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The sound of his cane echoed through the crowded room. Only a few noticed it, others were too engrossed in their gambling to notice. He held his head high not caring who had paid him mind or not. His face held no emotion as he walked towards a table that hosted a poker game. Jesper was in for it. He had been feeding his gambling addiction all night, something Kaz Brekker ridiculed him for every chance he could get. Jesper paid no mind to his surroundings, his sole focus was on the Zemeni coin in his hand.

"The Lucky Nine casino up the block has had trouble with counterfeit coin lately," Jesper said leaning closer towards the table and looking at the man that previously possessed the Zemeni coin. "Heavy but brittle." Jespers face started sternly at the man, only someone who knew Jesper would know how seriously he took cheats when it came to gambling. Ciarda sat back with an amused look on her face. She had seen Kaz stop watching the encounter closely. His emotionless expression never changed as he watched with the Zemeni boy.

"Oh, come on, now. I've been here for hours. My money is good, no?" The man defended, looking towards the dealer of the game. Jesper only looked at the coin as the man talked. Ciarda knew whatever action Jesper would take next would cause Kaz to march right over and take his gambling privileges away for the night.

"A Zemeni coin can take a bullet. But the knockoff..." Jesper winked and tossed the coin into the air. His gun in his aimed and succeeded in hitting the coin dead n the center. He was truly living up to his name of being one of the best sharpshooters around the Barrel. Everyone around him but Ciarda and Kaz Brekker ducked away from him. "Busted," He said twirling his revolver back into the safety of Jespers Jacket.

Ciarda nodded to two of the men guarding the entrance of the dimly lit crow club, signalling for them to throw the man out the front door into the grimy streets of Ketterdam. "What does that prove!" He asked, the bodyguards grabbing his arms. "Hey! Wait! What are you doing? Get off me!" He struggled, Jesper winked over to Ciarda before turning his attention to the money left in the middle of the table. He held a wide smile as he began pushing his winnings towards him.

His victory didn't last long though, as Kaz had abruptly stopped the Zemeni with his cane. Kaz lifted his cane upright and leaned down with a hard glare. Jesper's smile disappeared and was replaced with almost a fearful expression. "No loud noises at the table, Jesper." Kaz said disapprovingly, "You'll scare off the pigeons."

"Wouldn't want that, boss," Jesper said, sweat starting to form making his face shine from the dim light fixtures.

"Shouldn't you be on the door?"

"Yeah, right away, boss."

Kaz lifted his cane bring it back to the ground, giving Jesper one last glare. "Ciarda." He said his tone not changing, he motioned for her to follow him. She did with no questions noticing how he was already in a bad mood tonight and didn't want to anger him more. She had seen what Kaz Breker has done to the people who piss him off. She wasn't the one to fear a man but when it came to a pissed-off Kaz Brekker she knew when to shut up. Her life was more valuable than a petty fight with him.

"Early for action, innit, Kaz?" Rotty asked pushing his way past her. He did not care if she was in his way. She was half Shu, after all, she was the last person Rotty would want to respect.

"What do you want Rotty?" Kaz asked annoyed, walking away from him entirely. I stood back not wanting to cause any issues with anyone tonight.

"Someone stole a DeKappel from a merch's private residence last night," Rotty said tailing Kaz as he walked towards his office. Ciardia knew who that someone was, but she wasn't a snitch and valued loyalty before any other trait a person might have.

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