Part seven

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Dan's POV

"I might be," he said softly and without thinking, I leaned in.

It was probably the perfect moment to go for it but then there was a loud noise and the lights when out. It was another thunderstorm.

Instead of continuing to lean in, I freaked out and hugged Phil. My stupid fear of darkness overwhelmed me.

"It's okay," Phil said, breaking the silence and hugging me back. It was nearly 11PM so it was pretty fucking dark and I didn't plan on moving until the lights came back. Phil had another idea though.

"Let's go to my room! There's no point in waiting here till the lights come back, it could be hours," he said.

"Phil!" I whined, hugging him tighter so he didn't get up. "You know I'm afraid of the dark.."

"It won't be that bad, just close your eyes and I'll guide you to my room."

He tried getting up and I let him, getting up as well but I sat back down as fast as I got up and closed my eyes, hugging my knees.

"No, I'll just stay here," I mumbled.

I was probably overreacting but what if something just jumped out at me while I was walking? What if I tripped and hurt myself? What if there was something lurking in the shadows and now that it was fully dark, it could come out and attack? No thank you.

I felt a hand touch my arm. Phil grabbed my arm then took my hand and intertwined out fingers.

"Let's go."

I took a deep breath and got up again, letting Phil hold my hand and guide me while I hid my face with my other hand.

"We're here," Phil said and I heard a quiet click. I opened my eyes a little to see Phil holding a flashlight and I let out a sigh.

Still holding my hand, he dragged me to the bed and he finally let go, getting into his bed. I joined him, obviously.

I felt a bit more safe with the flashlight on and we continued talking like nothing had happened.

"Hey, Dan," Phil said after we finished laughing about something. "Remember when you told me you were, erm, gay?"

"Yeah." Of course I remembered. That was when I started to realize I was in love with Phil, my best friend. I told him because it was true but I was also trying to give him a hint; he obviously didn't catch it and I didn't bother trying anymore after that.

"I- um, this- I don't want to, like, hurt our friendship or anything, but I'm, um..." Phil ran his hand through his hair. "I'm gay too. Like, not for you- I don't want to sound rude but I do- ugh. I like guys in general. There."

I smiled even though he had just said that he pretty much didn't like me the way I liked him.

"It's fine," I assured him. "I'm glad you told me. I feel like I know you better now."

He grinned and nodded. "Yeah."


"...and I'm so happy," I let out a sigh when I finished telling Chris what had happened between me and Phil. I left out the part where Phil pretty much said he didn't like me because I just wanted to pretend that didn't happen.

"Aw, you're afraid of the dark!" Chris laughed and I punched him playfully.

"Shut up, it's not like I'm the only one!"

"I know I'm not the only one," Chris sang then laughed when I made a face at him.

We continued talking for a little while more then I left his place and went home.

"Phiiilllll." I called, walking into the kitchen.

Phil soon came into the kitchen as well and looked at me. "Yes?"

"I have a YouTube video idea but I need an assistant!" I said, grabbing a glass of orange juice.

He laughed. "Ok, I'm in. What's it gonna be about?"

We spent the rest of the day discussing YouTube videos and ideas, talking about the ones we could do together.

"Hey, we should do a video is us reacting to the first Phil is not on fire video!" Phil threw his arms in the air almost hitting me and I laughed.

"No way, I'm not doing that on camera! I'd cringe the whole way through!"

"It's not like you didn't when you reacted to your first video though!"

I crossed my arms. "Still! Ok, how bout we just watch those now, I'd like to see how awkward we were."

"Yes! Be right back!" Phil left to get his laptop and I got comfortable.

When he got back with the laptop, he searched up the video and we began watching.

"No, no, no pause it!" I said loudly as soon as it started.

"This was when we first met each other in real life!" Phil laughed.

"We look so gay!" I retorted, covering the screen with my hand.

"We are gay," Phil pointed out and I burst out laughing at how I was calling the old us gay and we technically were gay.

"That's true." I said when I calmed down. "Ok, lets keep watching it!"

We continuously paused and cringed, commenting everywhere and laughed at how awkward we were back then.

The part were Phil had out his head on my chest whilst we were laughing came up and I couldn't stop the grin that spread onto my lips. I had a crush on him at the time and had freaked out inside when he did that.

Then the part most comment were about came up. When I was speaking and Phil had decided to hug me and we both fell back.

"I remember that," Phil said quietly and I smiled, glancing sideways at him. He was also smiling.

"Me too."

Most people thought that is was because we were a thing but Phil had told me he was really happy that he got to see me and had felt like hugging me and I just couldn't stop laughing like an idiot when it happened.

The video ended and we sat in silence for a few moments.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Phil said quietly.

I forced a small laugh and shrugged.

So many things were running through my mind but the only thing I could focus on was kiss him. And so I did.


Ok so I'm currently having a MCR marathon and I'm just everywhere like gofdkejsb

Oh and I'm so so happy!!!! I'm depressed, I self-harm, I'm struggling and today I went to the doctors and the lady was talking to me and she saw my arms and she was so nice she smiled sympathetically at me and told me it was okay and helped me tell my dad what was happening and then I told my mom and I feel so much better because they now know and they understand and are trying to help me! I'm going to therapy on Wednesday so yay I guess ^~^


K that's all for now XD

byyeeee cx

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