36. Kill him!

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After this everything went on so fast.

Uzui helped me to the meeting place and all Hasira already had their seat, Oyakata-sama infront of all. At the back sat also the boys who were also on the mission, I shot Inosuke a confused look but he didn't even look at me. My gaze shifted to Mistsuri who looked at me with teary eyes. I had to sit infront of all Hashira, across from Oyakata-sama. "Yn..you know why you're here?" He gently started and I shook my head no.

He sighed and stood up "Kokushibo. One of the most powerful demons, how are you connected to him" "I'm not" I answered trying to stay calm. "Why were you calling out for him then? We had many people reporting this" I shook my head "I don't remember that to be honest" he nodded and pointed at Tanjiro. He walked infront giving me a look full of pity. "When we were fighting the demon..she screamed out this name and suddnely she changed." Tanjiro started carefully "changed? How?" I asked him. Oyakata-sama shushing me. "She started ...glowing? Her eyes turned white and her face got a mark." Oyakata-sama nodded "did it look like a demon mark or a demon skayer mark?" Tanjiro shook his head "no it was something I never saw before" he nodded and told Tanjiro he could sit back again.

"Oyakata-sama with all my respects. I would NEVER betray the demon slayers!" He smiled at me "I know yn. But this is serious. Tanjiro also said you were talking about moon breathing, please explain." I nodded "the night before the fight I had a nightmare. But it turned out to be a vision. I saw myself  fighting the male demon and I felt how weak I was. In my dream I used the moon breathing - at least I screamed that. When I woke up and told Tanjiro he said I should meditate. He said maybe I can find out something about it. As I meditated I found myself first in a ...nowhere hearing voices. One belonged to my dead brother who seems to be my guidance angel. The other one I didn't know." I sighed "the manly voice sounded...calm and gentle and argued with my brother. He said something about that he was watching me and I could do it. I found myself on a mountain and he guided me. He told to me the way to learn moon breathing." I continued. "In my battle...I kept hearing him. Evertime I thought I was close on dying he kept telling me to keep going and that I was doing good. It gave me new strength." Oyakata-sama just looked at me with his always so calm face. But I felt the Hashira behind me growing uneasy. "Yn no one can use moon breathing only he can" Mitsuri said suddenly. "No I swear. I did it! That's how I killed the demon" I argued. I turned around and saw doubt in everyone's eyes. My three friends only starred to the ground. "I will prove it!" I suddenly said towards Oyakata-sama. He hummed "how" "I want to fight a Hashira in a duell. I will prove I can moon breath!" I heard some gasps behind me.

"Yn you are asking for a lot right now, you're still injured" "I don't care. I will prove that I am not lying!" He sighed "even if you tell us the truth .. it doesn't change that you learned from a demon." He said. I starred at my lap, tears forming in my eyes. "I didn't know he is a demon! I only found out when I saw him afterwards in a vision! How can he be so evil when he comforted me in a fight against his own team-mate!?" I grew more frustrated.

"I will fight her." I turned around with shock. Tengen stood up volunteering. "If she defeats me she can stay and she can continue studying the breathing technique. If she is really able to use it...she'd be the most powerful human on earth. If she says she didn't know he is a demon then I believe her. She showed us often enough that she woukd sacrifice blood for the demon slayer corps" I gave a grateful nod towards Tengen and he returned it.

"Alright. But she won't fight you. You two are too close, the chance you let her win is too high. She will duell Sanemi" and with that I swallowed hardly. He was...scary.

"FINE by me" he said and I answered with a nod. "Right here and right now" Oyakata-sama said. I was taken aback. I just had healed my injuries and still wore my bandages. I didn't train the last month's and he was super fit. Also the moon didn't shine.

I stood up and heard protest behind me "YOU CANT BE SERIOUS SHE DIDNT EVEN HAVE REHABILITATION YET!" Zenitsu yelled. 'RIGHT! HOW IS SHE SUPPOSED TO FIGHT OUT OF SHAPE LIKE THIS!" Inosuke chimed in. But they didn't seem to care. The Hashira seemed to make room for the fight and pulled my friends along side.

