Part twenty-three

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Dan's POV

I didn't know where to go to look for Phil. He could be anywhere.

I went back home in hopes he'd be back although that probably wasn't very likely and I was right; he wasn't there.

I dialled Phil's phone number again and waited.

"Please." I whispered into the phone.

Please, please, please.

But it went straight to his voice mail.

I sighed and gave up on calling him. Where could he be?

Think, Dan, I told myself. You know Phil better than anyone. Where would he go? If you were in his shoes, where would you go?

I groaned loudly, wishing this never happened. Why do these things happen?


Wait a fucking minute.

I dialled a number and waited impatiently for her to answer.


"Hello Mrs. Lester." I said.

"Dan!" Phil's mum squeaked.

"Hey." I smiled slightly, happy to hear her voice but I shook my head and asked what I called her for. "Have your heard of Phil? I'm sorry I'm calling late, it's just he left our place whilst I was out and he hasn't been answering his phone. I'm very worried about him and I was wondering if you'd heard from him at all today?"

"Oh! He actually arrived here a few minutes ago! I'll go get him for you." Mrs. Lester said and I felt the weight on my shoulders lift. I knew where he was now. He's safe.

"Honey, it's Dan." I heard Mrs. Lester say in the distance.

"Tell him I don't want to talk to him." Phil said to Mrs. Lester and I felt my heart shatter. You have no idea how awful it feels until it happens to you.

There was a pause before Mrs. Lester sighed and spoke again. "I'm sorry Dan. He's a bit moody right now. Try calling tomorrow, maybe he'll be willing to talk then."

"Alright." I said, trying to not sound disappointed. "Thanks."

After I hung up, I threw my phone across the room, not caring if it broke. I could easily replace the goddamn phone but I wanted Phil and he was someone I couldn't replace. No one could ever replace Phil Lester.

Phil's POV

"Honey, it's Dan." My mum said, lightly knocking my door.

"Tell him I don't want to talk to him." I said loudly, in hopes Dan would hear from wherever my mum was holding the phone.

I could hear my mum sigh and walk away. I felt bad but not bad enough to answer the phone.

I drove here with the car we shared and nearly the whole way through I had to force myself to not answer Dan's calls or call him back. God, it was hard as hell but I didn't want to talk to him or hear him or see him. I wanted nothing to do with him for now.

The thought that he might be with Evan right now bothered me so much but there was nothing I could do.

I just couldn't believe Dan would actually do that to me. Why? Was I not good enough?

I snorted out loud. Of course I wasn't good enough. He was amazing, he was brilliant, attractive, cute, he was so many things and I was just me. I was just Phil Lester.

I angrily kicked the wall and sat on my old bed. It felt so different sitting on this bed instead of the one at home-

No. The one at that dick's place.

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