38. Im yours

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(This includes smut. Skip if you're innocent if not - bare with me)

Inosuke POV

I felt hot, her whole body made me feel hungry I wanted to kiss and bite every inch of her. I gently dropped her onto the neat bed I prepared before taking her here. I made sure everything was perfect for a perfect girl. As I looked down at her she gave me big innocent puppy eyes. Her lips swollen from our heavy kisses and I then noticed again how small she was. I towered infront of her out of breath. I didn't know if i should do it. Everything in my body screamed at me to do it. I looked down at her again, I saw her eyes turning anxious and tearing up. Did I hurt her? I slowly went in between her legs and cupped her cheek "What's wrong?" I asked her gently. She told me she was scared I changed my mind, making me stare at her with wide eyes. "Why would you think that?" "You...paused and...stared at me" she mumbled. I smiled at her "yeah because you're so unbelievable beautiful" I whispered and kissed her again. I had to hold back, everything in me burnt and screamed for her but it was not time. Not yet. I kissed her lips like there was no tomorrow and gently opened the first button of her shirt. Shits about to get serious. I kept kissing her while I undid her buttons, revealing her perfect chest. I pulled way to let her catch her breath, her cheeks were a dark pink - beautiful. I started kissing her neck and received hums and twitching of her body for it. So this was right. I kissed along her neck and nibbled carefully on it just as I started nibbling on a new spot she let out a deep moan. I froze and she did as well. I looked at her and she seemed to die out if embarrassment. "Do that again" I breathed out. She just looked at me with big eyes and I darted my lips on that spot again, sucking and licking at it. More moans escaped her mouth and I grew nervous "fuck.." I groaned in her neck as she played with my hair again, tugging on it. I pulled back and gently took off her shirt. I couldn't hold back anymore. I swiftly pulled down her skirt and revealed her perfect thighs. I gently lifted one and started kissing the inside of her thigh. She gasped and moaned at the touches and I loved how sensitive she was for me. I gently bit her thigh and heard her mumbling something. I pulled away and looked at her, her gaze changed. She didn't look all shy anymore, her eyes had something dark and she sat up this time. She gently tugged her fingers in the rim of my trousers and tugged on them gently. I followed her unspoken request and took them off, kicking them off somewhere next to the bed, I didn't care. I crawled back between her kegs and kissed her again, I needed to slow down but her scent drives me crazy. I felt every vibration of her body, I felt her being just as hungry. I gently cupped her chest with one hand caressing it while kissing her soft lips. She moaned into my mouth and I used that opportunity to slide my tongue in. Heavy kisses and Lust filled the room. "Yn" I moaned out silently and she looked at me "do you..." I didn't know how to ask for permission, it seemed like she understood and slowly pulled her underwear off. I was unsure how to start this, I asked Tengen once and he said to just do it. I didn't want to rush it so I did what I thought was right. I laid her back gently and kept kissing her passionately, I carefully moved my hand to her womanhood, I didn't want to hurt her. I gently rubbed my fingers over it and I heard her gasp loudly and squirm under me, moving closer to my touch. I smiled into the kiss and kissed her harder. "You're mine" I growled into her mouth and she just nodded submitting to my words. I flicked and caressed a little bit more until I felt my finger being completely wet. She started whining and grinded more against my hand. I decided to give in and swiftly pulled down the last clothing on my body. I positioned myself at her entrance her gaze was curious and soft. I cupped her cheek carefully and decided to just do it. Tengen warned me it will hurt her so I tried to be as gentle as possible. As I slowly slide in I groaned out in relieve - this was a fucking great new feeling. She instead whimpered, I looked at her and caressed her cheek gently. I saw how much pain she felt, her head turned red and her eyes were squeezed shut. I saw tears escaping her eyes and I kissed them away praising her how good she was taking it. Suddenly I felt her tense body relax. She sighed and looked up at me, she looked so damn beautiful. I took her relaxed face as invitation to keep going and slid in until I was completely inside of her. It was tight and warm and I wanted to explore every inch of it. She moaned loudly when I started to move, it surprised me a little but I decided that must be a good sign. I moved my hand from her cheek to next to her head to keep my balance. I was hovering above her and gently thrusted into her, I tried to hold back my groans but one escaped my lips. It took me by surprise when she started taking the lead, she moved her hips in gentle motions and it drove me crazy how good this felt. I closed my eyes and thrusted a little deeper, desperately trying to feel more of her. Soon enough we found our rhythm and I thrusted into her with a even pace, it was kinda funny how she bounced underneath me, moaning and whining. She whined in protest when I pulled out of her, but I wanted to try something. I pulled her closer by her thighs and sat up. She looked up at me with questioning eyes, I grabbed her hips and thrusted back inside, I saw how she opened her mouth and gripped the sheets. I grinned at this view and started pounding faster into her, this time she just held onto my wrists and let moans escape her mouth. I didn't want this to stop. Her moans sounded like music to my ears and I felt a tension Build up inside of my stomach. I started hitting something inside of her because I felt like I couldn't reach in deeper and she almost screamed when i hit that. I grew anxious that she was too loud and decided to pull her up. I let her sit on my lap and she immediately obeyed. She sat on my lap taking me all the way in again. I gently guided her hips but soon enough she was moving on her own, I felt hitting her walls and her moans grew into short screams, I kissed her to shush her down and I swallowed all her moans and screams of pleasure. "I-i-ih" she tried to speak within the thrusts but she seemed to struggle "yes?" I breathed out and kept thrusting in her "ino-ku-u-un" she whined and I slowed down. She panted "ino...my stomach feels weird" she panted and I nodded "mine too" "please continue" she whined out and she didn't have to tell me twice. I went back to out first position and held her thigh in one of my hands, trying to get all the way in again. I pounded into her again and I felt this feeling in my stomach again. Out of nowhere I had the urge to make her scream more. I sped up, pounding sloppily into her and I saw her eyes roll to the back of her head her moans filled the room and thats when I felt an incredible feeling. I shot all my juices right into her, filling her up. She released a more deeper moan at my action and squirmed under my touch "ino-" she breathed out. I slowed down I was out of breath "yes?" She had tears in her eyes and her cheeks were red "please don't stop" I chuckled and decided to fulfill her wish. I kept pounding into her, feeling the liquid leaving her as I continued to please her with slow and deep strokes. This time she didn't scream but her moans were still present. Just when I leaned forward to kiss her I received a very loud and deep moan. I hummed and decided to keep thrusting in this angle and she basically cried out in pleasure, I guessed she liked this and sped up again, her moans grew uncontrolled and suddenly she squirmed away from me but also pulling me with her "my body feels so good Ino~" God I loved it when she moaned my name and I tried my best speeding up even more. Then I heard her moan out loudly and her tense body suddenly relaxed. I felt warm liquids around my member and guessed she had the same thing I had earlier. I gently pulled out and caressed her cheek. I felt sticky and sweaty and she did sweat too. I bent down and gave her a deep, loving kiss it was salty and hot.

"I love you Ino" she mumbled and I saw her growing tired. I smiled at the view of my absolute destroyed girlfriend "I love you Yn" I gave her forehead a kiss and pulled the blanket over her. I heard her soft snores just a few moments later. I quietly went into the bathroom to wash up and I mentally prepared for all the embarrassing comments tomorrow. This was louder than I thought, but I liked it. I quickly went back and decided to cuddle up on her. I held her close to my body and kissed her shoulder from time to time. And with a last peck I fell asleep as well.

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