26. protect me

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Narrator Pov

A whole day passed and yn waited for Ino to return home. She got nervous. It was the next day. They were supposed to fight the demon last night. She sat on the roof waiting for them to return. "Maybe they just went on their way now?" She thought. Its possible they fought the whole night until dawn.

She decided to keep waiting on the roof. She couldn't wait to see the four again. She smiled brightly as Tanjiros crow arrived and it flew towards Oyakata-samas room. She climbed down ecxited and ran to his place. Yn met Mistsuri before his door as well, she must've seen the bird too.

They waited nervously and then the door opened.

Readers POV:

Oyakata-sama came out and sent the bird back flying and we looked at him with nervous eyes. He had a sad smile on his face and my stomach turned.
"Kyojuro Rengoku won't return to us" he said with a sad tone. I couldn't believe my ears. "He is.." Kagaya nodded "he died a hero-like death tonight." And mitsuri broke down crying. Her cries were almost screams. I sank to my knees and held her, comforting the one who just lost her beloved teacher.

"The other demon slayers will come back soon. They defeated the demon and saved many lives" Kagaya said and went to the direction of the graveyard. Probably preparing everything.

I still held a crying Mitsuri in my arms and couldn't help but shed tears too. It was so surreal to me, how could someone as great as Rengoku die? I believe he fought till the very end and died protecting the weaker.

I helped Mitsuri to her room. I told Tengen-sama to stay with her and he agreed. I sat infront of the gate waiting. If Rengoku really died while protecting the other three, they must be shattered. So I waited right at the entrance to embrace them the second they would arrive.

Narrator POV

After some hours of travelling the demon slayers returned home. Yn immediately opening the gates as soon as she saw them. Tanjiro was the first to step in, tears in his eyes. She greeted him with a tight hug he returned. "You're safe" she sniffled in his neck and he nodded. She pulled away and held his shoulders "I am so sorry" she whispered out and he nodded "so you know?" He asked her. She gave him a small nodd. He looked awful, red puffy eyes and covered in dirt and blood. She caressed his cheek for a moment and went to greet crying Zeni. He clutched onto the girl like a koala and cried his soul out. Usually yn would get angry at him but she let it slide this time. Embracing him and assuring him its okay. When the boys went in she turned her attention to her beloved boar boy.

Just as she went in for a hug he walked past her. She stood there utterly shocked and turned around to watch him walking in with the other two boys. "That...hurt" she whispered with a shaky voice.

Inosuke POV

I walked past her. I didn't want her to see me like this or hear my sore voice from yelling and crying. I decided to greet her later. I went to our bedroom and flopped on the bed "you should have at least told her a small hello" Zenitsu glared at me. I shook my head no. "I...can't right now. I'm too much all over the place to deal with her right now" Tanjiro scoffed "wow" I glared at him and pulled off my mask "what scar boy?" I was getting pissed at that boy. "You are talking about her like she is a burden or a problem to you!" Tanjiro sounded mad as fuck. "Listen Capacio!-" "my name is TANJIRO" he yelled and threw a punch at my face. I held my cheek, it burned and looked at the boy across from me. "Guys don't fight! Let's just talk" Zenitsu pleaded. "What's your problem TANJIRO" I growled at him. "My problem? My problem is that you treat yn like shit!" I was about to protest but he kept going "she really cares for you and even waited for us! She greeted us so warmly exactly knowing what happened and you act like she was some nasty problem! You know what? THATS not LOVE!" He screamed. I blinked at him. I never saw him so angry at me. He was maybe right.

"It is...I love yn" I barely whispered. "No you don't! If you would love her you would tell her and treat her like it. But you are a coward hurting anyone you mean something to!" And with that Tanjiro stormed out. I looked at Zenitsu and he just shook his head at me and followed Tanjiro. "I'm sorry" I whispered, no one hearing me.

