45. First Mission

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The next (late) morning

Yn woke up to sun shining right in her face. She groaned and sat up tiredly "fuuuck" she whispered holding her head. Her head was hurting and she felt thirsty, she carefully stood up, trying not to wake the man in her bed. She went into the kitchen area and grabbed a glass of water finishing it slowly. She hummed and saw something laying infront of her door. She walked over to find a letter, someone must have slipped it through underneath her door.

"Your new uniform and sword, I didn't want to disturbing your Lovey Dovey session - Uzui"

She sighed and threw the Note away. YN sneaked back into the bedroom, Inosuke still sleeping "wow..what a sleepyhead " she sighed and got dressed in fresh clothes. As she tied her hair into a high ponytail she heard a low and raspy voice "keep it down". She turned around to meet his sleepy eyes "I like it better open" he continued and sat up, stretching. She smiled and nodded at his request, letting it loose on her back. "How do you feel?" She asked him "Like someone sucked all my energy out last night." He mumbled. She giggled "I meant like headache? Alcohol?". He shook his head "all good" "woah..you have a high tolerance!" He chuckled at that statement and got up, she quickly looked away blushing and he raised his eyebrow "last night you literally begged me to show it to you" he teased her and picked up his clothes from the floor. She hid her red face and shook her head "not true!". He laughed at her comment "Can I use your shower?" He placed a kiss on her cheek from behind and she nodded. "Yn" he grinned at her face and she gave in, giving him a kiss before he left. She decided to pick up her things Uzui left infront of her door last night and looked at her uniform proudly "well...it wouldn't hurt" she mumbled to herself and changed into the uniform. A skirt, ending a little above her knee and a simple but sturdy shirt. She looked into the mirror and hummed "the others...changed it up too so I guess..I can too." And with that she grabbed some sewing things and sciccors.

When she was done she put it back on and smiled "much better!" She changed it into a short sleeved, more body toned shirt with more room for her arms to move. She tied up her boots and groaned at the pain in her head. " it looks good on you" she whipped her head up and met green eyes smiling at her. She made small twirl giggling "I can't wait for you to become a Pillar too!" He sighed at that and nodded "IF I become one." She frowned at his statement and cupped his cheek gently causing him to blush "well my Lord Inosuke is the strongest, most amazing slayer I ever saw! If he doesn't become a Hashira I will kiss a demon!" He grinned "RIGHT!" he flexed his biceps "I can do it!". They decided to check on the others, Inosuke had training today and YN had to receive her new duties as a Hashira. They quickly said their Goodbyes and parted ways.

Readers POV:

I currently sat infront of Kagaya and he explained me the plan for the next weeks with the other Pillars next to me. They were planning on raiding Muzans place and bring him down. We lost a lot of new and normal demon slayers the past weeks. A lot of demon sightings were reported as well and it made me wonder if it's connected. "Kagaya is there a map?" He nodded and laid it out infornt of me. I scanned it "Giyu where did you say were the demon sightings?" He told me the places and I made a small × everywhere there was one, on the map. "Okay and where were our slayers from that we lost?" I made small ◇ where they were reported "it has a pattern!" I called out. They all looked at the map "where?" Mitsuri asked and I pointed at the map "here, the sightings were always north from a slayer gone missing. Always about 2km away from its sighting. I think its one demon or a group that's hunting them down" shinobu took a closer look "it's also a kind of line! They are moving towards east-south" I pointed on the map "so if I had to guess...the next attack will be here" I circled a part of the map. "That makes sense" shinobu added "if they really stick to their route we should call the slayers back" Mitsuri said "no way! There are villages! We need to send them support" I argued. "If there are no demon slayers, the villages around are served on a silver plate for them" Kagaya nodded "Alright. YN you build a team to check the situation. Please report as soon as possible" I nodded "yes Oyakata-sama!" With that he left.

"Do we have more info about the demon sightings? A description or anything?" Giyu shook his head no. "Okay they took down about 5 demon slayers per attack..." I thought concentrated, this could get hard. "Okay, Giyu would you please join me on that mission? If you don't mind of course only." He just nodded "I will take Kamado, Agatsuma and Hashibira with us. This is a great opportunity for their training." Everyone agreed and I was told to inform them. I walked toward the training area and cleared my throat and all 3 heads turned to me. "Yn-chan! What a-" I interrupted Zenitsu with holding up my hand. "We have a serious mission and I chose you three to accompany me. It's part of your training and will be count as a training session - we leave at dawn please be ready at the gates." I bowed to them and left quickly to prepare everything.

"That was...cold" Tanjiro mumbled and Zenitsu agreed whining how rude the reaction of the girl was. "It's her first mission as Hashira, let her be nervous" Tanjiro sighed.

Set me free ( Inosuke x YN fanfic ) a demon slayer ffWhere stories live. Discover now