Part twenty-five

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(A/N: slight trigger warning at the end of this chapter. A little heads up for you all. Enjoy this chapter (well I hope you enjoy it).)

Phil's POV

It's been a week. A week since I've seen Dan, a week since I've talked to him, a week that I've been away from him and I felt awful but I was still mad at him and I wasn't going to talk to him.

When was I going I start talking to him again? I really didn't know.

I was sitting on my bed whilst looking through the pictures on my phone when I came across one of Dan and I. I felt my heart break and I forced myself to not cry.

No crying. He was cheating on you. Forget him. Delete that picture.

But just as I was about to delete it, I heard a soft tap on my window.

I got up and walked towards my window, hearing more taps.

Then I saw Dan Howell on a ladder my dad owned. He was at my window, tapping it.

I felt my heart flutter and stomach flip. Dan was actually here.

He done this before when we first met irl. He had snuck out of his place to see me and he did the exact same thing he was doing right now. He somehow knew how to get into my backyard.

I opened my window and watched Dan as his eyes filled up with tears.

"Phil..." Dan said quietly. "I... I've missed you so much."

I covered my face as my tears started to flow down my face.

I heard Dan walk into my room and I couldn't stop myself; I ran to him and hugged him, crying uncontrollably.

We hugged and cried for a few minutes before he finally took a deep breath and spoke.

"Phil, I'm so so sorry." Dan said. "I don't know what you saw but whatever you saw wasn't what you think it was. Phil, I only hugged Evan because holy shit, he has had a terrible life. You killed me when I found out you left because you thought I was cheating on you or something. Phil, I would never do that! You are my one and only, you're my first true love and only. I couldn't care less about anyone else, I just want you. I love you Phil, I love you so much and I don't want to lose you. I'm so sorry for everything I've done. I really am."

By the time he finished, he was crying even more and I hugged him tighter.

"So... you weren't cheating on me with him?" I asked quietly.

"No! Why on earth would I do that when I finally got the boy I've loved for so long?" He shook his head.

"I just thought that maybe I wasn't good enough..." I mumbled and Dan softly grabbed my face in his hands.

"Phil, you are more than enough. Never say you're not because that's a fucking lie. You are amazing, you're AmazingPhil. I wouldn't ever cheat on you or anything and you should know that."

Something told me he was telling the truth. Why would he lie to me? Dan never did lie to me unless it was something small but he'd admit it afterwards and it was never a big bad lie.

How did I ever think Dan would do that to me though?

"Come back home, please... I miss you. I need you Phil." Dan begged.

I thought about it and even though it might not be the best idea, I went with what I thought was best.

"I... I can't." I sighed.

Dan stopped and walked away from me. "Why not?"

"Dan, it's not going to work. Every time we try to be together, something happens and it a goes wrong. Maybe.... maybe we weren't meant to be together."

Dan looked torn and heartbroken but I did it for his own good. What if it wasn't going to work? Might as well stop it now before it all got out of hand.

"Now.. please leave. It's late and you need to go home." I told Dan.

"So that's it? It's over. God, I've gotten worse over the past week and now things are just worse."


"No, stop. It's okay. I understand. I give up. I give up, I'm done. There's no point anymore. I'm sorry I came and bothered you. Good night, goodbye and I hope you have a good life." Dan nodded and took a deep breath before getting out of my room and I let out a long sigh, sitting back on my bed.

Dan's POV

That all just happened. I talked to Phil and felt completely for a few minutes but then he said the words I never thought he'd say and now I was driving back home.

He let me go. "Us" doesn't exist anymore. He's not mine and he probably doesn't want to see me anymore.

Did that mean I was going to live alone? I have no one know.

I thought about everything, how I was supposed to live now and how things were going to be now. What now? What was going to happen? Our YouTube channels? Our fame? Our friendship? The phandom? What now? How were we going to explain to the phandom what happened?

What was even the point of living now? Wait...

What was the point of being alive anymore?

I though about it. There was no point. I was hopeless. This was it.

Thinking fast, I drove to a nearby drugstore and bough a pack of pills before driving back home as fast as I could.

Dan made it home and Phil was still in his room, thinking.

Was this actually going to be the end of danisnotonfire? Was this really what Dan wanted?

Of course it was. There was no point in living now that Phil didn't even want to be with him. Phil was the only things that mattered but Phil was gone and now nothing mattered.

Whilst Dan was thinking about how he was going to do this, Phil was thinking about what Dan had said before he left.

"I've gotten worse over the past week and now things are just worse.... I give up. I give up, I'm done. There's no point anymore. I'm sorry I came and bothered you. Good night, goodbye and I hope you have a good life."

Phil realize what Dan meant and stood, looking around.

Would Dan do that though? Would Dan really...?

As Phil thought about it, Dan wrote a letter before locking the door to the washroom and getting int the shower, fully clothed.

To whoever is reading this,
Tell my family I love them and I'm sorry. Tell PJ Liguori and Chris Kendall that they were my best friends and I never did mean for this to happen. Tell Phil Lester that is isn't his fault and it was going to happen anyways. And tell him I love him. I'm sorry this happened.

As Dan swallowed the last pill, Phil grabbed his phone and dialled the three numbers he never thought he'd have to dial.

"Hello, what's your emergency?"

"I- my best friend- please, he's going to commit suicide, you have to go before he does it!" Phil cried and gave them their address but by the time the police and the ambulance got to their place, Dan was lying on the bathroom floor, unconscious.


The End.

Jk it's not the end yet I'm sorry if I gave you a heart attack !

There's still a few more parts left and who knows, there could be a sad ending or a happy ending! You will never know... Until the ending comes!

(Btw when it's italics it means third person POV ^~^ )

Plot twist?!? Was this a plot twist?!? If so a bad or good one?!?!??

Oh and should I dedicate the last few chapters to readers? I think I will :) sooooo for nooowwwwwwww

byyeeee cx UNTIL NEXT TIME!

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