And just then I saw her. The most beautiful girl my eyes ever saw and her eyes were red from crying. She stepped in and stopped as she saw me "sorry. I thought you were with the others" she sniffled turning quickly away. "YN WAIT" I grabbed her wrist but she took it away from me clutching to her chest. "I dont want to talk to you right now" and with that she ran out the door. Was I at the beginning again now? Did I loose her to this small mistake?

I shook my head. Lord Inosuke looses nothing and no one. He lost to no one. He was strong and...and...he loved yn.

I decided to follow her and grabbed her wrist again turning her to me "hear me out" I pleaded her and she looked up at me. "I want to show my respects to Kyojuro. Please let go or join" she said and I slid my hand into hers carefully interlacing our fingers. She didn't protest so I thought it's okay. With my free hand I wiped her tears "hey...dont cry. Rengoku wouldn't like it" she nodded and we walked towards the graveyard. She let go of my hand as soon as we arrived. I was sad of the lack of her touch. I wanted her to come back and hug me.

The same night
Narrators pov

Inosuke was currently sitting on the roof waiting for yn. He left her a note to meet him there. A few minutes passed and she finally sat next to him. He wore his mask due to being so nervous. She looked at the sky and was amazed by the many stars shining tonight. Inosuke followed her gaze with his eyes and understood. But he rather looked at her so he did. He admired her profile and cleared his throat. "I am sorry for today. I was still under shock due to Rengokus death and this mission was a complete mess" he started telling her everything from the train station to the tragic death. She started crying and Inosuke pulled her close to his chest stroking her hair.

Soon she calmed down and looked up to him. She gently placed both her hands on the sides of his mask and pulled it off slowly. He didn't stop her but grew anxious. When she removed the mask she gave him a emphatic smile, wiping his tears. She kept her hand on his right cheek and he put his hand on hers. "I never want to loose you. Not you too" he breathed out shyly. Yn's soft cheeks turning a darker shade of pink at his words. He looked in her eyes "I want..to always protect you and I want you to protect me" she whispered. He nodded "I will. Always." and this time it was her getting all her courage together and leaning in.

He felt the belly thing again. He felt his cheeks being hot and his ears burnt up as well. But still he copied her motion. Only to stop millimetres infront of each other's face. Inosukes eyes were half closed, looking down on the pink lips of the girl in his arms. "Is that love yn?" He choked out and she froze. Only giving him a small nod. He felt her nose nuzzling his with her nod and he whispered out a "good". He was so nervous he didn't know what to do. He had no idea how to kiss. Yn noticed his nervousness and leaned to his cheek giving it a soft kiss. "Do you think this is love?" She asked quietly and he got goosebumps. Just when she moved her face away from his again he grabbed her gently at the back of her neck and placed his lips on hers.

It was slow and soft at first. He decided to think not anymore about it and let his body do it for him. And he felt little fireworks explode in his chest as their lips moved in sync. Yns head instead was a huge chaos. Million thoughts swimming around and just when she wanted to pull away for air Inosuke smashed his lips right back on hers. Receiving a deep hum from her.

He didn't know why but this felt like something he never wanted to end. Her soft lips on his moved so gentle and carefully while he tried to hold back. He tried to return the kiss just as gentle.

When he pulled away this time, yn kept her eyes closed. Facing down and biting her lip. Inosuke instead opened them slowly and catched his breath. He lifted her face to look at him and she wish she didn't look into his eyes. Her e/c eyes met his emerald green ones and she felt a warm feeling in her chest. "This...was nice" he whispered unsure what to say. She giggled awkwardly and nodded.

"Can I do it again?" He mumbled and she shook her head smiling. "Lord Inosuke getting greedy I see?" He blushed at her comment and shook his head no. She laughed at his cute behaviour and laid on her back, Inosuke copying her.

"Inu?" She whispered and he hummed in response looking at her profile. She turned to look at him as well

"I love you".

Set me free ( Inosuke x YN fanfic ) a demon slayer ffWhere stories live. Discover now