Part twenty-two

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(A/N: recap in case some didn't read the last part; Evan explained his life story and how he was raped when he was younger, Dan was comforting him and they hugged. Phil decided to go to Evan's place and found Dan and Evan hugging. Phil thought they were kissing and he's now planning on leaving.)

Dan's POV

"Feeling better?" I asked Evan to make sure everything was okay now.

He nodded.

"Good. Now, let's get you fixed up then go to my place." I told him and he nodded and went to get properly dressed.

"Phil?" I called when I opened the door to our place. No answer.

"Maybe I should leave.." Evan started saying but I shook my head. I finally got the real side of Evan and I wanted Phil to see he really wasn't a bad guy. Evan wasn't an asshole, he was just putting on a mask. This was the real Evan. But Phil wasn't here to see.

"Phil? Phil!" I yelled, walked into his room with Evan right behind me.

I felt my heart fall and shatter when I saw that his bed sheets weren't there and his room was half empty.

"Did you guys fight before you came for me?" Evan asked quietly and I shook my head.

"Not really. He didn't want to see you and I told him I was going anyways but he wouldn't leave because of that." I said and looked around. My eyes landed on the bed where there was a small piece of paper with a few words on it.

I grabbed it and read what it said.

I left and I don't know when I'm coming back. Don't bother looking for me, I don't want to see you. I hope you and Evan live a healthy and long life together. Please just keep in mind that I will always love you.
Love (if you ever even loved me) Phil

"What does it say? Where did he go?" Evan questioned.

"He left. He didn't tell me where. I don't know what happened, it said something about us being happy but- I don't understand." I groaned, running my fingers through my hair.

"Wait, what?" Evan raised an eyebrow. "Does he think we're a thing?"

"Probably. That could be it. Why else would he leave?"

"This is my fault. I fucking kissed you and he must have thought you went to see me because of it. I'm so sorry Dan, I really am-" he started to apologize but I shook my head.

"No, don't apologize. You weren't thinking and it happened. Phil just got the wrong message. I'll call him, everything's okay. Everything is okay." I said but Evan seemed to know that I didn't believe myself either.

I called Phil but I got no answer. I called again and again and again but all I got was his voice mail.

"Phil, please answer." I said hopelessly. "Whatever you're thinking, whatever you think is going on between Evan and I is all wrong. We are nothing. Phil, please. I... I love you. I love you so much. Please, please, please answer. I know you're going to get this. Please Phil. Please."

Evan looked heartbroken and I felt bad. He thought it was his fault and although it kind of was, I didn't want him to think that.

"Do you think Chris or PJ might know?" Evan wondered aloud.

I felt hope rise and I nodded. "Let's go visit them and hope they're not in the middle of something important."


PJ opened the door and by the way his expression changed I knew he knew where Phil went.

"Where is Phil?" I said as PJ let Evan and me walk in.

"I-I really don't know Dan." PJ shrugged and I felt a wave of frustration and anger.

"Tea?" PJ offered us and we nodded but I wasn't giving up.

"Where is Phil?" I asked PJ again.

"Dan, I don't know!" His voice was higher than usual and I scowled.

"Where the fuck is Phil?! I'm not having anymore of your lying so tell me where Phil is!" I shouted angrily and Chris grabbed my arm.

"Dan, calm down! Ok, we know where he is but we told him we wouldn't tell you and so we won't! He is safe, he just needs space so give him that space, alright?" Chris' voice went from loud to quiet and soft.

"I.. I'm sorry guys, he's just... he's mad at me, he hates me. He thinks Evan and I were a thing and are a thing which is not true and he left because of that. He's not answering his phone and he took pretty much everything that's his from our place." I could feel my eyes tear up and I tried to blink them away whilst talking.

"Look, you guys don't understand because you don't know but Phil, he... he saved me. I would be nothing without Phil. He's helped me so much and he doesn't even realize that."

They all have me puzzled looks and I sighed in frustration.

"I.. I'm depressed, I have anxiety, I used I be anorexic, insomniac... I was a mess. You wouldn't look at me and expect it but it's true. Phil helped me so much and made me feel like I was never like that. I can't even go to sleep at night without knowing Phil is near me, in another room as stupid as it sounds. I need Phil to keep going because without him my life is pointless. I need him. I love him. You're pretty much taking him away from me by not telling me where he is but I'm not giving up. I'm going to stay up all night until I find him because you guys stents telling me shit."

I walked towards the door and PJ grabbed my arm before I left.

"Unless you're going to tell me where Phil is, let me go." I sighed and PJ let go.

"Dan, just stay, you can look for him tomorrow-"

"I'm leaving now. I hope it's okay that Evan stays and he can explain himself if he's comfortable enough because he's also in pain." I said and left.

I refused to sleep until I found Phil.


sorry for the daily updates oops :p


where do you guy think Phil might be?! Any guesses?!?!?!



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