Part eight

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Phil's POV

Dan just laughed a small laugh and shrugged but I saw that something was wrong.

I opened my mouth to ask if he was okay but he suddenly turned around to face me and grabbed my face in his hands before his lips were on mine for the first time.

It was amazing, I felt beyond happy, I could feel my stomach exploding, I have never been so happy.

Wait, but why was he doing this? Did he like me the way I like him? I loved him. I was in love with him. This could ruin our friendship that was determined to last forever- or at least I thought so. This wasn't good.

I became so confused and I forced myself to push Dan away. The pain was evident in his eyes, making me feel guilty. So guilty. I just caused him pain. He was hurt because of me. I felt my heart shatter into millions of small pieces.

But I did the right thing. Didn't I?

"P-Phil, I'm sorry." Dan blurted out.

"I..." What do I say? This was getting so uncomfortable.

With noting else to do, I got up, grabbed my sweater and shoes and ran outside. I stopped to put my shoes and sweater on before running to PJ's flat, tears streaming down my face.

I tried calming down and wiping the tears from my face after I knocked on his door but when he opened the door, I burst into more tears, feeling so lost and confused about everything.

"Phil! What happened?" he asked, pulling me in for a hug.

"We kissed." I said slowly, still crying.

"Then why are you crying?"

"I pushed him away. I'm ruining our friendship Peej, what do I do?"

Dan's POV

What just happened?

Oh, yeah. I followed my stupid thoughts and kissed Phil.

What did he do? He pushed me away.

How am I feeling? Awful. I feel awful. Terrible. Stupid. Pathetic.

He obviously didn't like me, he had already confirmed that and I knew he didn't like me, but being the idiot I was, I went for it anyways.

And he pushed me away. It was going well for a few seconds but he must have realized it was me and pushed me away. Now he's gone, he left, I'm alone with my thoughts again and I feel so stupid.

"You idiot." I muttered to myself. "You stupid, pathetic and weak idiot."

I had apologized but, ha, what was that gonna do? It obviously didn't do shit. He still left, he still fucking left me here, alone. My pain wasn't the problem though, it was Phil, how he felt, what he was thinking and what he was doing at the moment.

Where did he go? Was he okay? Is he alone?

I grabbed my hair and pulled in frustration, crying loudly in pain.

"Dan you twat!" I yelled angrily to myself, running my hands through my hair before pulling on my hair. "This is your fucking fault!"

I began searching for my phone and swiftly dialled Phil's number which I had memorized.

I abruptly stopped dialling half way and thought it over; he had only been gone for about five minutes. Did I really need to call him already? He'll think I'm obsessed with him. Maybe he needed space, he just needs time to think. Yeah, that's it. I'll give him some time.

... But then I'll call him. I need to make sure he's alright.

"You're such a fuck up." I scolded at myself.

Phil's POV

"We were just watching a video and then we take a little, he leaned in and it was an opportunity I might never get again so I kissed him- well, he was leaning in but I met him halfway." I was explaining to PJ what had happened whilst he rubbed my back, trying to calm me down.

"What went wrong? Why did you push him away?" PJ questioned.

"I pushed him away because I wasn't sure and I'm still not sure. Why did he do it? Maybe he was confused. We've been friends for so long and I don't want it ending here because of nothing." I shook my head.

"Wait, so you left him? At you're place, alone?"

"Yeah..- crap."

PJ don't know about Dan, of course but I did and I've been worried about him ever since he opened to to me about his past.

"Where are you going now?" Peej asked me when I got up and walked towards the door.

"I left him alone, he can't be alone." I opened the door, going outside.

"What- why?"

"Not now. Thanks PJ." and I was gone, running back home.

I unlocked the door to our place and searched the place for Dan, starting at the living room. When I didn't find him there, I went to his room and stepped inside.

There, on the bed, lie Dan, curled into a tight ball. I heard his muffled sobs and I felt a pang of guilt go through me.


His sobs stopped and he slowly sat up and gazed at me, his eyes filled with tears.

"Phil... I'm so sorry, I don't know what was going through my head, I... I'm really sorry." he looked at his hands, his tears starting to trickle down his cheeks again.

I sat beside his and put my arm around him. "It's fine. I'm sorry for pushing you away like that, I was really surprised. And I'm also sorry for leaving so suddenly, I needed to clear my mind."

"It's alright. Are we okay? Like, our friendship?" he quietly asked.

"Yeah, it was just a one time thing. We can forget about it, right?"

"Of course."

But I wasn't going to forget that kiss any time soon, they both thought at the same time whilst smiling at each other.


Another shortish one oops sowwy >~< idek when I update these like I was planning in soon one update a week but whatever!!!

I feel like this story is sooo had but I actually have over 200 reads! WHAT ?!?! Thank you to whoever is reading for reading!!!! I write the most crappiest things and I'm just so surprised wow! Thank you though! Yes you (insert your name here)!!!!

Also, sorry for any spelling mistakes or anything! And that's all!

Byyeeee cx

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