Giyu brought me my Katana and Sanemi warmed up. I felt my body tremble. "What happens if I loose?" I asked then. Oyakata-sama smiled at me gently "you will be banned from the demon slayer corps and banned from the Estate." I would loose my only home. Fear grew inside of me. I decided to not doubt Kokushibo. He teached me and I learned within one day. He said I was chosen and I won't ever doubt him.

I sat on the ground to meditate, earning confused looks "please Kokushibo are you there?" "Yes my child I am always with you." I smiled relived "how do I use moon breathing with the sun still shining?" "You just imagine the moon. He is never completely gone, even if you can't see it. You have to trust the moon and yourself." "I won't ever doubt you Kokushibo-san." "I know my child, don't disappoint me".

I opened my eyes and stood up, ready to fight that white haired freak. "Begin" Oyakata-sama said and with that Sanemi bashed right at me. I dodged his attack with ease and I was surprised with that "EH? How did you do that?" He sounded mad. He was hot-blooded and impulsiv, I had to take that as my advantage. Just as I wanted to strike he laughed. He unleashed a whirlwind of slashes around himself, causing to slice up his close surroundings. I had to jump away to stay out of reach. I had to make a distanced attack. I held my hand up to the sky, trying to feel the moon. I imagined it would be night and inhaled deeply. "Moon breathing Sixth form " I heard in My head. I let loose of my word and closed my eyes, I felt the burning gazes on me from the other slayers. But right now I had to focus on Sanemi. "Moon breathing Sixth form" I repeated after Kokushibo. "Perpetual Night, Lonely Moon - Incessant!" I yelled and released a wild barrage of crescent-shaped slashes several meters in front of me. This was powerful enough to overwhelm Sanemi and he took in some hits. "I am sorry Sanemi" I bowed to him, he was still a companion.

Sanemi seemed to grow pissed of and dashed towards me with bis Katana, yelling loudly. "Second form!" I heard again and I did as told "Second form! Pearl Flower Moongazing!" I stepped back and created several crescent-shaped slashes that defended me from Sanenis incoming attacks, sending a barrage of crescent blades.

Sanemi fell to the ground groaning. I felt sorry "please excuse me Sanemi!" I bowed again to him. "STOP APOLOGISING WHEN HITTING ME! STOP BOWING TO ME! WE ARE FIGHTING AFTER ALL" he yelled at me. "B-but I still repect you!" I argued. "You are my companion and I respect you as a pillar! I want this fight to be respectful!" I yelled over to him. What I didn't expect is that he was dashing towards me, stabbing my leg. I was too slow to react. I fell onto my knee and held my leg in pain. "You can never show mercy in a fight." Just as he wanted to hit me again I rolled to the side, grabbing my sword tightly dodging his incoming attack. We looked at each others eyes and he suddenly stepped back. I was surprised by his action and he looked at me in fear. I felt my eyes getting wet and touched them. As I looked into my fingers a saw blood. "Kokushibo what's happening?"  No answer. I couldn't relay on him now. I let loose of my sword again and looked over to Inosuke, he looked disturbed at me. My gaze shifted to Zenitsu who seemed scared. "SHE HAS DEMON EYES!" Sanemi yelled out. "SEE THAT OYAKATA-SAMA? SHE HAS THE EYES OF A DEMON!" I wasn't thinking straight I grinned at him. I stumbled forward with my injured leg "and I am also stronger than you" I whispered in his ear from behind, slicing his leg as revenge. He fell to the ground and screamed, I stabbed his arm and I grinned down at him. He laid on his back, eyes filled with hatred and fear. "KILL him" what? "He disrespected you. Show him what you're made of" I shook my head and turned my Attention to Sanemi "do you give up?" He nodded slightly and I kicked his sword out of his hand. I blinked a few times and turned to Oyakata-sama and the others "I won." I picked up Sanemis sword and threw it infront of Mitsuri and the others. "You did. And you controlled yourself you can stay and take part in rehabilitation" Oyakata-sama said. I nodded and left this place to clean up my leg.

I felt weird. They all seemed so scared of me...I didn't want them to be scared at me. "But respected!".

Set me free ( Inosuke x YN fanfic ) a demon slayer ffWhere stories live. Discover now