5. I-no-su-ke?

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4 months in the future

Some Time has passed since the exam and I was already on my eighth mission. I was already pretty succesfull. I killed many demons and had many rough fights. But I was happy. Happier than ever.

I was currently on my way to a mission which seemed to be very important. My bird was literally panicking. A demon is killing many of our slayers in a forest. I am called as support. I hurried there but I wasn't sure what to do. If they killed so many slayers, how am I supposed to help them alone? I didn't spare more thoughts to that and stood at the entrance of the forest. Suddenly I heard a yell "YN! YOU ARE HERE TOO?" i turned around to see Tanjiro yelling at me. I smiled widely "YES!" I bowed to him. I saw he is not alone. Crybaby and mask boy are with him. "Were you sent to this mission too?" I asked them. They nodded and Tanjiro spoke "yes. We were called for support" I nodded. "Did they call anyone else too?" I asked. They shook their head no. I scoffed "wow...so a demon killing tons of slayers and they send US to defeat him? Unbelievable" I shook my head in disbelief. "Well let's end this quickly" I stretched "I need something to eat after this". They nodded and we went in. It was darker inside the forest, that's probably why this demon can also hunt in the daytime. I was trying to stay as quiet as possible and suddenly Tanjiro stopped. "What's wrong?" I asked. He raised his nose a little "I smell blood" he whispered. The crybaby chimed in "I hear ...whooshing" I looked at him confused "whooshing?" He nodded "not like steps but like something flying" I nodded at this "thanks thats more helpful." I felt a weird tension in the air and pulled my sword. Suddenly a demon slayer appeared. I relaxed my shoulders again but not for long. Because they attacked us! "YA! WHAT THE HELL?" I scolded the girl attacking us. But she was crying? "I am so sorry! She makes us do it" I dodged her next attack "do what? Who makes you do it?" She kept crying and I saw that her arm was broken! "How can you fight like that with an injury like this?" I asked her when she attacked me again. "Please help me" she just whimpered.

I didnt know what was going on so I looked at Tanjiro for help. He understood and grabbed the girl from behind. She screamed in pain. But Tanjiro didn't touch her that hard? Suddenly we all heard a loud crack "did she just-" I looked at the corpse in tanjiros arm. Her face is numb. "I..I didn't even touch her that hard!" Tanjiro started shaking. "But her neck just broke!" Crybaby argued. "WAIT" I yelled at them "look at this" I pointed at the girls corpse. "Strings?" Mask boy asked "she was used like a puppet" I answered. "That's why she was fighting like that with an broken arm...she was forced by it" they all investigated the corpse but then it hit me. "But if she is used like a puppet she can also be used when dead!" I yelled and at that very moment the girl rose up and hit Tanjiro right in the stomach. The others immediately backed off. "But how do we kill something that's dead??" Mask boy asked. "We don't kill it! We cut the strings!" I said and jumped up. I used a tree as a boost of speed in my jump and cut through the strings. Suddenly the girl fell right on the ground. I looked around. "We need do find the puppeteer!" And at this Tons of demon slayers appeared. All as puppets. "Remove the strings ! Don't to kill them! Just cut the strings! Some of them are still alive!" Tanjiro yelled.

They fought against them and I tried to follow the strings while the boys fought the puppets. Suddenly a big, big demon appeared. I looked up at him, he had a spider like face. I gasped and looked if he had any strings attached, but he hadn't. "There is not only one demon Tanjiro! There are many demons!" I screamed on top of my lungs, hoping he'd hear me. But I knew that crybaby had an excellent hearing. He would.

I immediately ran away from the demon. He was too big for me. I panicked and thought of how to fight him. Suddenly Mask boy jumped at him. "What are you doing?" I asked him shocked! "Fighting" he responded and went straight for the head of the demon. But his sword didn't go through.

I growled "that's what you get from abusing your katana! It's not sharp anymore you idiot" I scolded him and this time I tried to behead that demon. My sword was sharp. It was sharper than anything I knew. But it got stuck.

"What the fuc-" Suddenly the demon threw me off and I hit my head at a tree. I couldn't hear anything. I could see barely and coughed up blood. "Shit" I mumbled and slowly got up. I saw Mask boy struggling as well. I looked at the neck if the demon, my sword was still stuck. I had to get on top again.

I stretched for a second and lunged right at him "boar boy! Give me a hand!" I yelled at him "I have a name!" He argued but still helped me up. I jumped on his hand which he threw up to give me jump a boost "tell me later!" I yelled down. I was now at the back of the demons neck and tried to pull my sword out. "INOSUKE!" the boy yelled. "What?" I didn't know what to do with that information and kept pulling on my sword. "I-NO-SU-KE" he repeated "my name!" He yelled. "Alright Inosuke! Then fucking be helpfull!" I screamed as the demon threw me off again, but this time I had my sword.

I landed roughly on the ground, I tried to damp the fall with rolling off on the ground. It was semi-helpful. Inoske came up to me and helped me up. We immediately started running. "We need to lead him back from Tanjiro and crybaby! So they can finish off the other one" he laughed at the nickname I gave the blonde boy and agreed. We were both more of a fighter person, but It was smarter to study the demon and lead him away then die right away.

We reached a river and I stared at the water. Inoske ran over it "what are you waiting for?" He asked. I took a deep breath and concentrated on the weakness of the demon, its neck. I am mastering all breathing techniques, so I should be able to find one to kill this bastard. I thought for a second but then remembered what urokodaki taught me. "If you dont know what to do, let your body decide. Your instincts know best" I nodded.

I got into my fighting position and breathed calmly. I closed my eyes and let my body fight for me.

Suddenly I felt light as a feather and I didn't even notice that I was already running and lunging at the demon. I trusted myself. I only focused on my breathing and only opened my eyes when i felt tension in my arms. I opened them and saw my sword in the neck of the demon. But this time it was half through! I yelled and screamed while trying to push it through. I screamed so loud with so much power I felt my heart thumping wildly. But in the end he just threw me off...


And I felt nothing when I hit the ground.

Set me free ( Inosuke x YN fanfic ) a demon slayer ffWhere stories live. Discover now