2. What is success?

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I immediately covered my eyes. Then I remembered that I am naked as well and covered my body instead.

Tanjiro screamed and turned around. "I am so sorry I thought you were done!" "I was! I was about to leave!". We stood there silently. Tension in the air with the thick and warm steam in the air. "Well...I will leave now. Please close your eyes" I nodded "you too!" He nodded. He walked past me and I felt the warmth of his body passing me. His hand slightly touched mine and my heart skipped a beat. When I heard the door close I instantly relaxed. "Fuck..." I exhaled and went under the how water awaiting me. I scrubbed myself and the part tanjiro touched me I scrubbed ten times more. I kept telling myself that it isn't his fault but I felt weird by the thought of him touching me.

It was not because of him, he did nothing wrong. I quickly finished my shower and went to my room. I saw a note on my bed "I am sorry for the accident earlier. Please sleep well and lets try our best tomorrow - Tanjiro".

I smiled at his note and went straight to sleep. I didn't want to be weak anymore. I will be the strongest demon slayer and then the most powerful hashira.

The next morning

"Good luck everyone" said the two little kids to all of us. A girl with white hair and a boy with black hair. But they looked 1:1 the same. The morning was very weird. We went to that mountain and our master gave us masks as a gift. These two kids seemed so young and still gave us a lecture and explained the exam to us.

I held my sword close to my chest and looked at all the other students. Tanjiro looked nervous too. I caught the glimpse of a person with a furr mask on, but they ran straight up the mountain, that's why I couldn't see any features.

A whiny boy in yellow clothing was there as well, he annoyed me. That's why I went to follow the person with the mask and wanted to get it over with. I need to survive 7 days here. 7 days with demons who are probably angry for being held here.

Tanjiro quickly grabbed my wrist. I flinched at this and took it to my chest. "Oh I am sorry, I should not touch you. I forgot. But where are you going?" He looked confused. "Taking the exam? Obviously." I was now confused as well, why isn't he going as well? "We...shouldn't split up!" He said hesitantly "why not?" "What if one of us is in danger?" "This is a demon slayer exam tanjiro...we are SUPPOSED to be in danger and to survive on our own!" He nodded "right.." "No one will help us out there, so why should we here?". After this I walked toward the path "stay alive Kamado!" At this I ran up the mountain and was ready to finish this exam successfully!

But what exactly is sucess? What is it to me? Just surviving? No. I do not only want to survive. I want to kill these demons. I want to kill the most! I want to be remembered as the beautiful, strong girl who killed the most demons in this exam! At this thought I smiled and ran faster to the mountain until I heard a scream.

Set me free ( Inosuke x YN fanfic ) a demon slayer ffWhere stories live. Discover now