24. Just one Kiss

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Aoi scolded YN for again hurting her ribs. But she also said that it will heal quickly. Yn sat in her bed and pouted deciding to pack for the mission. She was currently sharpening her sword when Inosuke came in. She greeted him with a smile and he sat down next to hear, burrying his head in her shoulder "Hey dumbass" he softly called her. She would be angry at his insult but she knew he was covering insecurity with it so she just hummed in response "you won't come with us". She stopped her movement on her sword and looked at him "what?" He sighed and repeated himself. She won't come with them, she is too injured and Rengoku only asked for the 3 boys. She stood up angry at this and wanted to burst out when Inosuke grabbed her hand "wait!" She turned to him. "Cant you just be with me until we leave?" She sighed and nodded giving his hand a slight squeeze. She sat back down next to him and he told her to lay down because of her ribs. He sat next to her and played with some strands of her hair "that's so unfair" she frowned and sat back up after some time.

Inosuke pulled down his mask and placed it on his lap. Yn smiled slightly she loved his eyes. She ruffled his hair gently and he was thinking about if he should tell her now. As he opened his mouth to speak she looked him straight in the eyes and he chickened out. Closing his mouth awkwardly. "You wanted to say something, don't you? Spit it out" she encouraged him.

He opened his mouth again and had to find something else to say "I saw you changing" he blurted out. She gave him a confused look "at...at the old hags house. I saw you putting on your uniform I mean I only saw you pulling up the skirt. Nothing else." He raised his hands. Yn first was angry as hell and yelled at him but then it hit her, he saw her in underwear. She felt her cheeks heating up and how her heart bounced faster. Inosuke saw her in her underwear. At least in her panties.

"I am sorry, I swear I immediately looked away and left." He begged for her forgiveness and she sighed "ye yeah fine...please just forget what you saw." He nodded quickly knowing he can't.

Tanjiro explained him how girls had a different body than us. He obviously knew that already, he has seen women before. He never felt anything when seeing a woman, he didn't even care for Mitsuris chest which was literally always on display. But he felt something different with yn. In hers body he was interested. He liked it when her skin burnt up and when she blushed. He also liked when she touched him. Every single touch felt so funny. He felt warm and bubbly when she touched him. Or when she holds his hand, he feels his heart doing little dances.

Yn noticed him spaced out so she gave him a slight hit on the shoulder. He seemed to return from his thoughts. Yn laughed at his straddled face and hummed. "You should get ready." She whispered suddenly. She didn't know why but the whole mood just changed.

Inosuke nodded and looked at her. They held deep eye contact until Inosuke glanced at her lips for a second and back to her eyes. He didn't even notice him moving his face closer to her face and he felt her breath. "Just...promise to stay safe and come back alive" she whispered, eyes still fixed on his "y...yes" he whispered back his lips almost touching hers. He felt like his chest was on fire. He didn't even know why but he wanted to put his lips on hers. He felt the urge yo kiss her and he was curious how she tasted. If she tasted as sweet as she smelled. He was curious if her lips were as soft as they looked. This time she glanced at his lips and back at his eyes.

They jerked their heads back as the door opened and a whining Zenitsu entered. Inosuke looking just as shocked as yn. And Tanjiro smelled that something was up "did we interrupt something?". Inosuke and YN immediately shook their heads no. Making Tanjiro laugh. "I don't want to die yn! I never wanted to fight demons! Please you go instead of me!" Zenitsu cried. Inosuke gave him a harsh slap on the back of his head "she is too injured you whiny idiot!" Yn sighed and laid back on her bed "sadly. I would immediately switch with you Zeni".

Inosukes head perked at the Nickname yn gave the blonde boy. "Now finish packing up boys. You got a important mission to attend." "What will you do meanwhile?" I shrugged at Tanjiros question. "Probably take relaxing baths and eat a lot and sleep" she teased and Zenitsu let out a whiny cry again. She laughed at his reaction.

The boys packed up and Inosuke held his mask under his arm giving yn a sad look. "Oh stop giving me that look! I will say goodbye to you at the gates." She promised the boy who was still sulking.

He was angry and the other two to ruin his special moment with yn. At least it was to him. He was so close to her, only thinking about it made his heart flutter.

He agreed and went to pick up some food for the travel with Tanjiro and the whining idiot. Yn quickly put on a jacket and went to the gates waiting for them.

When they arrived, a chilly breeze was in the sky. She hugged Tanjiro and Zenitsu goodbye. "Stay safe and come back in one piece you hear me?" They laughed and promised to come back safely.

As she turned to Inosuke he immediately pulled her into the hug. She felt herself tear up and buried her head in his chest. "Come back safe too. Listen to the elders and don't make the mission living hell for the poor guys." He chuckled and promised. He then leaned closer to her ear and whispered to her.

"But I want to continue what we started earlier when i come back, dumbass".

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