16 mixed colours

702 19 1

Inosuke POV

I was a little surprised by that but only nodded. I understood that she wanted revenge. I would do the same.

I then looked at the puppet in her hand. She followed my gaze and smiled sadly "it was his favourite puppet. My mother made it for him. He was so sad he couldn't get up and play with the others. So I always went to his bed and we played there." I nodded "you must have been a good sister" she shook her head "I should've protected him" I grabbed her shoulders to make her look at me "how? Letting him kill you too? Killing that slayer for doing his job? Yn..I understand your emotions but what happens when you kill that slayer? Your brother won't come back and you will get punished. Maybe with death sentence." She just stared at me with teary eyes and I couldn't take it anymore. My stomach felt weird. I hated it when her gaze made me feel that way. I wanted to put on my mask. I wanted to hide and act like I didn't see it. I wonder if she knows what she makes me feel.

I hated this, I felt weak around her. I got up ready to leave.


I saw him standing up and grabbed his wrist, I touched him. "Please don't go" I looked at him sitting back down but not looking at me anymore. I probably made him angry with my mindset of killing that demon slayer. I looked at the moon again and he did the same.

We sat there for a while and for the first time I didn't feel this tension between us. This competition and fighting for pride thing. I felt like I was sitting here with a dear friend.

I wonder what he was thinking about, I looked over at him and saw how he took a quick glimpse of me too. His eyes darted back to the moon and I saw his ears getting a little pinker. I smiled at that and looked back up too. We started talking about random things and saying it was beautiful would be too less for this moment. We sat on the roof watching the moon going down and listening to the silence of the night. The only thing I heard was my heartbeat, the leaves dancing with the wind and our voices. I wonder if he cherishes this moment as well. And again I glanced at him. He was talking about how he wants to be stronger than anyone to make up for his features and I smiled at that. "I think you're pretty and manly" I blurted out. "You think I'm pretty?" He asked me with wide eyes. I nodded and added "and manly.". He gave me an proud smile and flexed his biceps at this. I laughed at his dumb behaviour.

This kept going until we saw the sun rise in the sky. She coloured the sky a beautiful yellow, orange red. "Like the sky is in flames" he whispered. I nodded "burning all the demons at least" I giggled and he laughed at my comment too.

"We didn't sleep" I then said and looked at him. He just nodded "well we still have some hours until we need to show up. Do you want to go to sleep?" I shook my head no and laid back on the roof. And he did the same. We looked up at the colours mixing in the sky and I yawned. He chuckled and pointed up "the last star!" I followed his finger with my eyes and nodded. "Inosuke?" He looked at me as response, telling me he is all ears. "Thank you for staying with me tonight" he nodded "of course I mean we are...friends?" I nodded.

A few hours later we sneaked into the bedroom and pretended to be asleep. Just a few moments later Aoi came in to wake us all up and me and Inosuke pretend to just wake up and stretched.

"Waah when did you two come back last night??" Zenitsu asked sleepily. "Ah..you were already asleep and I didn't want to wake you up" I told him. He just nodded and got up "you feeling better now?" I nodded and gave him a soft smile. I took a glimpse of Inosuke but he already jumped off his bed and said he is washing up before breakfast. "Weird...he never washes up." Tanjiro commented as Inosuke walked out "at least not when he is not forced to!" Zenitsu added. I laughed and got up as well.

I looked out the window and saw a clear blue sky now. I was sure the next few days will be weird.

Set me free ( Inosuke x YN fanfic ) a demon slayer ffWhere stories live. Discover now