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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Time had slipped by so quickly, it was all going so fast and it was all coming to an end. Although time was quickly ticking by, they had made the most of the time they had and were able to smile at the past.

Like that time when they were on their honeymoon and Phil was trying to be as sensual as possible for his new husband but ended up tripping over Dan's laptop charger.

Or when they were playing hide-and-seek and Dan had gotten lost in Evan's new house then tried to brush it off and acted as though he intentionally made it seem like he got lost but he was just very well hidden.

Oh, and when they were getting it on but then the lights had decided to go out and Dan started panicking but Phil then sneezed and Dan couldn't stop laughing at how cute Phil had sounded.

It was moments like those they would remind each other about and laugh together. Even if they were accidents and it was just them getting into trouble like they had in Vegas, they were memories to cherish.

Despite having troubles and making mistakes, they made it and if anything, those mistakes, fights and everything made their relationship stronger.

But like all stories, things started to come to an end.

They realized that there wasn't much time left and did whatever they could.

They made more memories, showed each other how much love they cared for one another even if it was just small things.

Like they did when they were younger, Dan started made sure to hold Phil's hand everywhere they went, Phil placed kisses all over Dan's face before kissing his lips, Dan reminded Phil how cute he was, even with his grey hair and wrinkles.

Phil made sure to tell Dan he loved him every morning, Dan would mention memories and Phil always made sure Dan was okay.

They would remind Dil that he was so important to them, that he made their lives complete, that despite being a mess at times, they were happy that they adopted him. They reminded him how much they loved him every day; they reminded me every day that I meant the world to them both.

"I love you both so much."

Then the time came.

Papa passed away first, leaving Dad and me alone but what broke my heart more was how lonely Dad was. Some people liked to think that happy endings existed but in reality, you made your story a happy story and the endings were always going to be sad.

Dad didn't last long without Papa; they were one, you see. They were like a team and no one could separate them, no one would plan on separating them either.

Dad missed waking up and having Papa kiss his forehead, Dad missed making coffee for Papa in the mornings, he missed having Phil Lester by his side. He missed his other half, he missed the boy that completed his world, Dan missed Phil so much.

Not long after Papa passed away, Dad did. Natural causes, the doctor say but I had a feeling that Dad had just given up on medications because he didn't see the point of continuing without his husband, his boyfriend, his best friend.

"Dil... I love you."

I softly squeezed his pale, cold hand.

"I'm sorry for leaving."

"Don't apologize, I understand."

He closed his eyes, giving me a slight heart attack but he opened his eyes again, and I felt a wave of relief.

"I'll be with him soon." Dad mumbled.

I nodded, keeping my body still and tears in.

"You used to be just a dream we had, now you're real. We love you so much. Please take care of yourself."

I smiled. "I love you guys too."

Dad laughed a small, weak laugh.

"Funny. I told myself I wouldn't leave by saying it but here I am now about to say it." he said before taking a deep breath and saying the words hes only ever said one other time.

"This was the most fun I've ever had."

I felt him use all his strength to squeeze my hand.

A small smile spread across his lips and a tear rolled down his cheek as he let out a breath.

Everything went silent and I felt my breath get shaky.

The tears started to spill and I couldn't control my sobs that broke through.

They were together again and that's all that mattered.

Despite my loud sobs and uncontrollable crying, I was happy. Why? Because I knew Dad didn't want to live in a world where the boy that saved him wasn't in. I knew they were going to be together no matter what. I knew that even though I was upset they were both gone, they were happy they were together again and now, nothing was going to tear them apart.

I felt her clutch my hand and I turned to look at her.

Tabitha pulled me in for a hug and I sobbed into her arms.

I'm Dil Howell-Lester, Dan Howell and Phil Lester were my parents. Maybe their ending was sad but their story was amazing and I was glad they were able to be happy. I was going to miss their lame flirting, their kisses and hugs, missing them smile at each other as if they were young and in love again. Most kids I guess didn't like to watch their parents get all lovey dovey but I did. It made me happy knowing they were throughout all these years. I was glad that in another world (who knows what happened after death) they could be together and happy.

That was the story, that's how they fell in love and how it all happened. It was over now but I was never going to forget how they would look into each others eyes and smile. How they said to each other they loved each other and how they said no matter what, they were sticking together.

"You are the reason I'm still here, the reason I made it through all this." I remembered overhearing Dad tell Papa a few months ago.

"Remember when we Skyped and you said you'd never make it to be old? You're here Dan. You made it. We made it."

"We made it. I love you Philip."

"And I love you, Daniel."


And there we go. It is now officially over.

So yeah, I added and Epilogue (I am sorry it sucked whoops) surprise!?

I meant to make it all cute and whatnot but that took a different turn and I kind of like it to be honest! Now for the important message;

Thank you to everyone who has read from the beginning to the end, who has commented and voted and everything! It means so much to me and I wanted to thank you all! I read everyone's comments and reply to some and they make me feel so much better :) thank you so much for 35+K reads, 2K votes and 2K comments!

I can't express how happy it makes me because I started this story for fun, for the lols and people like it and I'm just !!!!!! So thank you all so so so much!!! I hoped you enjoyed this, I have made another story as well (spon; it's called Deep (Phan AU), massive trigger warning though), I plan to write more in the future because I have no life haaaaa but yes, thank you so much!

Now I shall leave before I get emotional again and cry! Farewell! *throws confetti into the air*


Happy Little Phil, Take Dan Away // PhanWhere stories live. Discover now