Part fourteen

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Dan's POV

*3 Week Later*

With my elbow propped up on the table and my chin on my hand, I watched Evan hold Phil in his arms and kiss his lips.

It's been three weeks since they started dating and I've been jealous, I'll admit that but it was starting to piss me off. They did everything together, they were always holding hands and kissing, if Evan ever came to our place it was just to see Phil- he didn't say hello to me, he just asked for Phil and walked away. He even complained about me living with Phil! What the hell? Phil was my best friend and I did live with him but that shouldn't be a problem!

We were at the coffee shop we went to ever Saturday now but I didn't enjoy being there as much as I used to. It wasn't that I was uncomfortable sitting with two couples and being the loner, it was that they were happily talking and just didn't notice I was there, sitting quietly and sipping my tea.

"You two are so cute." PJ said to Evan and Phil who both smiled and hugged.

That was it. This was bullshit.

"I'm, er- I'll be right back." I sighed and stood, walking towards the washroom.

I needed to get away from them all, they were getting on my nerves. I needed to forget about Phil. My feelings for him were making me feel this way. If I didn't have feelings for him things would probably so much easier right now.

"Hey, you okay?"

Oh, yay, just who I wanted to see.

"I'm fine." I said, not even glancing at Evan and trying to walk past him.

"I know you're jealous." He told me. "You like Phil but you two are never happening."

I stopped and turned to face him. He was much taller than me but that didn't stop me from talking back.

"I swear to God, if you hurt him I will find you and I will murder you." I scolded.

He laughed. "You're funny. I'll do whatever I want."

"No, you're going to treat Phil Lester the way he deserves to be treated. He deserves someone so much better than you." I snapped.

"Yeah, who? You?" he snorted. "You're nothing compared to me, you twat."

"No, I'm not but I would definitely treat him the way he deserves to be treated."

"But you can't because he's mine."

"Shut up."

He laughed again and pushed me into the wall before leaving.

I clenched my hands into fists and kicked at the wall.

That goddamn dick, was he playing Phil? Did he even like Phil? Was he just using Phil? I hated him so much, I wanted to kick him, hit him, punch him, I didn't ever want to see him again.

I walked back to the table, put a few bills on the table and told the others that I was going home. I saw Evan glance at me mischievously and I forced myself to keep my mouth shut.

Putting my jacket on, I left and started walking home.


"Dan? Dan! We need to talk!" Phil yelled when he finally got home.

"About what?"

"Come here! Now!"

I put my laptop aside and got up, surprised at his angry tone. What did I do now?

"What is it?" I groaned, walking into the living room where Phil was standing with his arms crossed and a mad expression on his face.

"What did you do to Evan?" he scowled.

I gaped at him for a moment then laughed a short laugh. "Me to him? Are you actually kidding me?"

"Daniel, I'm serious. What did you do?"

"I didn't do shit! Did he tell you I did something? That idiot, he such a liar. Phil, you need to break up with him, he's not what you think he is." I said quickly, thinking fast. He lied to Phil and said I did something! What was he trying to accomplish? I have yet to figure out.

"He wouldn't lie to me, Dan and I'm not breaking up with him any time soon. You've changed, what is even happening?" Phil shook his head.

"I'm changing?! You've got to be shitting me! Jesus Christ, Phil, go get your glasses because you're so blind, you need to open your eyes and see what's happening before you get hurt!" I was trying so hard to make Phil understand but he only gave me a look of disappointment.

"Dan, I don't know what's happening but you need to calm down and leave Evan alone, he has done nothing to deserve whatever you did to him."

"I haven't done anything! Why don't you believe me?"

Phil ignored me and left to his room. Why was this happening?

I ran to my room and slammed the door closed, falling onto the floor, pulling me hair and crying.

It's been so long since I've cried like this and I didn't like it, I didn't want this, I didn't want to feel like this again.

Evan. That son of a bitch. I was going to get him back one day. I will.


This is literally the shortest chapter so far omg sorry I wrote this all in half an hour and this is where the story starts and I'm really kinda excited yay so to anyone who had been reading, please keep reading! STILL DEBATING ON WHETHER i WANT TO DELETE THIS OR NOT SO AGH

But for nooowwwwwwww

byyeeee cx

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