49. Tastier

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Readers POV

I woke up in a dark place. I was tied up and my body hurt. I tried to wiggle out but no chance. It was so dark, I couldn't see anything. "Inosuke?" I called out but silence answered. "OKAY SHITFACE WHERE ARE YOU!" I groaned out and just then two red eyes stared at me from the darkness, something about this gaze made my whole body want to run away. I squinted my eyes, trying to see more but it was helpless.

"Yn YLn.. what an honor to meet you" I froze. This voice, it made my body shiver and panick rose in me. "Show yourself! Or are you that ugly!?" I growled. The red eyes at the other end if the room suddnely were gone. I tried to look around to find them again, when I looked back up front they were right infront of me, making me jump. "Oh I didn't wanna scare you" I felt the hot breath on my face, it stank terribly.

"Muzan, I suppose?" I stared back into the eyes, they seemed like he was smiling. My eyes hurt when the room turned suddenly very bright. I squeezed them shut and blinked repeatingly to get used to the light. Infront of me squatted a black haired man. The red eyes still pierced through mine. "Nice to meet you" he spat out "can't say the same to be fully honest" I glared at him.
"Why am I here Muzan! What do you want?" He hummed and circled me, scanning me. "You killed a lot of my Kizuki, you know? Now I am here with only 2 left." I scoffed "don't you have enough demons to fill that place?". He kept circling me "Now I need new ones. You made my life quite difficult young lady. I first didn't believe them that a little girl killed my demons." I couldn't follow him fully with my eyes, only when he was infront of me. "But now you became a Pillar even. The moon Pillar, right after you killed my good friend Kokushibo" I laughed out at this comment "Ironic isn't it?". He stopped infront of me "I want you". I raised a eyebrow at him "as breakfast? Or as a toy you can hunt down like a cat hunts a mouse?". He shook his head "I think you owe me.. you owe me the strength if 4 Kizuki, yn" I shook my head when he came closer "Don't you dare!". He scratched me cheek, I felt blood slowly leaving the scratch "DONT!" I yelled at him and he laughed. "Not yet...but sooner or later" he backed off again and grabbed me by my arm and picked me up with the chair I was tied to. "Where do you take me?" I growled at him. He didn't even answer anymore, he just dragged me with the chair in a corner. I looked up at him and he glared down at me "this will be fun".

Inosuke POV

I woke up and held my head in pain. "Tanjiro you motherfu- YN!" I sat up only to be held back by Aoi "wait. They will come to you soon" her tone was serious and dark so I waited. Just soon after Obanai and the others entered " What's going on? How long was I gone? Where is yn?" But no one answered me, instead Tanjiro sat next to me on my bed "we..we are planning on getting yn back Inosuke but.." "but we don't know if she's still alive. She is probably already eaten" I shot a glare to Sanemi "NO! THEY SAID MUZAN WANTED TO MEET HER ALIVE! AND..." I needed another reason "and she's strong!".

"We can try getting her back, but there is no way this will only be a rescue, if we go there...we will have to follow the plan on killing Muzan and the Kizuki" Tengen explained. I nodded "Okay let's go!" "Inosuke we can't just leave now." "Why not? You are planning that since weeks, months even! We train for nothing else! How much longer do you need to train and practice? Until the next century?" I was beyond angry. "He is right.." Mitsuri said "There is nothing really standing in our way other...than fear" at least someone on my side. "Alright..then we do everything as planned and on the way we try to rescue YN" Kagaya suddenly added.

It took hours until we were ready to go. Everyone was on their way towards Muzans Horror house. The Hashira seemed more than nervous and the mood was heavy. But I couldn't be dragged down! My yn needs me.

The tension was so thick, I could feel it in the air. No one said a single word and it drove me crazy "so..." I started "How are we gonna do it?" No one answered me "Are we just...gonna go in and kill?" "Inosuke please...shut up. We fight the demons, you guys support us. When they're dead we try to all together fight Muzan. After that we look for yn" I nodded. I didn't like it that she was last priority but they were too tense to argue with right now. When we arrived we divided into teams.

We went silently inside and looked around, his house was beyond crazy! It made no sense! How did even gravity work here? There were floors and walls and ceilings at literally every side and doors everywhere "so weird" I mumbled.

On our way through we met demons, the more demons we fought the closer I felt to yn and Muzan. Just when we killed a weird fish looking demon we heard a weird noise. Like a shamisen, but it sent shivers down my spine. And suddenly I found myself in a new room. It almost looked normal, in the distance the pattern started again. I looked around and saw that only I was here "where...where are Shinobu? And-"  I froze and realised it.

Infront of me, but way more higher stood now a black haired man with deep red eyes. "MUZAN!" I yelled and went into fighting position. "Ah I don't think so" Muzan said with an stern voice and snapped. I felt a harsh pain in my neck and when I turned my head I saw a needle in my neck, i pulled it out "whats that?". Just then I couldn't move anymore, my swords fell out of my too loose grip. That motherfucker -

"You can kill me and attack me all you want, later" he walked up and down calmly and studied my features "So you are Inosuke?" "I AM YOU SHITFACE!" he furrowed his eyes at me and made a grimace "So...she is with an creepy pig boy? Didn't expect that" I growled at that comment. "WHERE IS YN?" "Oh yn is gone. Yn is gone gone and oh God how she is gone." He chuckled to himself. "You guys killed almost all my demons! And she took alone 4 of my Kizuki! She had to...repay me" he explained and took a seat infront of me.

"Yuna~ come play" he called out. Yuna? Like the night? Suddenly the lights flickered and Muzan smiled. "Are you shy my dear? Come play with us~" what the fuck was going on here. Suddenly everything went dark and giggles echoed in the room. It was not too dark to see, but it was difficult through my mask. When I looked back at the demon King a female sat on his lap and giggled. "Come on Yuna, turn the lights back on for now and introduce yourself~" Why did he talk so sweetly to that thing? I squeezed my eyes shut at the sudden brightness and then the lights dimmed again.

I looked back front and I wasn't sure what I was seeing. A female demon with bright white hair and black clothes sat on Muzans knee. "Go on, don't be shy, it won't hurt you" she nodded and turned around and I felt like my heart just stopped.

"YN! YN ARE YOU OKAY WHAT HAPPENED?" She just stared at me and turned to Muzan with an unsure look.

"It's okay darling, just keep going."

And with that she walked towards me again. She hummed and looked at every single feature of me.

I stared at her in hope she would say something. But she just stood there. "Muzaaaaaan" she whined out "it doesn't look tasty!" She crossed her arms pouting. What did she just say?

"Dont worry, just eat it. You can have tastier things later "

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