Part six

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Dan's POV

I don't know how long it took me but I was telling Phil my story, about how I had been bullied and how I became depressed and developed an eating disorder, anxiety disorder and that I had become insomniac.

"So yeah, that's a part of my life I just wish I could erase but I can't," I mumbled, trying to not cry at the thought. All the people that would beat me up as I grew, all the times I thought not eating would be a good punishment for myself, all the times I stayed up all night because there was too much on my mind and I just couldn't sleep, I hated it all.

Phil was now sitting cross legged on his bed, facing me, listening to my pathetic life story.

"Wait, but when I met you or when we moved in together, I never saw you sad or anything, you always eat, you actually eat a lot but like, when did you stop or did you stop at all?" Phil pointed out. Of course, I tried to avoid that part of the story because he, Phil, was the one that gave me the desire to stop.

Should I tell him?

Fuck it.

"Uh, well, that's kind of where you come into the story and my life," I glanced at him to see what he did and I saw a small smile appear on his lips. "I started watching youtubers and I found you. Then, you know, I kept tweeting you and I became an annoying little shit.

"I was surprised you actually started talking to me and I don't know but when we met go the first time, I felt better because you're like the first real friend I've had. You just..." I was trying to find the right words to describe it without seeming like a total loser that had a crush on him. "You're special, ok? I don't know but you made me want to get better... so I did."

I looked up at him once more and saw he was now fully smiling at me and I blushed, letting my gaze fall to my hands again.

"My sleeping habits are still pretty messed up but I get way more sleep than I used to, I'm happy now and I'm eating normally again. But I was thinking about it again and I just.. I don't want it to happen again, I don't want to go back to being depressed, it's the worst."

"You won't. Dan, I'm right here, I'm not letting you go through that again or at least not alone," he told me and I grinned.
"I do wish you would have told me before though."

"I'm sorry, I hadn't thought about telling anyone."

"It's okay."

We sat in silence for a moment but it wasn't an awkward kind of silence, it was a quiet and peaceful one.

"I'm tired," Phil complained, laying down.

"Then go to sleep," I said quietly, pulling the covers on too of his body.

"Don't go," I heard him mumble as I was about to get up to leave. I smiled, turned the lights off and lay beside him, my back facing him.

We were under the same cover, lying in his bed, saying nothing. I liked it though. It was peaceful and I felt... I felt as if I belonged here, with Phil.

"Is it okay if I..." Phil began saying and I felt an arm go around my waist. His arm.

"Yeah," I nodded. This was perfect.

He pressed his body to the back of mine and tightened his grip around my waist, making me blush and grin.



The next day went by slowly but it was probably one of the most relaxing and peaceful days I've had in a while.

Phil and I spent the day watching random movies and eating junk food, laughing and talking, tickling and play fighting, cuddling (literally cuddling, I melted inside when we did) but there wasn't any "sexual content" as you would call it which made me a bit sad but it was okay. I wasn't even sure he liked me the way I like him. I was just gonna enjoy this for now.

"Stop! Stop, stop!" I laughed, trying to get away from Phil who was tickling me.

He laughed with me, stopping and sitting back down, fixing his hair.

I ran my fingers through his hair and began messing it up, giggling when he pouted.

"Stop flirting with me!" he retorted, grabbing my hands to stop me.

Was that flirting? I'm not a very flirtatious person, I never did try flirting so I didn't really understand what flirting was but it seemed to me that we had been flirting that whole time. That made me pretty happy.

"Aw, do you not like my flirting? Is it not working?" I teased, laughing and he pushed me away playfully, letting go of my hands.

"Hey, wanna hear a chat up line?" I exclaimed, clapping my hands together.

"Sure," he chuckled.

"'Are you the floor? Because I keep falling for you'!"

"Dan, that doesn't even make sense!" Phil burst out laughing.

"It does!" I said. "Like, I keep falling to the floor so I'm like for you-"

"You're falling onto the floor, not for it!"

"Shut up, it's still a good chat up line!"

"Sure thing," Phil continued laughing and I threw a pillow at him.

"Wait, I have another one! Are you my Prince Charming because I think I'm in love with you."

That was probably the most stupidest thing I had ever said but I wanted to see what Phil said about that one.

He stared at me for a few seconds and I waited.

"I might be." he said softly and without thinking, I leaned in.


Dun dun duuunnnn!!!! sorry all my chapters suck and sorry this is shorterish then the others but heyyyy Phan!!!!!

I'm currently listening to Lay Me Down by Sam Smith and omg I'm sorry but that song is amazing!!!!! like Phil!!!!


but for nooowwwww

byyeeee cx

Happy Little Phil, Take Dan Away // PhanWhere stories live. Discover now