9. How do i apologise?

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Inosuke POV

When Yn left I buried my face in my hands. "What was that?" Zenitsu asked "you shut up before I kill you!" He froze. I groaned "she didn't recognise me without the mask and...somehow I maybe didn't talk to her" Tanjiro shook his head "and why not?". "Because I was embarrassed! I wasn't able to save her and I didn't know how she would react. Also when I didn't talk to her in the nursing room and would have later she would have been mad at me for not saying something earlier!" I sighed. "Oh yes and this made the situation clearly better" Zenitsu said sarcastically. I raised my hand at him "would you shut up". Then Tanjiro put his hand on my bare shoulder "you know...you should talk to her. She was very worried about you and she was scared that you would be angry or disappointed in her too. For the exact same reason. She thinks she wasn't able to help you and that she was a burden. And your rice is empty! So go and talk to her now." I hate it when he is right. "I do what I want" was all I said and I got up. I left the dining room and went straight up to our bedroom. Because I want to and not because he told me to! I feel movement in her room, she's in there. I took a deep breath and knocked.

No answer.

I knocked again! Silence.

I grew annoyed and knocked louder, there was again only silence and I just went in "HEY! CANT YOU- answer?" I stopped yelling when I saw her crying on her bed. Oh fuck.

I slowly went towards her "h-hey? What's wrong?" She shook her head and held up a hand signalling she is okay. I sat on the ground infront of her and waited. She just took a deep breath and looked at me. I just realised how pretty she looks when she's not looking like she wants to chop your head off.

"I just thought about my family I am sorry I was lost in thoughts." She apologised. Crap

"Aah it's fine! I..I wanted to talk to you. Do you have a moment?" She nodded

"I should've talked to you earlier but I didn't know what to say because I was still angry at myself but now I am not anymore because I understand It was not my fault. So now I can talk about it"
I smiled at her "so it is my fault?" She asked angry. Oh crap- "no! No not at all I didn't mean it like that it was your fault it was just a really strong demon and non of us-" she interrupted me with an laugh that was louder than I ever heard. "Relax! I was messing with you" I sighed relieved. She stretched a little and I saw her curves through her uniform. She lost some muscles but gained something at other places. She suddenly slapped me right in the face "EY! STOP YOU STARING AT MY CHEST!" I held my cheek and protested "I WAS LOOKING AT YOUR BANDAGE AND WONDERING WHAT INJURY YOU GOT THERE!" I hope she believes that. She froze "oh- I am sorry" she whispered ashamed. That woman had a hard slap.

We continued to talk and I don't know how but we both ended up laying on the floor next to each other and talking about what we want to reach. She also told me about how she saw her brother when she was close on dying. I felt sorry for her, but the most sorry I felt when she said that she told him she wants to die too. I never thought she could feel that way. She seems so confident all the time talking about how she will be the best. I told her how I became a demon slayer. I stole a boy his sword and ate my bird...guess that was bad. Suddenly I heard a soft snore and looked over. THAT GIRL SERIOUSLY FELL ASLEEP? "Rude" I muttered. But I didn't want to wake her up. It was a rough day for her. I picked her up and put her in her bed. I looked at her for a few moments and shook my head "I need to stop" and went to my bed. It was right across hers. Tanjiro had the bed next to her. I wonder when they come to sleep. But I couldn't care less! I took my beloved mask and put it on. As I closed my eyes I felt how I already fell asleep.

Next morning

YN pov

I woke up to a yelling Zenitsu complaining he doesn't want to take his medicine and Aoi scolding Insuke that he isn't allowed to wear his mask in the house. I groan and sit up.

"Waaah Goodmorning Yn-chaaan" I was greeted by Zenitsu I waved him off to shut up. Tanjiro smiled at me "Good morning Yn! Did you sleep well?" "Yes" is all I said and I got up. The two boys looked at each other confused and inosuke laughed. I threw my pillow in his face and he stopped. "Aoi! I would like to take a bath. Is that okay with the bandages on?" I asked her. "N-no but I think you can take them off. After the bath I can bandage you again." I nodded and gave her a thankful smile. I grabbed some clothes and went outside.

I passed some girls of the butterfly mansion and greeted them. When I reached the big bathing area I grew nervous. It was outside and .. aah nevermind! It's very abandoned from the main mansion and at this time no one will be here. I started heating up the water and I watched how steam rose up. When it had the right temperature I quickly undressed, took my bandages off and went in. I sighed in relief, that felt so good. I decided to sit right next to the little waterfall and started rubbing my skin with a cloth Aoi gave me. It smelled like honey and roses.

I closed my eyes and leaned back. Everything hurt yesterday but today I feel much better. I was lost in thoughts until I felt the water moving. I opened my eyes and saw the pink haired girl sitting across from me. I couldn't help but start blushing. "Good morning YN-chan" she greeted me happily "good morning..Mitsura" "it's Mitsuri" she corrected "I'm sorry". I got relieved when she smiled at me warmly. "How did you sleep yn?" "Ahh pretty good I guess?" I was still a little shy. The Love Hashira sat naked across from me.

I tried to avoid eye contact but then she sat right next to me. "Want me to help you with your back?" She asked. I brought some distance between us. "No thank you. I...I don't like people touching me." I told her politely.

She looked confused "not even hugs?" I shook my head no. "How about a handshake?" I shrugged my shoulders she then turned serious. "So what Tengen-Sama did yesterday did not only annoy you because of the teasing but because you felt uncomfortable?" I nodded at her question. "I am sorry. I promise if he would have known he would not have touched you!" She sounded very sorry. "It's okay, I am working on it. The only person I ever touched with free will is my siblings." She smiled at that and nodded.

We washed up and I started feeling comfortable around her. She was very friendly and loving. She was currently braiding her hair and asked me if she should braid mine too. "That would be very nice...thank you" she smiled at this response and braided my hair. I felt how this one was tighter than the one Aoi made.

Suddenly I heard a whistle.

Set me free ( Inosuke x YN fanfic ) a demon slayer ffWhere stories live. Discover now