3. Patience

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I stopped in my tracks as I heard that High pitched scream. "The exam just started? How is someone already-" and suddenly a yellow haired boy clutches my arm - CRYING. "I don't wanna die! I don't want to fight scary demons" he cried in my arm. I carefully shook him off. "Ey!! Why you here then? Weirdo" I muttered. "Please help me hide" he pleaded. "Boy can't you see I am in a hurry? I need to kill these demons and then leave!" He just kept crying. He is more annoying then Tanjiro. "Just climb up a tree and stay quiet if you dont want to fight." I told him annoyed and went on. This boy was so weird. But not as weird as the boar masked boy. I guess it's a boy, they weren't wearing a shirt and they had no boobs...

"He is weird too...but in a interesting way" I said to myself.

"Look what I found here~". I turned around to a creepy male voice but saw no one. "So fresh and soft meat!" I pulled my sword. This had to be a demon "show yourself you moron!" I got angry. "Or are you scared of a little girl like me?" I grinned at my own confidence.

Suddenly a demon appeared infront of me. Jumping out of nowhere! I took a deep breath and got into fighting position.
"Oh how long I have waited for a new meal-" before he could finish I launched at him and swiftly chopped off his head. His eyes stared at me confused "I WASNT DONE TALKING TO- HEY HEY COME BACK" I ignored him and walked past him. He is beheaded so he is not my business anymore "you talk too much" I yelled over at him and kept walking. I heard him screaming protest in the distant until it stopped.

"One for yn. Zero for demons" I sighed and went on.

5 days later

The last days passed quickly. My score is on 8 killed demons. I hope its more then the others have! I currently sat on a tree and ate a apple I picked. I took a break since its the last night.

Only a few more hours and I am ready to go. I wonder if Tanjiro is still alive. Or that yellow haired crybaby. I was ripped out of my thoughts when someone landed right next to me on a branch. I looked startled at them.

It was that mask guy.

We held eye contact for a moment. He just stared at me.. I slowly held another apple to him, offering it to him "apple?"

He kept staring at me. Weirdo! "YOU WANNA EAT IT OR-" Suddenly he held his hand over my mouth. I was ready to yell but then he pointed at something.

I looked in the direction he is pointing. It was Tanjiro fighting a big fat demon. My eyes widened. He let go of my mouth and took the apple.

"Thanks" he said bluntly. I watched tanjiro struggle and got up. He watched me "you going to help that boy?" I shook my head "no. But If I kill this demon I have a score of 9!" I grinned and jumped off the tree. "NINE??? I ONLY HAVE SEVEN!?" he yelled and followed me. "I am going to behead it" he said running next to me.

I scoffed at him "in your dreams maybe beast boy" and picked up the pace.

When I reached Tanjiro I didn't loose any time and jumped on the shoulder of that demon, ready to chop off his head. "GOODNIGHT" I yelled in my jump but he catched me and threw me away. Just like that?

I fell right into the mask boy. It was a hard and painful fall. I groaned and looked at where I landed. I landed right on the mask boy.

I stared at him for a second but then he threw me off him. I yelled in protest. I sat up and watched tanjiro and mask boy fighting the demon. As I wanted to help Tanjiro already chopped his head off.

I couldn't help but stare with an open mouth. How swiftly he moved his sword. And his eyes...there was so much emotion in it. "Wow..." was all that came out my mouth.

I ran to him "Kamado! You alright?" He looked at me and smiled gently "yes of course!" I nodded and turned around. I wanted to ask the mask boy the same but he was gone. "Weirdo..." I mumbled to myself.

"What did you say?" Tanjiro looked at me "aah nothing. The exam must be over by now! Let's leave" I offered. He smiled and agreed.

As we walked down the mountain we talked about how our days were going. Tanjiro was surprised at my kill score and told me he only killed 2. I was very proud of that. I also told him about my encounter with mask boy.

He shook his head in confusion "what a strange boy. But he is strong for sure" I nodded at this. I noticed his muscular body too. He was more muscular then tanjiro for sure, but not that muscular it looks ugly. He looked decent..

I was ripped out of my thoughts when I walked against a tree with pretty purple blossoms. "Ow.." Tanjiro laughed like a maniac at my pouting face. I realised we were at the entrance from the beginning of the exam. We all took our seats like when we came here first 7 days ago. I noticed some empty seats.

I looked at them with a sad look and gave them all a small prayer. "May you rest in peace". "They were too weak" I suddenly heard. I looked up and heard a boy with a lot of scars shake his head. I glared at him, how rude!

The two kids congratulated us, to successfully finishing the exam. They told us to choose a rock. Our swords would be made out of the material we choose and sent to us. I went to the front and chose a weird looking grey one. It looked silly, unique and funny, i liked it. They then said we can go home to our masters now. We also got our crows who are supposed to tell us our missions. I was ecxited!

Me and Tanjiro decided to go home together. "I can't believe it.." I said while walking. "What?" Tanjiro asked. "We did it...we survived and will become real demon slayers now" I still couldn't really process it. He nodded smiling "yes and we are not injured" I nodded at that. I turned around once so often because I felt watched but...I probably got paranoid from living in a forest 7 days full with demons. So I shook it off and went home with Tanjiro.

My patience really paid off. If it wasn't for my master I would have died the second I stepped in the forest. I smiled slightly at the thought. "Thank you master" I whispered.

Set me free ( Inosuke x YN fanfic ) a demon slayer ffWhere stories live. Discover now