27. Feelings

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Inosukes breath hitched. She told him she loved him. How should he react. Suddenly everything was in slowmo around him. He felt like throwing up and sat quickly up. He felt like he couldn't breath and YN looked at him with big eyes. "Hey Ino? You okay?" She gently put a hand in his lower arm. He looked at her and shook his head no.

She sat up and cupped his face concern in her gaze. "What's wrong?" She asked gently. "I..i" he stammered and yn waited patiently. "I don't know this feeling. I don't know what this feeling is". He choked out. She smiled softly at him "you're panicking Ino. Calm down you don't have to tell me what you feel. You don't need to understand your feelings." She assured him, rubbing her thumb gently over his cheek.

He shook his head "but I...want to" he whispered unsure what to do. Yn just laughed at him, he felt a knot in his stomach grow. "That's the rough part of feelings" she started to explain. He listened to her slowly calming down. "We don't know why they are there. We don't know how they work and what they mean. This is what makes humans so special. We feel things without realising we feel them. We just let them lead us"  he nodded slowly at her words. "So if you dont understand what you feel, just don't try to. Let them lead you and don't overhtink it. As soon as you do, it will drive you crazy." She gave his cheek a last rub and removed her hands then. Inosuke felt warm in his chest, he smiled and gave her a nod.

"How do you know so much about love yn?" She smiled at him, with sad eyes. "I..just grew up with it surrounding me I guess?" He nodded and looked up at the sky "I wish I would have met you earlier." He sighed. Earning a surprised look from yn, "why?" He shrugged at that "I like the feeling you give me. I like everything you do. I wish I would've had more of that." She giggled and gave his cheek a small peck.

They stayed like this for a while, YN head on his shoulder and his head on top of hers, starring in the night sky.

Mitsuri POV

I actually wanted to check on yn. After Kyojuros funeral I didn't see her again. As I looked out my window I spotted her friend on the roof. I decided not to care and go to her but then I saw her joining him on the roof. I smiled slightly at this view, it was so romantic. They seemed to talk about something, maybe he told her about the whole situation because suddenly she started crying on his chest.

Rengoku was important to her too. He taught her a lot I couldn't, she also made him so many meals that it became a habit of her cooking and baking for him as a sign of being grateful. I giggled at the thought how he'd happily eat her treats and yell how delicious it was. Yn often told me how she looked up to him and his swordsmanship. It broke my heart thinking about how she must feel.

I kept watching them out of my window, even when Tengen joined me and stood beside me. "Are you okay Mitsuri-chan?" He asked carefully and I nodded with a small smile. "What are you looking at" he asked me and tried to follow my gaze, seeing the two slayers as well. "Ah" he whispered.

I squeaked as I saw the two inching closer. "Are they going to kiss?" Tengen asked tensed up now. I giggled at his uneasiness. "No I don't think so. They stopped moving." I smiled when I saw yn kissing his cheek. And turned to Uzui to ask him what he needed. Suddenly Tengen started coughing like crazy and I looked at him shocked "what happened??" I patted his back he seemed to choke on his own spit but he only pointed furiously out the window. When I looked back out I squeaked as well. They were infact kissing now and i cheered silently hitting tengens back.

As he finally breathed again he stood closer to the window "what the fuck!" And I shushed him "STAY QUIET!" I whisper yelled. "What if they hear you and stop!" I scolded him and he shook his head sitting on my bed. I watched them kiss and felt my heart warming up at the view "well done Inosuke" I grinned.

As I joined Tengen he looked utterly shocked "I didn't think that weird boy had emotions like that!" I pouted at his statement "He is a normal boy! It was just a matter of time when he'd fall for yn's charm." I smiled dreamy and giggled "I hope they are feeling a lot of love now" and tengen shook his head, obviously laughing about me. "Mitsuri...tell me when you need something" he said with a more stern voice and got up. I promised him I would and so he left my room. I looked back out the window and saw them staring at the night sky together, cuddling up. I smiled at the view and decided to be happy for them and cheer for them.

I was sad then Kyojuro would not come back home, but I knew he wanted me to cheerish the time we had instead of sulking. He would've told me about his father again and i decided to follow his wish. He was like a father to me, a father I never had and never will get back. I felt a tear slipping down my cheek and wiped it with a smile.

I was grateful for my friends here and would keep going for Renguko. I had to teach them after all.

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