numb.

"That's four down, six to go. We have to meet up with Sara and Trix to go get number five and six." the white-haired boy let me drop to the ground and he and the girl began to walk away.

"So, Yukino-chan and Mira-chan, right?"

That was the last thing I heard before blacking out.

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