Part twenty-four

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Dan's POV

I groaned loudly when I woke up and got up from the uncomfortable position I was in. I had fallen asleep with my phone in my hands and on the kitchen floor.

I was trying to make coffee last night to keep myself awake but I fell asleep instead.

Then everything came back and I remembered that Phil was gone and I had left Evan at PJ and Chris' place.

God, I was a dick.

I looked at my phone that now had a crack on the screen because I threw it yesterday.


I stared at the time for a few minutes before I heard the pounding on the front door. I knew it was obviously not Phil.

Ignoring it, I walked to the washroom and brushed my teeth, fixed my hair and stared at myself for a while.

Oh how I wanted to die. I felt so dull and weak and hopeless without Phil. There was nothing I could do and that just made me feel even worse. I hated myself so much. How did all this even start?

I heard the pounding again and I was now pissed off so I walked to the door and flung it open to see PJ, Chris and Evan.

"What?" I scowled, crossing my arms.

"Good morning?" Chris said and I glared at him. I don't know what was happening to me but this defiantly wasn't the normal me.

"What's good about any of this?" I muttered and Chris frowned.

"Dan, it's only been a day, calm down-" PJ began saying, trying to put his hands on my shoulders but I stepped away from him.

"It's only been a day but I'm used to waking up and seeing him. I'm used to walking into the kitchen and seeing him getting his bowl of cereal. I'm used to talking to him about the weirdest things and hearing him laugh and seeing his tongue poke out from between is teeth and just looking at him." I said loudly then as I spoke my voice got quiet and I felt my tears roll down my face.

"Dan..." PJ sighed.

"Imagine being without Chris." I told him. "Imagine him being mad at you and ignoring you for a whole goddamn day."

PJ looked at Chris who was looking at his hands.

"You're right. I don't think I'd last a day without Chris but Dan, just give Phil space. He's confused ok? Give him time, a few days-"

"A few days?!" I retorted but PJ ignored me.

"Maybe after that he'll think about it more thoroughly and actually talk to you. Things like this take time and patients, Dan. If you want Phil back, be patient and give him the time he needs."

I took a deep breath and nodded, giving up.

"You're right. I'm sorry guys."

Chris patted me on the back. "It's okay, don't worry. This must be very hard for you."

I shrugged. I just hoped I could live a few more days without him.


I woke up the next day feeling confused but as soon as I looked around I started crying. All that happened came back and I hated it. Two days without Phil and I felt as if part of me was dying.

Depression was crawling it's way to me again and I lost my appetite. I didn't want food, nothing tasted or looked good. It's only been two days but god, it felt like a long time already.


Third day without Phil. Wow, how was I still alive?

PJ and Chris came over and made me eat and told me that Evan left to visit his aunt because he needed to take his mind off of everything.

I felt horrible, this was all my fault. When was this going to end?

I called Phil again but I got no answer. No surprise, I guess.


A week. A little more than a week has passed and I was now getting no sleep, I was barely eating anything, and I was always crying. What was wrong with me? I haven't been like this since... before I met Phil. Those were the worse years of my life then Phil can along and lightened my whole world.

I called every day but Phil never did answer so I called Mrs. Lester again just to see how things were going.

"Dan! I'm so sorry about Phil not answering. I've wanted to call but I didn't know if it was a good idea." she said.

"It's okay." I assured her. "I just... I kinda miss him."

"Dan... Phil told me. He told me what's been happening last week and I just want you to know that I'm doing my best to get him to talk to you." Mrs. Lester sighed. "I know you would never cheat on Phil but he refuses to believe that."

I was surprised Phil actually told his mum about everything and about us. Us. Us. That was actually a thing.

Stop it Dan.

"I would never do that to Phil." I mumbled. "He doesn't believe me or anyone. I just want to talk to him and explain but he's making that impossible."

"I know and I'm sorry. I really am trying but he doesn't want to talk to anyone."

"It's alright. Is it okay if I come over tomorrow?"

"Yes, of course! You're welcome any time!" She said happily and I smiled for once in a week.

"Thank you." I told her before saying bye and hanging up.

I looked at the time.


I thought about it for a second before getting up and taking a quick shower.

I fixed myself up, did my hair and then went to PJ and Chris' place.

"Dan?" PJ said and the surprise in his voice was clear. "You're out, you're here!"

I shrugged. "Can I use your car?" I asked him.

"Wa- why?"

"I'm going to see Phil."





I has a headache rn so imma go ;-;

I love you aallllll annddd

byyeeee cx

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