8. The Hashira

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I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. It was the man with the scar. "Get up child. No need to bow to us." I nodded and sat back up. The girl with the pink hair smiled "she even bowed to us! What a respectful girl!" A boy with a snake around his neck rolled his eyes. I gulped and looked back up at the man "my name is Oyakata-sama" I inhaled sharply. Is he already offering me the informal greeting? I nodded "my name is Yn, Oyakata-sama!" He smiled softly and went back to his place "I know". I stared at him. I didn't know what else to do. "Take a seat with my other children" he pointed at the Hashira. "Oh- oh I think I can't-" I was interrupted by a white haired boy "DO WHAT HE SAYS" and I never ran quicker to sit down. I took my seat right next to Uzui. I didn't wanna walk for too long and he was the closest. "Be more kind Sanemi. She deserves respect." A black haired girl in Butterfly Kimono said. That must be Shinobu I thought. "What do you remember child?" I was asked then.

"I...I remember being called in the forest to fight a demon. But when we arrived there were demon slayers attacking us. They had spider Web like strings attached so i figured it was a puppeteer Demon. Tanjiro and the blond boy tried to help them. I went to find the puppeteer but ran into a big spider demon. I decided to lead him away from the other slayers. Inosuke accompanied me. But I got over confident and thought I could kill it. This costet almost my and Inosukes live." I explained. The man infront of me hummed "well I am confused because Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke stated you saved them." I shook my head "Inosuke almost died because of me". "That's not true! Oyakata-sama all of them said she fought that demon and almost beheaded him. She also cut his hand off!" The Butterfly girl said "Shinobu I know. But I want to hear what she remembers.". So she really is Shinobu. I looked at her. "Oyakata-sama, it's true that I fought him. And that I tried to save Inosuke but I can't remember anything else but being thrown against something and passing out." I stated honest. He nodded and looked at a blue haired boy. "Giyu?" The boy stood up. "I came right after you passed out. I saw you being thrown against a rock. I immediately beheaded that demon attacking you and Inoske. It was easy but your work before was also helpful. After that me and Shinobu took out the other spider demons. Tanjiro fought against the lower rank moon Rui and i killed him. After that we escorted you all here" He looked at me and he seemed so...calm. I nodded at him. Oyakata-sama stood up and smiled "you see, even if you didn't help defeating the demon lower rank 5 Rui. You were a big help for the mission. Kamado stated you were the one realising the strings and that there are more demons. He said without you they would have died. He also said that you showed a big heart. From stating of fighting alone to saving others.".
I teared up at this and nodded "thank you!" I bowed to him. I can't believe they all think so highly of me. It makes me truly happy. "Still" he continues "you are badly injured and it will take some time to regain your power. In the meantime you will stay here and train with us." I nodded "thank you very much Oyakata-sama" I bowed again. "She bows a lot" I heard a male say. I didn't know who. I blushed at this "but for now" I looked back at him "you can go and meet your friends. They were all very inpatient to meet you again".

I nodded and stood slowly up. "Tengen-sama pls help her to her friends". And within a second Uzui stood next to me and picked me up. "I can walk!" I protested "I know but why walk when I can carry you!" He grinned. "Let me down!" I hit his chest but no use he was already walking away and the other Hashira laughed. They were so nice...most of them at least. But now I am happy to see Tanjiro again.

A few hours later

I sat on the grass with Tanjiro and Zenitsu. I apologised at him for the nickname and he introduced himself formally. We talked about the past adventure and they apologised for almost letting me die. "I swear, I'm alright" I promised them again and laughed. I sighed "but for real...where is inosuke?" Tanjiro bit his lip "he...doesn't wanna see you" ouch. I don't know why but it hurt. "Oh..alright then! Let's go have dinner now! I didn't eat in like forever!" I stood up and smiled. Zenitse laughed "yeah well you didn't for 2 months" I glared at him "Shut up spider boy" he whined at that nickname and protested all the way to the dining hall. Tanjiro told me how Zenitsu almost got turned into a spider and it was way funnier then crybaby.

When we entered I saw this boy again. He had pretty green eyes and blue hair. He was very pretty but everything below his head just screamed MANLY. His appearance confused me. We went to get food and Tanjiro sat right next to him. I looked around but no Mask boy in here. I sighed and sat across from him. He gave me a weird look so I sighed and gave him a polite smile. There was a weird tension between us. Tanjiro seemed to notice too. "So...Rice again huh?" The green eyed boy nodded and kept eating. But he ate very slow. Like he wanted to enjoy every single rice corn. I just started to eat my egg rice as well and chimed in the conversation Tanjiro and Zenitsu had. Suddenly Zenistu turned to the boy annoyed "oh come on Inosuke! You were talking about how ecxited you are for her to wake up since we are here! And now you don't even talk to her?" I froze. I only moved my gaze slowly to the beautiful boy who was looking with the same expression at me. I took a glas of water and took a sip to make sure there is no rice left I could choke on. Then I turned to him "Inosuke?" He gulped. He looks scared for his life and slowly nodded. I scoffed and got up. The other two boys confused. "I am going to bed." I simply said and left that room. Unbelievable! I didn't even recognise him without his mask! And there he was sitting all the time with me and even visiting me when I woke up but not saying a single word towards me? What an idiot! I was seriously worried about him and he...he..what an idiot!

Set me free ( Inosuke x YN fanfic ) a demon slayer ffWhere stories live. Discover now